Show remains of naples pioneer laid to rest at ward chapel friday L naples correspondent funeral servi services oes were held for mrs jane butr richardson may mal 6 in th the a naples ward chapel with slob 1 op byron goodrich prest presiding ding for many years the deceased haa has the been afflicted with cancer and tor for tu the past put alree year years has been sub eject to untold suffering being bed taut fast taoist ot of the time knowing that he end as certain the she planned most ot of the arrangements arrange arranga mentis ments for her own the singles singing was by a mixed donlie quartet which bang sang I 1 come come ye saints sometime we 11 under basil ta sil and resting now from care and sorrow A eolo solo I 1 face to face was sung by miss miso may neilen neil en A violin duet the palms 1 was rendered reua by bt mr bit and ml ali 8 0 norman olsen ot of vernal with ith miga miss If ildred aycock accompanying the opening prayer was by charles 0 weast and the th berie benediction diction by john jobu T kay lewla lewis S gardiner of at the high council gave a short abort ketch sketch a 0 her life her as a worthy example to follow both in lit action and in council stake chairman of genealogical ea work andrew dudley of at jensen spoke ot of her unselfishness always milling filing and anxious tor for her husband to attend to his church du ties regardless ot of her showing that she lived not tor for today but for or the future ernest eaton ot of the take stake presidency spoke ot of her faithfulness comparing her in suffering to the life of at job the VIA house was filled with sorrowing relatives and friends many coming earning from distant places and the floral florat offerings were beautiful and pro ilse the remains were ere burled buried in the vernal cemetery at abne mee richens dedicating the grave arb u jane richardson RIcha idson vias as the daughter of george and margaret hannah muir born at aleshire scotland july 5 6 1864 her parente parents were among the first eighteen to hear and accept the gospel in their native live land the massage being carried fa dby by parley P I 1 they came to america n la in 1856 coming on to ito utah the same year with the handcart company they located in hecl cl vi in 1860 here she met and married william rienard on january I 1 1874 they built k 1 home in Cei enter iter ward aard en on a large ranch living there for thirty three leara ears they then moved to pleas ant nt grove utah and came to vernal in 1919 to be near lr boy boys hiring living first on brush rush creek then in aples naples she was the mother of 0 nine chil dren five flye ot of whom survive her and were present at tl it e funeral they are mra mrs annie kirk ot of pleasant grove mrs lira nettle R linday lind ay ot at Illa hiawatha jame W richardson aul mr mrs nose rose R walker ot of vernal mrs hater kate R ash of 0 Inea pleasant sant grove to children died in infancy and tind two sons eons george ant an walter died with the th flu in 1918 there an alo lorl tour four grandchildren and thirteen bredt arrerat grand children her iler husband hei her also four our sisters and one brother other relatives attending the fu bere iere one nephew and wile wife koss ross bunnel from provo bench one grandchild alfrea kirk from magna john T and two sons george and roy of jensei also moroni moon an ant I 1 family ot of jenen jensen a sister ot of mr air richardson mn alm liar harriet let 7 idd dd and gon son thomas anil and wife ol 01 roose velt one sister of 0 mra mrs Rl chardor mr alto margaret tron from tro n provo mrs jane richardson Richar deon lived a rood good faithful aith tui lite and as an energetic worker in the different communities where she lived Nor corking king wherever asked many times fhe has walked three and one half miles carrying a child in her amis arms to attend her meet I 1 KS gs she has b been ben en a v or er in the primary sunday binol enea logical association and has the record of 0 belne being a relief society leich tetch er for or nearly fiffi veara vears |