Show GHOUL ADMITS CRIME indiana thugs killed people solely to sell their bodies with a boldness unprecedented in eri criminal minal annals an organization of murderers and cutthroats cut throats has operated in indianapolis for nearly three years unknown to the police and unmolested by the officers ot of the law the confession of rufus cantrell king of the ghouls as made public throws some new light on the operations of the gang cantrell a confession has been supplemented by the narrative of other he and his associates have committed lie ile de clares he was implicated in the mur der of patrolman watterson several years ago this was his first murder he says no due lue has been found lie ile declares that one of his accod accoro alices was william li harris colo colored reLf now lining in philadelphia ile he next tells of the murder ol of walter johnson John sou and admits admit 8 numerous other crimes the gang cantrell belonged to NT was as known to its members as the sign of the cross many of tile the people were mere murdered simply for the put pur pose of selling their bodies |