Show BLAZE AT J P of Jf Clot Gets on Second There WILli as considerable at J P clothing al stern on street about t k this morning ri when lIln tire out en tb tin 1 t account fIr among BOnie old w Irh h had s stored I ol d a I bl The cause ot of I the a raam but Wall as L Lim covered SiC fore any damage dose Th th the de department was culled out ens p but them the tire Moll was ISS without tb Ih use ot of hose tou or old clothing had been kept there for a iong tune It was left by customers whO failed l to call caU lr for It IL or of the tho clerks clarks to b be cli n the hoot when lime rite 1 bieke k omit and 1 Ium vrn 0 In S |