Show I 1 VERNAL SOCIETY E gagi ment announced mr dir and mrs W 8 henderson Hender smi announce the engagement of ther daugh daughter tei raita baj ta alty to adatha young son of AT and mrs frank the maa manage mariage Is planned to take place aug 29 19 in tho the silt tit lave lake temple the young couple are ft aall ell known knoll in verall prid are hoth graduates graduate 3 of the ix al high school maeser gacser al I 1 A officers social maesel ward bard at M I 1 A officers of fleets ceis partners and guests had bad an interesting party tuesday evening at the maesar baesu school house lawn the alie party was as it a get together party pi or to the of mutual brits fall community was as conducted by mazie hall arid and outdoor games iacre placed A barbecued mutton and refreshments acre re sord A meet meeting lg was as conducted conre to discuss plans tor con call feinbe this week about faits fhe attended the social llacer VIa eser junior girls entertain I 1 their heir mothers at tio matheis theis of t the he junior garfs of at the maeef r M I 1 A entertained at a dell delight fill bonnie patty at the haidy past iu e monday evening miss elda nichols v was as the hostess A good program as enjoyed also ocal selections by b the pitt bio theis aoam s nere led around the bonfie boef ie afeei a picnic lunch was vas schned set ed inase tl che pi earnt bere iere v ere NILS mis thomas il lollias hall mis winnie collett mis jim ilin niel AT MIS Ms JK jakon kon mis alis don mcconkle mrs maggie mis jim risher ni abs I 1 s ed th collett collet t AT ass mss ss pauline fished miss lieda hall ML mis lela hall miss ariss llla lila michelis Rl Ri cheris chelis miss aliss ful eul M isae miss trene irene aikson ass mss grace hall M niss ss kanap hall miss lona shields miss ethel bodan david dald pitt lle pitt and the hostess cornier vernal alil to diarra professor and mis william F hanson of provo formerly of verral announce the engagement of they ther daughter daught r elma to henry H falkner son of mr air and mrs henry falkner of cd provo the marriage will take place Sept september embel 1st ast in the silt salt I 1 lake ake L D 5 temple both are graduates of the BlIgh brigham aln couig Un university hersity miss hanon han on Is a member of the odelas social at the Pep pette social unit una and the uintah club mr falkner arb ft at a member of the zelt geist social unit and Is now nov an employee of i the utah power and light company afeei aate a trip through the northwest the boung couple v jl bo be at home in provo Septem september bei 15 the bide has many friends in ill vernal who ho will vill read the above an with interest Inte iest red repper orchestra feted mrs atta chatain the canarr of the hotel atta ateca in jensen entertained the red pepper arr orchestra hestra and pax at a delightful dinner party sunday evening in jon the anner d was aas served bened out of doors under the shady late in the afternoon the table decorations were bere pink arid and sabet peas ten vere nere present home science cl club meet the horn home science club met re cantli in the den 1 miss 5 lone johnson conducting the I 1 meet na liz I 1 irs E A A mankel gm ga e c i 1 I ik to the gitis enli on etiquette sev 1 cral members mele school class clasi patty patt nie new testament clas 0 c the vernal mist waid aid sunday school to linds pascule in III dry fork canyon canson tuesday at ab 5 3 30 in the evening and participated in an outdoor out door party many interest interesting 1219 games eames evere ere placed and a picnic lunch vas served around the me awn fire alre the following pi pio grani N v as i dented songs mary mait reid Sni beatrice Cai Caipen tei duet duct deon youns young and clira a giant calder is tile leader of the lassi lass aad special guest eie mr vaid va U id mrs da daid id il II calder mi all and mrs fuller rem i agton and ancl INT miss INTS S helen calder I 1 |