Show FUNERAL SERVICES OF JOHN E EVANS the funeral services of john A evans were held saturday august 3rd ard at the naples ward chapel conducted by bishap A 0 goodrich music waa vas furnished by a special mixed quartets under the direction ui ot byron goodrich the speakers wore were pros pres don B colton earnest vaton and A 0 goodich all to whom referred to the cheerful and good natured disposition of the deceased ani of his excellent qualities as a citizen in the community pros pres colton offered consolation to the family y of at mr M r evans evane in ina a address on the resurrection and the immortality of the soul though but fc t young man the deceased had bad amas ased considerable sid erable property in the shape of real estate and atle cattle homas ho was known as an honest upright up man by all who knew him the funeral was one of the largest ever held in the valley the cortege being over a half a mile long sho showing the respect in which mr evans was held the interment was in the vernal |