Show I AMUSEMENTS Thriller In tho time Bishops Cur Car with all tIl al Its I excitement and Im Improbabilities 11 probabilities lit leFt wan S tho I lit vehicle tehi tel e to II open OIJen tina dramatic season at lt the time old oll play hOli mut last night Tine Tho fact that Jessie Hunley who Wino plays 1111 Nanco Olden the time pal of Torn Tom om Dorgan was train Inure hero lust December In time the tie name itty ln apparently did mIld not mutt diminish timo th impost In inn the tho production one aim whit lot for u it I good motive welcomed thu tine ox x company and 1111 followed the time story It with pronounced Interest I aro not lot odious o Jessie present support om 01 braces but otis one Ole member r of the tine old ohl company e outside of o herself It I holds Its II own Miss Minx 11 hiltS has 1111 rounded roti off of her I in a I of the I lie tri of ot tho II slums Mini Ild IMel little Itlo him of or business hul IIII that make it I a Il portrayal Without undue reiteration It I may inlay ho inc stated that In lii The Putt h I hoin Car CIr Carriage riago an ant 11 presented pre IH itt n a good Kool nerve 1111 ionic and Ind there ther are aro nr no dull lul moments Those who hMO have read time the book and who Iho has ImM not are Inclined to Pollock for the tine liberties at itt ft tin in hints has taken In itt II the Intermit Interest t of ot tho the of ot tine Die drama because hv hI makes William marry olden und ninth Frederick let bet thu tho t ho i Ito until limit I I lie hl IH Is II almost t unrecognizable lc n a man 1411 of or ortho the Iho type of nt would 1111 clicHe chose n it I Nun Nan tine the Ih Nipper for tor a it n In 18 only on equalled In iii by hr I tho tilo uncle of or star reporter on al tine tho World deliberately leI ortel throwing down dOln III hits his paper on a n remit front P pao KO that 18 i s both ho h Hen and In exclusive but tints Is I a playwrights license Mr English a Un s Tom forn foU Dorgan may not imi b bo altogether aw as satisfying ns Mr MI who Wino played the tho part la last laet t but hU his hi clima In the Iho secOnd act aCI when ha ins realizes Ul his hll il girl does not It no 10 u j to tn Jail with hum him won n a piece iniece of not nol 11 in that prefaced a couple of o cur CUI curtain CUI thin tain calls Richards nt as ni tine tho gay go old Edward Ramsey namo Jo was III early carl taken to the tine hearts hells of or tip IP stairs while the tho lower loe 1001 Avas 1 none time the less lesl slow lol In iii appreciating his hil work William 1111 Latinmer in II the tho hands hnud of ot III Thompson nito scored Tho Time play pin iila Is tin moth both bol h well wel ehl staged and excellently presented amid Ald will wi h be seen tonight anti ami tomorrow night und mid It nt at tomorrows The Ih Salt 11 Luke tinctUre theatre rosIn fresh from the tine hands of or the tho decorators presents pr n Li 1 veritable transformation Last LIst night the tine small army of painters had hl hardly left let the tine building before time tho door doom were wore thrown open for the season The rho re result suit sult of dr their thou work ork Is ins strikingly I ap nil apparent parent ro n Ivory anul gold ol Is III the th now neil color scheme which brightens up UI the time old e wonderfully It I goes without wili out saying that It H would bo ho vandalism lo in obliterate tho time old Mor tor torris ris rh ceiling coln design limit but hil this thin feature Inns has not nol been overlooked H It I has liUs hn been beon and amid generally cleaned un until up tip 11 In Int til Lii t it II Is I spick and Ild spun New Now hang hangings hll ings now neti nel carpets und and a n general at lit atmosphere of or welcomed tho tine first fisL nl mid nl Manager D P P per was Wil on hand to II i promise few fel OW durk urk night might throughout I the I lie ensuing run an log five S months There IH absolutely no tie 10 at itt II the tine this week hut but tints this 1119 Is tit for tOI the tho unique and II hi w omo reason that none monte Ione of tho thiC six attractions attraction can cun be 10 crowded crowder heck back to hi second place Each onto one UIO bus bins a nt 1 shade of or merit which makes for tor first quality and last night despite the counter attractions attraction a IL Welt well filled house greeted 11 the lie performers and Int delighted The stunning Grenadiers of course mime aio le the tine adver advertised Us cd h mid their theli the performance Is II put mit on with great geat carefulness for de details tails ails tais even to 10 the tine currying carrying of ot a II special I orchestra rl leader The he old friends of or tine the combination did not inot recognize them lost last night soon enough to give them Iho tho welcoming ovation that characterized tine the reception of ot their met act ns niH soon ton as M nv tinny they the were veme known From the lie highly high legitimate to The Tine Lady L Across the tho Hull hail lull Is iii rather a II fur far cry cr hut but hit they tho made 1 a I 0 much Ilch of or their ther opportunities OI and amid ald tho tint sketch Hl proved highly high I successful Gaston Gastell end Green In II bits of or musical comedy arc OIL saved caved Fae by hy Miss Greene who wino Inns has one ne of tnt the sweetest voices heard from roan an stage Gastons opening number Is III his worst since sinica it I arenas I eelS to be drawn from rom the HIP center of senile pome pole musical comedy In which the au nu di has hns been COlel prepared for Cor tho tine antics which lie 1 cuts up with pointless effect In 11 tho tine excerpts excerpt II Charles B D Ward Wait tIne tha Original flowery Bowery lIar Boy nO Is In a I class by b himself rH as ns an nn Imitator and enter entertainer Oilier When hen one nie ne Ion home man main walked out nut outon outon on the thC stage In a n stiff shirt collarless n after cr a n eris 1 of o really good gOld numbers there was ins Just a 1 suspicion that hint tho tine tunic time tle hind had como COle for foi or one of or those sandwich offerings which tho tIme management ex cx explain plain phalli by h stating that tho tIne money mone hints has he all gone gono to a II higher priced people clus clu clustering around the tho But nut when Ward lieu his mis bandana around his hl neck mock and began to 0 Imitate what vinat lu lie h called real rell Bowery Bow cry types not tho melodramatic imitations ho quickly demonstrated that he has a n warmth nf or heart to his Inis hil acting and amid a n skill shut that lint makes malt mini him hll alone worth a I visit to the play piny pIa French com coon comI I h i S j great strength with exceptional grace Brace and this combination Is rare enough h to Insure success Their h e I bal bl mud and Ind posing have not been leen outclassed Bcd in the houses housos history To Tl como cOle on after the tine usual Incur hour of or losing closing following tho tine anti and nl still make n a lilt hilt la is Ii a it t feat bitt almost I hl slIde tl but tut hit the tIne Gatelle brothers did itil 11 It In Ini Inn ina roller ronel skating I n a i series nt of n last night I 11 t They fhe started out as ita amateurs and alI ended with tIne the novelty ot of nn am excellently executed clog dance on lii 1 o rollers ni Altogether the bill bl In Insures 11 crowded houses for or tine the week reck and with rearranged arranged el order tonight oll hl ench performer wilt will wi have havo a II better boler op opportunity nit y S Grand Tho season at nt tho tine Grand theater opened auspiciously a I good sized and thoroughly appreciative au anti audience tU being bell present to witness the tine ml tint performance Joshua a ma play pia entirely downcast In iii II charac character ter tet wins wan WIS the offering It Is of ot tine tho sort Rort that pleases nil all 11 classes of the thea theatergoing public Archie Ward I d as IS assumed tIne the role rile of at the tine New England farmer I owner and pod all ni around unique typo t po of men wino who ho como come from rol tho tine Green Oreel Mountain state slate and there thON wits was WIS no 10 end and of fun finn from his sayings ninth and doings during the tIne evening Mixed with tine HIP humorous many main Incidents of or pa pathos pathos thos thoI Then there therl was clever clover dancing and something that passed for lancing singing Tin Time aggregation ngI lalion IH is a n Jol Jolly oi ly Iy band of or merrymakers and I their ef cC c forts tortin are well wel worth seeing Tho Tine or orchestra chestra chestr that belongs to 0 tho thu company hi IH composed of young men hut but good gOlt music Is II furnished Tho Tine house hints has made a n good beginning cud there thero an ar many lalY attractions In inn storo store for fr Grand patrons during the tine season Joshua furnishes tho the week and tho tIme next engagement will wil bo ho Delia Dolla ola Pringle In iii the tho musical melodrama The rho Chorus horn Girl |