Show SHORTHORN IS GOOD properly fed as they are in eng land they will retain strong place among dairy cows by it G while the shorthorn is generally regarded as a prime beef breed there are among the bet best of this country many strains of well bred shorthorns Shor thorns thorris in new england englad there are one or two herds tracing back to arabella arabel I 1 a and rid the Con constance constanca stanco and waterloo families many herds of shorthorns Shor thorns can be found whose cows produce from 40 to 50 pounds of milk per day these cattle are smooth well fleshed and fatten off into prime beef the admirers of shorthorns Shor thorns claim that they can be so eo bred and fed that R n the tha milking shorthorn they will produce good beef animals and at the same time make good dairy co COB s or they can be bred and fed for the dary dairy to the opposite extreme and make good beet beef as well ell of course such breeding will in ume time ruin the constitution ot ol the stock and destroy their qualities both for the beet beef and the dairy the ten dency of the shorthorn to fatten too ernstly is one of the objections to this bred but properly fed as they are in england they still retain a strong place in the dairy |