Show The Hot Weather Suggests loc Ice Cream or Soda Water Cooling Refreshing Thirst Quenching Try a FLORODORA SUNDAE ELEVENTH HR FRAPPE i CARNATION FLIP Our Cream Is absolutely pure all the favorite flavors in ice ioe cream for sherbet vanilla strawberry chocolate and crushed fruits DRUG STORE The Home of Pure Drugs rugs na South Main St Since Ayers p rai has been entirely free Iree from Irom alcohol If K you ace ste In poor JT R I f r 0 c m in n health Hh weak pale nervous wk ask sk your doctor about taking this nonalcoholic tonic and sod alters altera tive le t tk e If It he has a better medicine take bis Al h I Get Gel the best always This is our advice CO 0 We 7 h iii no Qa 01 I W We Itt t a 0 n ei Co Ce th of Q A 1501 KIll ll VACATION N SEASON SEAS ON 11 M lIon n bo ho Item nail If It Is III In It can camm be he restored to Us lIa normal condition very ery n promptly by h limo llio Bitters r You will then no Ie to enjoy enJo your roul trip without suffering nay nm Ill 11 effects from Crom strange eating and drinking STOMACH BITTERS will promptly relieve Cramps 1 l rr or r C noli also cure Poor loor P l flys 11 I or Mil In rial Foyer lVer l r RInKs Rings Dyspepsia Tablets RELIEVE INDIGESTION AND ND STOMACH Sold Seta bf Delli oJ Main falo 1 V A c I i OJ I Isk Auk sk k for tal to that Now ow ou nt itt your tire Oro ciro ery Vienna Walnut thread NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Tim Th 1 of ot ot of Bronchi Elis tiler S d Carbon will Mil up tip I to 10 l I II in iii July Jill ul y for br the or at III un bruk brik Mchoul tip lIum as at rot tilt the taut all lie round f I IU of U Nell Noll Ji I 1 Utah luau ois nt ill time tile of or II H C i r I Ial l bids will b be In form lenin fur tor excavating cement smut brickwork earS car carlor ar lor Work tin 1111 wrought Iran iii sed mm Iron Irk mrk si ami ii nui I mug heath ng apparatus hits tr thom building e ox I edit homing 11 III 8 Knob bid Lid mutt must he be with a mm check at ut att t t tier per cent dat of ot o the iho of at bid which will lit he with ill all rejected bids 1 i I also 1150 to 10 Li ih mh Mi cT lul bidder nl i mar m nun wIthin one week after Saul laid work wOk la is ll otherwise tIm thu lIt j amount tu to b tue 15 forfeited fort to tn saId Mid l district Time The tru ti s i will m t 1 nt lit their at lit atthe the above 1110 stilled state lime Ilium und end dato iato to open Slid ami publicly rend rull all nil bids bIde rime Tha trustee toI tl lie o tight Ight to 10 reject any nn and Amid all aU bid bl bidi 1 By fly lJ order ordet ot or the II K F 1 iu II Chairman LAKS 1 ItS J Eon Ti en surer arch NEIL mu Jl l 1 t tSe Secretary Se r Dated nt itt n I S Juno Will HII onCI 10 TO CO ST lI and Irrigation lii H lc l proposal will be Ian 1 b the Iho ho Sinio ot of Land at IU us Ps eXiles City Ctt mid County Salt SnIt Lake Lako City Utah up tip to LO 3 J ocIc p l i in rn July Jul 2 t 1111 for th Ih time material and amid 1 a 4 1 r nail and on 01 the neat neur latch Hatch Hatchtown lilich I town Utah and amid al alfor eisA ton for al u a tanil oil all 01 appurtenances 1 fur for time the irrigation of af a 1 tract of thud known knowl a athe I atIle tIle the Tin Th dum damn Is la to l I be beof a of lr the typo Un wn ne aim 11 an aim UI earthen lam dani lam with cora Cole and will contain ap I roII j cubic yards of till 11 t cubic fool frel reinforced ed concieta and Ind U cubic tut 1 11 Canal wilt will bo be 11 bel 12 l tel feet whole 11 on ott the thu and Ind 9 O O feet long lone I 3 linear feet of ot lumber hums IUle on timber limber 1 le with abut and amid Ild feelIngs huh wi be bo e lele for lor Lime tha llo work worl com or r for Jor the tho work wurl In si mis l con can l on al the tue sheet i lIt itt C In im the tite of the ihie Slate Ie hoard loRld of yr C Land Lind Com Cola COi lonel n ri copy cupy OP of ot which h may uy b be had Imd hadon on out al All AU proposals must bo ha to 10 the tha of the State SILte Hoard heard of Land Salt lali Laim l City Utah and must contain u it I check teck made payable to 0 the said sold secretary In amount equal bid quil to ho ten tel per eem 11 cent o lr cat I the Iho ho amount er g the tha may be seep anti and including blank foun fal for may maybo bo be procured at ci the tue places place l Of Ot 0 Se f o of f the Secretary of oC Ih State SIBle of or land Co III 1 1101 I Salt Bait lutko City Cit I fal Utah of 01 the yinto Salt Snit Lake City CI Utah tJ h oel of C Jenon and Agricultural Cot Col Col lege l Logan igan Utah all oU The rho bids Id might Is reserved to 11 reject any n and andall ln andall 1 WM J Prost ProM THOM C Secy Sey State Hoard of oC Da Land nil Commissioners NOTICE t TO O Proposals JIu for Car Printing and the of t f Utah 1007 In o with wih tho the of oC 5 Chapter 3 of Utah lW the tho State Slate Hoard of of tho the Statu of Utah will wIl proposals proposal for Cor big In ono one four Cour thousand copies of f the thi Compiled Jw of or Utah Ulah 1 anti and for joT the binding of or three thou Kind 3 M copies thereof thereat for printing to tu lu he I p per er r P und and iid binding per Ier volume olm Bidders will nil ha tic to Ic make pro lace proposals for printing only or binding only Ir y All Al material and an work to 10 be In accord Record accordance anne ance with wih on en tile din In tilt of office lice fice of or Hon Bat tames Janies T 1 Hammond fe member ot of o Compilation Comm Commission slon No 31 Utah Salt alt Lake lAko City el All 1 work lf to II oo be O completed within the tho time lImo required In the tho Each Kadi bid mu nus t bo he accompanied with n it 1 cheek chr k equal to 10 tO per ei cent at ot of tho tini th amount of time the bid lit to 10 bO be held upon conill conlU ItOh Il that Illat upon th the award of ot the Ih contract the thc bidder lidIer will und mind execute p ii I good ao bond bOld Plyn ble blo to la time the state with two IWo sureties to 10 be 1 by b said sil board blard conditioned that hu II wl wilt lu perform true tn work for tor which h hhas hhas has contracted under such rules rule mind tog ret n the board unity may ntH amid tl for rII the thu of ot the tho on oui tract ream t Bids must be I scale and endorsed 1 tilde ul for or t binding Complied lAws Lawi lien cad and must in Io 1 Deposited wih with time the secretary of ot the th hoard room recta isi City not anit Comity on oum 01 or bf rn 1 it 13 o 00 clock eick k niton July ill th 1 7 nt nl which hour Iho time bid will aill wil ho hem In opened The hd ie lear thin tho right to reject any n rr mc nil hill bids lly order IJ of oh the Hoard fleer of tf Exam ine mets C S 8 Notice ole ot of Intention to redeem rt elm leg of ot Salt Hall city CI Com laity liuio 6 til ICI cent SeCond Mortgage Goil minutia h r r the Salt SAl Lake Inke City Cihy lt Uro d COll ln n II t under lIeI thin tho law laws of UtAh did IUd on 00 in tho Ih day hl of ot l WJ ih Ha Its s H Hof settee of lt tire tt Ic KI iC bondt oC if ste that Uit Ih t duy Iu or of the ihie tlC of oC if one ona thousand dollars dolar 31 hi on Oil 01 the list Ort day da of mat February 1 and Ial llio Ule payment of or time the Itle by upon Hs jt property and Whereas heres tim Utah Ulah Light A RaIlway Hallway Company hits hati sll succeeded to time the own ownership of ot said Mid property properly of af tile the Salt Lake 1111 did Ilc un on UI time the t Ulli day 11 ot W In itt consider lion of ot the time ex 1111 1 of time of time the pay may I ment m 11 of lr the bonds h until nry II 1st 1014 1910 the Ih guaranty of ot time the of u the tho I and Ild Inter iii t er it Ip pt thereof which was nas there duly lull lIma Tho sait Buhl guaranty however was avas WIS on al the B that the raid principal sum aUth SUI of ot t said eald bond lol should become collic payable on tl an any ny let 1st or August 1st to 1st Isi 1910 UIO at 01 time the option olon of oC Iho limo said ald Utah light 5 Railway CompAny upon Ullon tile the com pony giving to 10 tho th Ih Trustees of oC time tho inert mort cOl gogu mentioned In tim II saltS 1 bOnds not tait IL le les itus 8 tw weeks previous a mm no o olion lion In lit II writing appointing such day l mar for forthe marthe the payment thereof hereof whereas the 11 tie Hoard of o Directors of ot the Utah Ulah Light S Company at a n regular r ulal meeting of oh f said board hold held heldon on lit 01 l adopted I it lion lon providing that thIL In hum consideration ot of time the premise staLl and al lh the terms hernia upon which raid ait was WIS entered nto il Into 1110 l I by y said sait Ah Utah lah Light A l It now itow na elects to 10 pay liar a ho principal of or wild Id bonta ball Oi til lii tl 1st hI day of 0 August u mn and til Ih the undersigned were werf we notified I of Ut such election ou mitt UI January J 1 13 15 iDe and were directed to 10 cause of out such suph payment to ii be b published In two Iwo dally daily p I papers per pers printed in lit salt al Lake City el for Cor a period of thirty days prior to 10 said day of August II 1907 Now thir f foje notice Is la hereby given to 10 time the I holders if f C tile the Ih said Ild Salt Lake lk City It nil i and Company 6 I per cent second mortgage bonds that Shut pursuant to thin the action of it the Ih tie Haold nt of fr of tC time the Itah Light Hallway Company above l time the said bonds may mn bo 10 r 1 rt deemed by iu h thereof the banking hours nt et time tho banking hUo nt ot W IV V 8 S McCornick Co flank Bank ens r Salt Sail lAke Lutke City Cl Ity Utah on 1 or VI after the first nr 1 dy d of oC II I 1107 10 alter after aCle which date dale est Cat said acid bonds will wH cerise eno to draw Inter Interest 81 flats Date of o first publication Juno I WILLIAM WlLIAM S S K R 1 Trustees NOTICE CO lice Is ts hereby gle that n a 1 special meet meat lag 11 of the Ihl stockholders 1 1 ot of the Trapper Trapp Tap r Company will wi ho ion h held nt at lt No N 14 I carth Main Street Hired Salt 11 Lake City Ct Utah at 2 p rn rut on oem 01 Tuesday tub tho 3rd rl lh day of or July Jil Oi for tor the th of elect cicci tag Inc II a n board hoar of five Ave Ivo M 11 direr director o from whom shall be I chosen a President 1 a a VIc Ic a ii a Treasurer amid 1110 to any an such other business as lag IDE 18 shall lawfully time tho meet A E HYDE deut of the Trapper MinIng Com Corn Company Coman pany an anDa Dated Da led June 13 29 9 1907 1901 0 I 11 ii FG 6 I 4 ol KI 3 n I J wr Mit l LASS urI If its Is made of at Gold Bald we make il It I It I NOTIfIES S County Clerk ClerIc or reSpective alga it 1 tor lor Or further II IN TIlE THO puo DI butte Division DIllon Ill iii II and amid 11 f rI ci i Salt al Tuk fik Coon Coun Counts COUI ts ty I State Stute of 1 In 11 time tho r of tha thoi of Qt Stewart 1 I lenkIns ut of lt John Johll W tI Jenkins un Albert V for tor thiS Ihl Id l to 10 Ihl oi on ul l of at t Ad d In iii II the i at nf Stewart J 1 dc nod nod linn lice hn hie n wt set It foi fo heat hoAI 11 Iii on en Sc y he Ih I ii 11 oh a of oC July 11 1 A 1 1 H 1907 10 ItC m tot II 10 ItO II Idock n a m rn ut lit lt the thuc County Court hoots III In time iho I h of taut raul Court In him II Suit si 1 city Cl Salt I Lak ik Coun County ty t Utah tho time Cleric of f r srul I Court with wi wit 1 It the inn MI ical thereof hereof this th day oC oe Jun JunC JI A I I fl Seth j 1 r 1 1 JK m Clerk Clork Uy liv Ir W II It I P rn tb Clerk Clerks William s H li t Kirs A t Samuel At lot foi i s sIn In Ir the tie l for br ril Sate nl 11 Iak j County Simile nr or Utah ti In t the tho matter Iller OC C 1 limo tnt nt ii n 1 lunn d Th TI ri will wil soil Sll 11 nt at 11 tho Ih fi dMM l jin p rt it at atthe t 0 lh Ih the of at C South Soum SOUl a annd and County 10 Mill 11 lr Silt hll Ij lAth TAIN l i County I it 87 57 7 reds eliot and it An T rod rids ls I nort Ii h from the time southwest t earned l of the t of ot sec o e elon lon W 25 ii 1 it mu Ie l 1 cwt t f gt Luke Lake Meridian manatee iliac thun Ih RI ti j rods reals twine theme Wild wr 10 lii n mode tod Ih m o nonn noen 22 IL rods rols to 1 m Unal th west WUI on mit 11 County C Hood hoed rodn moult lf the UP south nuth 15 It ISRIe II RIe fait eaSt n II County Wi H ussr Ml 34 3 rodn teds r do tr in 10 Piece of t I Al ho o three h r s of nr th thin tho o atari torI of th the I i rr Mill Mi Creek Comic Ion m n or ur W d y TIit m 3rd ril day iti Ila of July llly TW 1 j and written I I will wll wll In to lt at t the Iho ro of o thin tho id tot I In oAh nii Mill Mi Creek C e near 11 pr ml l Nm eims ot of sale IRle T Ten n r per r dawn doo nn ard i on 01 the nf af o th time tat mame DA DAVID VIP IIO 11 1 trl 11 vh vitha the hime he Will WI o ot of ld Juno italic 22 S o 1007 0 I 1111 p I Attorney tor fol fa si II I j TO ff or r Skin 1 Ti Tir I will nIll wi t hll with ln n to tima th at lt N 1 No sito fl Block Still City I 1101 lull lab mi Ull r no c before th duty day lin or of October A I n C e j of ti Estate I ot Nick I ien Sen Dald IJ Date llito Hlo of fIrst publicatIon June 1 7 Attorneys TO ot or AddIson Nouli Creditors will claims with vouch Ira ers rr to 10 0 the r l at al tho th h offices fl flees tit rt it 11 Colt COl nom 71 12 Halk gait alt Luke Lake City ell on or em 01 the day clay dB of ot Otto Octo her ber bel A D 0 1 iti 7 AIU J I NORTH Executrix of ol n tite of tuf lt chrles North 1 I Date pal r cf cf first Jun ia 0 i Molo c Van nn Cott Cott Attorney WI NO XO O T J h MINING place pI of lOr Suit Lake City cl t lal Notice Is ia hereby given that nt lit ft tI of oi tho the of Cf o directors held on aim tho IhO lh duty duy I of or lr June l 7 an nit al of or olin ona on olinI CD I cent per flIr stucco share ehor was wis as levied on aim 01 the Olin capi capital call tel tal al e of oC lime 11 corporation issued ISIe ant ami 11 outstanding lIble on an or on tr betre tho th loth 1011 tiny day of ot July Jul l 7 to 10 M C Morris Secre SCene Secretary tart tary nt nl Room 21 Salt BRIt Lithe Ink City CI Utah Any An Aim upon upun which this thin n un 11 Paul on 01 the tho Ihl they day of oC July will I lie delinquent nd advertised Ion fur ulc 11 nt ot pub pill public lic le ii auction and Ind unless payment Is iii incite before wilt wil be lie sold Mold old m nil the th day 1 of oC July 1 to 10 pay PO the thin to 10 with tho Ii ha cost 1051 of 0 advertising and expense of or sale sal saleM salM M rot C Secretary Locution Location of No Po 37 BuIlding Salt Lake City littLe Date lote of ot Ir t Juno June 11 U 1907 1907 EYE STRAIN AND EYE PAIN Red Hed Hel or Painful ce e eyes el sro are 11 ot strain 1111 Good Olas Bassett Ct cl give 10 Instant Fee Kyes Ild given without j 7 T It 1 t O 0 D Practical Optician 1 13 Main St Sl o I p BARTONS FIVE DAYS SALE I 1 FINE CLOTHING HATS AND FURNISHINGS I 0 bi I J iL iLS h S J TWO MORE MORES DAYS Jf 1 2 Jl Ii Today and Tomorrow I It 11 I IIi i i tI I l t L J 1 wr f fIt It matters not what you may want in Mens and J I j 11 4 I I Boys Clothing or in Neckwear Collars Shirts 10 V f j Underwear Hosiery etc it will be offered to you at ata i ia I a small cost t 1 WA t Clothiers to MOD Men and aH Boys 45 47 Main Street Street I I JI 1 n 11 h 1 L I 1111 Our GREAT CLEARANCE SALE SALEs s M N A W THE Bill BIG SALE ALE HIT OF THE YEAR OFFERS THE GREATEST FOURTH OF JULY BARGAINS EVER PLACED BEFORE THE SALT LAKE PUBLIC I 1 IA IA A Perfect Upheaval of Values in eVery department of this store Every nook and corner teems With most Wonderful sacrifices EVery Vestige i 1 of profit forfeited and original cost completely lost sight of in this Great Semiannual Semi Seni Clearance Sale q j Dont delay but hut secure all your of July garments and accessories and je your dollar do double duty STORE OPEN TOMORROW EVENING R iRi ir l l w r l I S Jf ij i t ti T 1 1 Ir r |