Show county educational committee attend big convention at price lie mer members abers of the educational toil at which ut tended tile the ton ion it ill p aiki IL jolin john N D dial ivi allace lace calder and at anton toll ta tiebel illets wie I 1 1 duchesne Duch cane diners U junt irbon lill an counties lind and nete ospil li enor wesley I 1 king und and stal huppi In 6 Is L hild I 1 lit h I 1 was to lo organize org anle the Il for tin tilt sp speaking taking toul I 1 ILI ich 1 buiu anti inti will bf be af o led lit in a of tin 1 1 bv 1 elicit eight speaking kami will be 0 o oni Ill poKed posed or of orators or I 1 it ii illonal J und ild state dept impute lie I 1 I 1 e aill otil go to flat I 1 ji for liem atheni to to onie oine a anil 11 d etia rantee hearty local a support much v N is IB und and at ai thit hi it Ila cytrin stelli utah N hlll ill turn out hilt pel lent cent I 1 lie he ulli uintah tall basin la Is i ich field for the new educational and which isih tile ills so go ciuch to tit alit rising lohn N davis und lind N Vi illic C all ilda I 1 and lotheia aed the student lud bull ot of thi carbon coun high st bucit and took di billiel lliel in flip high A splendid bin bill yuet vas nag served by tile domestic science department rhe bon count high fligh ins ilia the best display ul of art indik ot of diio high in tile the statts stale this includes drawing painting and sculpture ahe ifie venial ale aie ull all agreed tit th it they have more pep to thell theli choul sinking singing kill nn ITIN the mei heard ille cairon county gibli school lias has t two nv 0 lot tor for puella i leoin the like outside I 1 one rot foi boyt a abid lid one fo for r girls gills the hob bos dormitory Is in charge of it man and ilia his wife while chile tile the girls doimo doi ino tor Is in charge of two tso of tile the lady teachers who devote nearly neaily all of their time to this work rhe file meals are aie served in fit the gills dor and a cook Is employed ed toi rot this work everything Is done b u it a schedule by the pupils this work ork Is alternated so ao that no one kind of work is done by bv any one pupil all the time in the girls dat the do everything with the exception of 0 taking care caie of the furnace all ot of the social activities aro are supervised superintendent won ran hot has spent much time in the be lection of the persons in charge and this has much to do nith uh the success which has been attained along this line so far no pupil has been suspended oi 01 expelled eipel led from eithel rhe ilie working out of this plan plait will solve the problem confronting on fronting many man of the high schools of the state the commit tee was as very aci enthusiastic afeei having hasing things explained to them and being sli shown how the work nork out |