Show lebi lehi hens produce what about ashey ashley valley two hundred producers of lehl are doing better thin a aillinn dollar a bear ear business in poultry this makes poultry by tar far the greatest revenue producing industry it hal a community many all remember when 10 cents a dozen tor for eggs was not uncommon prom such a beginning an incle arv has developed aich now brings millions ol 01 dollars into the tata the fart that lehl uhl now has better thun I million dollar industry makes that town one of the important poultry centers just how important a center lent lehi Is can be seen when her production 1 13 compared with that the of the state poultry in utah produced better than beien millions in IM 1923 the state for 1929 shows an increase of SO 50 to 60 pr ent cent this should give utah a fifteen million POal poultry industry lehl lehi with belter thin a million illion rn plays a mighty important part in this ever increasing line it Is 14 estimated that an average of 1200 cases of pr eggs per w week eek are produced tills this Is 13 better than to cars can a week and according to istina tes is 60 per cent of the business coing through the utah poultry Prod producers acers plant at american fork the big majority of lehl lehi producers are members of the as and attribute their S success to the ess eg market created by ahli organization poultry product products are the only ones ted successfully thru co opera tive marketing in the elate state this uc suc resa rem Is due to the utah poultry producers operative cooperative co As petition which la Is pointed to sith ath pride by br the state and Is 13 receiving national attention tent lorL the association Is truly a x operative cooperative co organization as 23 it la Is composed of producers only from FM the loc 10 per dozen benu ining ens now brins as a year round average around 28 cents per dozen domen it is estimated that the year around average price per case for utah county eggs is aa 1017 some producer producers feel that this lj is a little high and place their average price around the 3 00 bark the cost ost of producing a dozen eggs ranges ruses from a low figure of IL 18 as high aj as several producers interviewed claimed a profit of aw per hen above food costa we have heard chams as high as ta 3 50 per birl but find that the average is between and per bird dut but ahse figurs figur s are vry encouraging even at 0 1 50 per hen poultry is a good attention bould be brought to the fact that a lars lari flock is not keces nry saxy to nuke make money mey in poultry small flecka around the SOO mark gere generall rall 13 will per bird as the flocks con 2 hera hens such a flock could continued oo 00 page I 1 continued from page one lehl lehi hens ns produce over last year what about ashley valley bs be handled tall 61 OS ith other farm operations it to a to learn leam bever te ver that 1 good number of pr producers 11 are an farm fanning ng as an aid in ill pro ductor remile from their flocks rather than c t tj increase the revenue of their lann larm several claimed if it it came to a show down that they boull spend their time with their flocks and hire the I 1 farm work done rather than thin reduce their flocie i poultry an an investment can be made to pay well it should however be approached wisely and slowly A chicken Is a delicate fowl and must be handled accordingly good housing good feed sanitation and above all I 1 regularity are the essentials to ess production each hen should be provided ded with 2 24 aj square feet of coop space an investment of from to per hen ben Is necessary in coope coops one producer s aid that capital as necessary alfor tor both hen and coop modem coope coops haic hate aided greatly in stabilizing the industry it as thought that brood ing could only be done in the warm days of spring but modem housing allows this process to go on any tiny time the lengthening of the brooding season tenda tends to stablum lm lizo the broiler market previously bously they were sere all put on the market at the same time now they are marketed over a period ot of several months s aich does away ammy s ith the tendency to hood flood the market reacting in better prices lehl lehi producers with their modem houses and equipment can sire give ade adequate quatA protection to chicks and heng hens in all seasons and weather rather with the coming of law large flocks a big feed business has been built up hundreds of tons of alfalfa bay is now ground up and mixed in feeds A few years ago hard wheat waa was always borth seier several all cents more per bushel than soft de demand m ands tor for sort soft bhelt hns tas reverse reversed d thi th is situation situ altu aton atlon and the market generally greatly improved thanks to the poultry men A has also been deelo develop pd d for carrots beets cabbage etc these products are axe in demand as green feed and as foods containing the necessary vitamins so general tanning fanning as will wall as truck farmers are benefiting the poultry industry straw tas 1 as also found a market this product which was sas formerly plowed under cr burned new now neta nets the producer arlind 7 to 8 per ton it Ls IS now per bale of 50 to CO 60 pet pirt ids it costa costs to bale it leaving per bale for the producer won utah maketa ma grulke keta ts have boon been built on quality As long as this standard is maintained there need be no tear fear of flooding the market utah eggs a are re bringing bring lne a premium of from bic c to 26 a dozen over market q an the new york careful grading radan and efficient me nie rhods are for this additional revenue A long ss as present standards are axe maintained eggs can be marketed cheaper chea pr or with more mare revenue to the p producer there ie is all al was a demand tor for it le lei i sens sales resistance and the pl p duct moves quicker an inferior inter or product has to be pushed at considerable expense all eggs shipped out of utah are now being marketed on the new york market there are man mai 1 other 3 that are calling lor tor the utah luct these demanda demands cannot be met th present production an increased creased production should cin to t the benefit of the producers aa a t sill enable the establish ment ot of more plants which will result in bet er gad gadlli log better contact between handling stations and more capto movement move mint of stock to market ahil avill put eggs on the market in a fresher better condition 1 poultry prospects are good bcd ocd the year just closing has been one of the best producers can to rl it assured that they can make money as long as they produce quality quality can onty be where good coops careful and regular feeding unita tion and modern modem methods are followed poultry is 13 a scientific industry and must be treated as such if money is to be made but money can and ie is being made locally loc silly bankers are recognizing the poultry men mer met chants are benefiting agriculture ia more stable and bush in general is benefited thanks to the hen samue samuel peterson of neola nedla waa was a business visitor in vernal this week correspondents correspond ants mot gr ret t their copy covy in on monday and written in ink nt apostle melvin J ballard was the guest of president wallace calder during his tay stay in vernal we regret the naples news did not reach our desk until late tonight ahr ada mr and mrs lynn stroma entertained little larue ind and oath gath ca hoon at christmas dinner mr and mrs roy coupe were at the home or of mr and mrs henry Mill icam christmas day miss rem ern G obber aber ol 01 lapohie spent the christmas holiday week fth her sister mr ellin merkley and family I 1 dr and mrs W W roes rm and tam fam 11 uy y were guests bests a at t the home ol 01 mr and mn mrs kenneth spiers christmas adv idaj I 1 mr and mrs mm charl charles P maughan Maui chan and family were guesta at the home horre of and mrs haller witbeck christmas day mas miss beatrice ZI bailey 11 by miss ali pauline spent the th christmas at salt lake city with home folks miss jennie r s j spent tte 1 Chrls tem holiday holidays t suit it lake city with friends she arnt out with mrs url elizabeth karren kaffen and 00 oo cc win wm who are still gulting at outside r |