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Show Th The Tfc * Repeal Be > eal Amen4meut Amendment Amen4meutThe AmendmentThe A ac eat eatTh The Th * prohibition prohlblUon repal repeal * re.olutIon reolutIon resolution re.olutIonwas resolutionwas resolutloawas . was pared pas.ed pased passed . by the th * senat .enate enate senate . * February 18 16 ! and by the th * houia bou.e boue house . February 20 . 20 30,1133 301133 , 1933 1939 President Roosevelt took of- of offlee office ot-flc ot flc - flee fice * oa on Uarcb March 4 , 133 1933 1033 * The resolu- resolu resoltt- resoltt resolution resolttUon reslu-tloo reslu tloo * - - tion Uon was WBI cent sent to tho the tb * .ecreta ecreta . secretary ! ' ) atstate ofstate of at oftat state tat * on February 21 . , who bnme41- bnme41 Immedi- Immedi bnme41ately Immediately Iromedl-ataly Iromedl ataly - ately , . sent .ent ent copies caples of it to 10 tp tha the gover- gover governor governore govr-aor govr aor - - - nore nor . of the th * states tor for ratlflcatloi ratification or orrejection orrejection rrejection rejection by the tb * convention method methoda . , aa as provided In the Constitution . . On OnDecember OnDecember OaDecember December I 3 8 1133 1933 it81 It \ ' was \\81 81 adoptee adopted b7 by by3 36 of the tb * 48 < states-three-quartera states three quartera states-three-quarters quarters statesthreequarteraof statesthreequartersof state - * - thr e-quartenof e quartenof - - of the th * entir entire * number when the tlta theamendment tltaamendment tbamendment * amendment becam became * effective P Pre Pr Pr.Ident . .Ident Ident . ' ldent dent ! Roosevelt proclaimed adoption adoptioaof adoptionof of the tb * amendment on this date dat * |