Show WOMANS WORLD WORLE moving need not cause Cori corl confusion fusion care core by ertta erita haley haloy leen inen MRS MIM X recently moved WHEN W most of ber her best ching chin was wa broken beyond repair when mrs mr IL zave gave up her home several years ago aeo the furniture which she h had stored was wai fouad found useless ai as bhe she ih r recovered it and it had to be elven given way away mr mrs S on the other band bond haf hap had dinner in her new horn the ama ame a day ahe she h moved moving doat occur too often aften tor cor or any of ui us but when it doe does it hould should be a smart mart move ax as well as a safe aate on one thor th job of moving is actually a very scientific on one eWhen when you follow the rules rulea ave a minimum tun of distress dl tre and ind confusion its a big job to move household ho goods from one on houie house to another or from one town to another its it not a matter of piling thing things into the car and carting them over even if it the house li Is on the next block much can be b done before the actual moving and though at first this thi seems ilke like ilk an enormous job its iti its well on the way to completion by the time auve youve made a list of what can be done and know how it should bo be done doric undoubtedly call in i a inov na avoid brnko burins moving er or a warehouseman ai as they tty thy are sometimes naford for the job for your own safety and peace of mind select ons one on who if is reputable if fur or other are to be b p stored the reputable dealer invite invites inspection of hii his quarters after alter all your youre going to trust him wien with the family neres heres the anne for movine moving dl dy y your rugs rid ryd lud jid carpets will m bo be moved first after tetter this come the dinnerware dinner ware Ia A silverware pot pots and pans pani unless youve made arrange arronge arrangements arrangement ments bov bor r having lunch and possibly pol poi bly dinner out better be prepared with a thermos of hot cottee coffee e and sandwich along with paper raper plates plate and cup cups for the noori noontime gime time meal eal yow you rufy not want to tear yourself youri elf eif away from the pacing long enough to get a mack snack outside of home and Is an tze tle excellent ellent idea for the local since you dont have bave to rely an m your hoult hoel ibold hold bold equipment you may plo plu to pack the dishes yourself or bye hye the mover do it for you if boja do it yours df lA the materials my be provided for lor you shredded pape p barrels and abd tissue ilus paper taper if the mover takes tare of the entire oper opet ati on be makia makes him bim make maka a safe sofe move moye bloking day Is 1 ly simple for this thia young henon lonky maker who has ha a reputable warehouseman senian benyan parking her and glassware ficere she he observes he the mover tutta fully packing everal everel several plates la in a taek stack tack with protective layers of shredded paper between each plate the tack stack la in then wrapped in tissue paper and placed on tin edge in a sott soft bed of paper in the bottom of 0 ibe barrel which has been tipped so 0 o the plates lay back self responsible for any breakage which might occur fees lr ira de do ter mined by the hours the heaviest dishes should be packed at the bottom of the barrel and lighter ones on top to cut ait down on breakage plates should never he be placed flat but rather stood tood on edge to resist breakage if th the barrel is dropped professional movers usually tip the barrel to set get the proper pack glasow re need needs careful packing if possible never pack the glass ware in the same barrel as the dishes if it you do not have enough glassware for a separate buryel it emd a cw cut down ty tapo sapo may be packed in the same barrel with the dishes but specie precautions must be taken against breakage protective excelsior bedding is needed for each piece eath each piece of glassware is wrapped in iz tissue paper fragile stern stemware ware needs special tissue paper wrapping to pro act the shank when professionally wrapped barrels with dishes and glassware allow no free space for the dishes to move since a slight move 0 might ight shatter several pieces if nali noli noi not the whole barrel the pack is tight and safe keep iio Ilo goods properly organized organ Orran tied lied get your pots and pans together before moving since they all go into excelsior excel ilor caddel barrels toasters irons and waffle irons should be covered and placed in the bottom of boxes or barrels with protection to keep them from moving about loosely you dont want them den dented tedor or marred wrap silverware in tissue paper carefully be it flatware or serving silver these too are placed in barrels all barrels and boxes should be numbered keep a listing of what goes under each number so you can extract from the right richt barrel when you want a certain item this avoids plowing into barrels or boxes you arent ready to unpack |