Show CHURCH SENDS FLOUR TO In CHI CHINA NA Twenty Tons of to be Forwarded to Sul farMs fere of Orient LARGE MEETINGS YESTERDAY V Throng j ci r 1 ll ro re L carrie came near witnessing H fl indeed it H dId not not do so 80 in very tact fact the gr greatest o people ever eveT gath gathered Iret ered on tb tb tabernacle grounds t it Wl tho last day of the c and tin th IUt or Of people their interest In the Church and to a con l bitt It JI is growIng In jawer cad nce nioN rapidly than Lb years ealS Several were held und ond the rind of Ih the Inspiring kind Quo Ono or the last ot of at tine 1110 conS con was t adoption of It in len by to te SeCt sentI 20 ton tons or of Ilour to tim Iho famine sat sut Cerer or If SUNDAY M ORl G opened isis morning by bythe bythe the choir the thc hymn Sweet Is thin work lorl II au God my ZIng Prayer was offered by I Elder lder Byron The choir sung eang IO anthem lInthe C 0 CYe Ye Yc H 13 LUND i was pleased he said with this the an report fiat was read reDd mit act lCt el 01 upon yesterday tEe Ite w that l It was it II true report Tue books ot tilt the 1 ore are kept ns na accurately as 1111 Is possIble Great care Is taken so 10 true truo accounts diet only to In the Ike general of th Church ChUIch but tilso 0 to In thin stakes and nud wards ward The records of at the tho Church are arl being got In Ind d AB ts early as aa 1830 the Lord tine Iho Church Chirck to keep records itt ef Its Ita doings President Lund referred I to the care whIch the people ot 01 God Ged hare hayo exercised l to ke I ito counts Qi ot all 11 ha them Jt It was wac In with this idea IdelL that we lave have tuck such records us the Ihl Bible and the Book Doele of Mormon In the ear car early carly ly of If the th Church the tho records 1 were 0 hot kept 1 to 0 IlS as they ore oro today Use Uti las Iia to be made QI pt private Journals and letters In order to 10 supplement the or Ct th the earl early historians The rhe speakers all those who Ilave I such Journals liS as would ho be U use bat bul tl bring them to Ie the historians office It if not to beep yet to Call copy and Ut III C President Lund spoke also or ct the statistics and the attempt that Is IB made to them according to these there lore 13 more births last year than thau the year before whereas the ra rate te was only one per cent ot or orlie the lie membership of the tho Church If this ratio contInues the thi prophecies that thaL men 1011 shull II live to 0 the age IIse of J BO O years will bo be the urged upon the the altY of 01 keepIng Ue the laws c ef health cj oily the Word Yord Qt Wisdom There Thre lied hod b g also n number of er ages agos in n the temples dent IUnd said tit that at the young People of at the Church me bo m married iso ac according cording to the requirements or of lJ the Church ChUlch whereby line and wife wilt be bound boun together tor or tIme Cad eternIty W bellev beJlov to In a future lIfe Tine relationship here be between tween husband and trite parents and ehll exist In the next nest world worl Lund Iund advised the tho Saints to attend their Sabbath meetings Let Letus us not stay sIllY It at horne home ho he saId InC ina that we WC can renil a good book and he be better elf olt The Lord Inca has COIn UR ins to 10 worship Him par Jar partake take ot of the or of Ills IUs bo body y And HIs bl blood o Going to these theBo meetIngs partakIng of 01 the sacrament place pieces us ua In a better position 10 receIve recho the Holy Spirit providIng we do It from proper Seine Somo urge that Jt it may he be better sometimes sometime not to go because wo ico haO at such times limes un on lot 1111 proper But ut this Is A w if tile the matter Ve get et rid o of till nil that would hinder sit from attending tl I our duties properly The Lent Lort JUS ha corn com el us to worship Him In pUblic assemblIes there Is is bless bleat tug ins to be derived front obedience to 10 this law The speaker declared that among us UI there can be no mistake os na to thin day dayoC of oC the ran on we war wor worship warship ship God LIe lIl referred to tIne the passages lit III the Scriptures respecting thin and how the change os made front the I a to the thc duty amid likewise nits hut authority whIch the saints today Iao In the r to them for or tog the lie day or SUII la rhO Jews were Ole very erv ot of the Sabbath or the day J In 11 the ride ot of the thet apostles s auth In one no or of the letters cure references to lh the day ot of the V week ek President Lund declared It to le bo lilt belief beller that It was wasby by u Ct of the Lord Lorl the change chome Willi mate mul leco I f or of the or of the do day tnt ort which the Christ watt front the Iho grave lucre arc sects that strongly In the 10 lilt Ii of f mind SundAY as 05 to whIch be observed lInt lut there itt III no point Joint limon among lie us t a revelation section jl i tine huts commended us to 10 this the L Lords r s day all as the day dllY on an which WI ici rue IIri to 10 hum rm SD NT JOHN Jt it this point roared mood the adoption 11 of lie tho following resolution Time Thc of lC the Unit It tt I States lullS called to o of the tho sore distress In Iii oil 1111 account ot of famIne antI antl Th The hiSS Illa greatly blessed 11 tIe the saints tind lond nit nil the ot of the auth our Relict societies liase stored up grain II time lime ot of IW S COW lInw therefore I mom built t lh the trustee III trims he end lit is hereby tU au to mud Onte 10 o WArd nerd the relief or of till the Ioor in III c stricken ken Chills 20 tenS tona or r flour I I Th This unction WitS wall seconded by B 11 ii 11 who that its 1111 m is an o of world worldwide wide wid It WN ver verr that Iha n it should be ed auth that the tho tact ot of titers tin 1111 reedy lit at IlY to offer to needy be ip peaks th the divine ot of Iho ho hoC Chunh C themi r rendered thu te 00 0 Cloth JImm Q CANNON Eider Q lures Jre Ident explained l had colIc colIcho ho 10 Preside the he N J I tl lit cit lie Do vIne Irina II lit the Dutch lark II I the J Eider Cannon that lie 1111 tilled ope t l that I Which h he sc lC this inott III lu pI of oC oChi hi his lire fM fbi there he II a anti II 1 Iho va the gOil 1 11 the lf I Is flu 11 fruitful hied rot orl lila If ri et thil II aunts nants lied hia thus thu been blen d thieve there anti the t people would oula bl be s to hove the whole hook book pub In their V EI II tAnT sl cit f the tho stake 2110 a afew few tk I cork werk Last Juno hI he Was 1 from the slake to PresIde ever tin jn in alt lie So gave a brier brIef account of 0 the hui tory the smite stalle liP up to the time LIme lie ho was coiled to take tAk charge l Tile The said tile the country was them the best watered lii Utah soil t the tho soil soli very t fertile where Ito Ho did not he SOld o or a place paco for Cor new hom 1 by those sc who aio Such than was ts the UIntah Tl rite el ci t that t the predIction of 01 dent when the tako WO was to the he that till the time would coma when hen tItle this part ot of Ut Utah would be b among the mo most t Important lii the thc state would I lie fulfilled V ELJE ELIEt t TEASDALE or of tine tH quorum or of apostles was the tbt eoa eluding ot of or lr us He Ite he 1 that this Is the Church QC of time Lamb and God hears bears and answers no Ho that tha t SmIth was WIlB I a prophet ot of tile he Lord U by the Iho tory erv simple lo that ho he taught ht the 8 urne sloe doc rice that Christ taught whets Me He 1 was wason 39 on the earth It always seemed to Ike speaker that ODd God make knol to this and ond that lie again hm Church men giring Ill all acm tile the I opportunity or true trull disciples or Of our Savior The kesot keys of power had been restored so that now nol drell mIght t bin be sealed to their parents In or M tho he erl respecting the ot of the prophet An Anso And to so shall other be cd The Th o 0 God had been baen lost loa Iud so EO had t a bo It ci restoration ot of i tile the truth Li It Is under tio tIlo light or of hIt that no 1 hive and grow Frow In the Ike m of at lit gospel We haie I partaken ot or hi spirit or ed to II V Ion which ln ln to 0 the Peter that Jesus WIlS Iho Christ Time Tho auth read many passages ot Of Scripture jn in of oe his points lie Ie t to a knowledge or of III the gas gos pel though lie he lid not 1 feet lint he be should advocate this In the thO Spirit of COntention The Tha sting sang We Thee Thet 0 God t for lr IL a and b by Elder Eder Henry T 1 th took tI a ye ceas till p In n N 00 session of the WA opened b by thc iso singing tu by thus cho choir rot of An angel from on high prayer b Eldor L WI and an anthem l it the choir Grant Us r Lord LordI I IIEr hENRY RY of oC the quo rum ot of n apostles Hlo first t speaker Ito Ho quoted a from one of oe St the ancient saints against lovers IDers ot of pleasure more than lovert of It God mid and expressed the belief beUer that the spirit of is III growIng g us The Tho spirit or of tite us lii this direction Elder Eldor Smith said aill that ho he was not opposed recreation to Co cn lime contrary he colt relt that n a reasonable amount Is necessary Then TherO are sl abc II days over oWr to pleasure and work 1111 The Thi Lord had glen given 11 na tile the privilege o ot of en In the dance and In theatergoing Bit t I young people sometImes do not stay at 01 homo home of 01 In art evening but bul go 10 out ut Ir search of r which hl h re tl Improper It OUr pisces oi 01 b be In tb lb lucy exercise on an nur young people pI Our must bo be betten preserved from oj at men who 1110 take pride iq In tIme Iho immoral There tire aro inca and woo wo men Intern who uhe take undo In young persons bo s us as wen as girls 1110 arc aro pure rind aile Innocent The saInts iii our jur should In the lustier of It throwing around our youth the tho necessary sary safeguards so that they ma may not bt be led away b by these improper case We u hod oUrselves urs under condemnation the I thought at t the lust tor fo the tho too great gront wo to e our OUI sons minI 1 l ra In respect to 10 pleasure ure It Is II g Euler Smith conceded Ic 10 t all au out 11 heM on young f As lie IlS our permit their boys ouch gIrls t ti rou to pIeces or of amuse aleRt where there bin be tim hl es It is s linthi to o our own children that tho influences 1 hr c injurious to them Let our oar pO pee plo hll hove o n a 1 legItImate or of pr plea pleasure sure ure but hy by nil means lot more thought I anit be upon the nuttier of ne Elder Smith testified etI ed to the Iho truth nt int III tile I saying with hula began tile the saints flat to be bC lovers oyer of at pleasure more mere lovers of er Oath Oad Sistar Emma smug the Con omo yo ye l ORSON F ot of th the I or of ivas tile tho next t speaker ho mis I a taxI a a Sentence lenIence the D Declaration to tn the hiM Lilly fillY iciest bt be futile which ii tempts temple to th tim Mornion from the tho people Why el It be asked this r that there Is II a gulf hr I the leathers the ted he here J are re the mn men amid wont an lend whether tin In geneill or mat th conic como wIthout Ih hi I Church Ni o hey horr hili chosen irons nil thus the v people ople It IlL tru thus I their spirIts Caine down froot heaven to tD In till thiS lImit Sri so ulso Ud did hilt spirits of 01 all time the people III 8 Church Th Thought tIpsy mire lira expected XI to te tebe he be an tl Ii the pen people pie lucy nr ars any than the ot of Iii 1111 men from whom 1111 have been ursher C used to say that p 11 twig lying eli the lbs would lI Cot t b he u us OlUS ted with self CIne and but All as eo oon n as It It was wall taken sup lip u tho lii Its entering lii tery Q o Jt it Is with those who VIle ore 11 tr r I they thoy are Iro to in JI fr their fault aUlI 1111 become me I Either WhItney I to th or at 1 h Hun fill us fen un lilli or of lite hite thought HUlt is not net notIs Is I between 1110 anti tild p people V II till ker went to say 1111 there is 1 a between the mind theIr letters Is III is II moral or III II 1 It I I la is t men inca tie I of Jt th the Church 1 been 11 itt Ii th thet lr ollices 1 soil u Q by 1 this les President I Is ml II be IIO a hi In him 1 U 1 I et t to Is of e Ch Church rc Ii be CaUsO we him in I find 1111 imi will t neither I the otis 1111 nor norlie lie oilier one beyond the tho time when M lie is to arid hl hia plo Time same true trull of Jf the first IJ l of r the Church Till Lord bait chosen to I UP the tl Is of t lh the lie of II Jl with III hilt Cowdery caa aa to submit 10 Hilt l ItS is the 1111 aunt the second elder It required thiS consent ot of lie Pt people Po cut Uti well us 1111 the tho a up tnt Dr th tine Lord to IIII thi i Rut nut would uM have b ell the If thu 1 opo had refused to eon Int to hut a mt Only that thu Ih little Flock ot dt th the Church would 1111 bt 1 without II divine v I for till thio Lord 1 wO would 1111 given th bless 1101 Whitney remInded th the that t when they up hands lO t sustain time tho auThorities or of the Church they thereby m L o protect mete inca to 10 help to tum Ut lift their hands anti to support them in 11 I their m to c the tho cause of r ZIon ThIs hits covenant mOno lanno therefore bl be broken with Impunity Th therefore se set to jt t thu I they should not VIolate limit compact There ean ho be lie danger to the Church train from without God hiatt promised that no power r bAIl be to ci agaInst her nut let be kness tr treachery r anti nce withIn hero is s danger The Ills faith that there would be no schism b between the their and that goad Zion would weather time the storms ld bring her Iler pre clans citriN ot at Ia 10 the tho harbor barbor The choir and sang the hymn bc nu e 14 ime he nice who with mA IS r t tIAN nt ct the lie conference lIe tints one ne of oC the most interest lag Ins conferences h lt oy b the I hurell anti hat It prove one of at thin niB most ble lIe bell believed ed lill I the 11 III already read Spoken that It Is necessary for or the tho to nJ their calling The Br grest tt Ih of at lh the tittle r of tim Chii constitute this Ole of 01 ml l s are arl CUlled caned for CoOr ery year Church probably dOM does more morl missionary work lork that any other body bOtty of 01 the tha The Church In feet Ig J made up or of Irs not noll only eny the tho men hut also aise the The fh letter though the are not often railed ailed to the actual of 01 work would woOlI go I as readily on ns at the do thu tho brethren Lyman called HIt attention of the presiding brethren mecca I Sty sIty o of HIving mOle thought 11 o e eun un under cr their cur core In tills Skis t hue 10 to ut Ib e of 01 the general JIa advised to to put poll Ilem selves feJes in III As s tha twelve pol les report to the presidency the tho speaker l that these torah 1 report theIr conditIon to the lie He said ald that th or of stokes should consult freely with the tho apostles respecting the lie work ork or DC the thO ministry In th the They I to 10 Put In order till the forces s their charge Lyman html Ito the au h hereafter at I least l of 01 tile called for tor to be tm limed men inca In or order er that tile the oath OId sin trained ml may have some with them wll shio imami II lie c these to 10 see sel 11 ci It Ii that lIsts tIO young o ng clean rd and pure lie thanked line Lorti for the among tine the saInts He Ete wl wished thu tho people 1 lo Ih live all the time timeto timet to t be at least Ai a good as 1111 lieU l leaders rs The Tk chief timing is 18 what it a mAn imin dea Yeses Jesus the life thing In to tb hI J We should this great principle us closely It iii I possIble President clo d with a stron tUm ny to 10 the truth or the 1110 gospel I that tile the Church was hy by thi PIt encl and under ot of ottile tile she Father and h he Son V F 11 6 mado a 11 few closing remarks In which II lie Invoked the tho blessings mercy and forgiveness Olson uron the Saints arid and all honest ins In heart In Iii all the orld Ito He desIred tha t peace anti prosperity In th |