Show WANTS ANOTHER Did Tommy Burns Win Short Snort Bout BoutOn BoutOn Bouton On Merely a Fluke FIuk Flu a aBloW Blow MIKE SCHRECK IS ANXIOUS nt ll Hilly Hogan IIo nn Hot not on llio Trail of tit Mini LaLI W WR nl w eight t J le Should nil flU Squires bo be b c v n another Was Va the tho fIrt blow bIO that hat thU put Ut Wm hIm to the tho thea val a I tUkO a chance riese are question t layers oj at O the tile fight lt e ore tuning When Whon you yu ik k of or he e ana upon It tL ully them might flight lx Ix something In lii Ini liiL i L nr PI ri File rho o Australian is I 1 ap 1 thought a t deal deAi or In th lila Ille Uve land According to t a I dispatch d on ox this page his III backer has haa mail e ean an an otter to Hums BurnS of ot 2500 t and nil eli ill eliga I tile the gale Sits money win lose or 11 r draw It tho Star ga r r S I bono bon tide fide it would that h his hs s home bOUle people would WOUt answer Yes Yell es esto to 10 i both Questions If It the otter offer hI la made mode in tu load good Burns Burn n will not no hesitate to take a or OC It II but Jul what wh t dull club will euro care to lake toko ta chances on promoting a R second meeting me of ot the th III pair There Is where e tIe the 1 rub nib comes Could enough h Interest be ho worked Irked up lip In a second econE B on meeting to even en enrA pty rA training expenses S It la 1 doubtful A It Is possible that Ih t the tho blow that laid the Australian low that K I 1 this tho th first Hist one oe was of ot the or chance Many good men have been boon beaten by b one pui pu on a Kid ltd McCoy was not nol called CRUM names after aLer bo was va sent enL to 10 dreamland by Jy one olio blow delivered by Jack In Inthe tho the first meeting between Gus GWI n nand and aed Tom the Iho tatter latter put mit the tho big Dutchman out in a single round for Cor or the tho reason he M had In hi II i badly tail had I muddled slate tata of oC o mind the Uio result of ot a It blow that Ilia I would woul not land once onee In a 0 thousand times tillS was ns given chance at tho the sailor and him 1 11 a 0 Dal Va Hawking knocked QUI out Martin Flaher Flaherty 1 ty Iy t In tour t seconds and nn 1 yet t the th tb loser was wua wasa a good god man nian at tho the Qu ell bury game gune TOUGH ON s From the tho he accounts of or the tho S meeting It Is 11 t evident tIie tho the vl lt r toes does ruu understand trio tIO American of ot fighting that is ts protect clr in inthe Inthe the th hc Alter After they th ven s ero cro IOd by Squires S1 eil bick buk and nd dropped d his ItiN hands a Ian nur snot out ut his right ui the tho Australian down That bow practically l hush an and hushed ed d him tUrn Could Squires redeem Nd cm himself lt It If given mother another f It 11 Joo Ioe seem rather hard to 10 send nd him back pr In that long jour roy noy with Wt on UI empty and defeat hll ver him without another cnance In Jit the Uio opinion Of or many ft fI grave mistake was math mado In ir matching him with n It t nun Ot It t Burns caliber call bel before anything waa IM t a known of or o hIt his hl ability Ho should have tavo been n tried d out against name lI of ot tho the lesser IoseL le Sel lights of at pugilism pu D uni While th the tho dickering Is Js i going on all with reference to Squires Billy HillY I logon man manager acer ager of at tho big bl Cincinnati l hI hot hut on cn tho tte trait trail of Q Burns and and nd Is lB Moping keeping the wireS warm Hashing challenges ana ai otters offers for fi r a bo lie botre 1 0 tre n and 1 J Th These sa two am ato undoubtedly leaders In tie the heavyweight Mw division lon today tod JHUe fought am Garn ncr lIer and Earn In Salt J ike he lie has im 1111 improved proven proved greatly II and Is much heavier That lie Ite can mako makl Burns step te lively there thele can be no doubt Manager Hogon ho will wUl force forC Huron to meet S tho the club chit offering the best b Inducements and we VO may to hear from Gold debt Tonopah and San Skin Fi before b toro Ions Burns cannot consistently refuse to tn meet Thy Tho letter latter III Is In lien lino for tor or a atry I ItlY try for tor the tI I championship and will not rest r l t until he ht h gets It II |