Show ST TES faures intro deuced I 1 mills abell hingul so T a xe 04 plat arod an atik as fill tt A hica tepas Ar it lh CO n ip al among n 9 sucha idle on account ot its ll 11 unanimity of 0 pi political ll sentiments never it before ore once thoi the early day before the old liberal party gained any p restle ila has there thera been fao ut ui equal a of members anio angioi 9 tile parties tile the senate la Is ed of 0 seventeen ayr brats and A populist elected as it A and in the hoube there tire af 91 entirely too small Av hollit I 1 referred rf rif erred to at n tile the other t lat fa S D Coz fled its ill I 1 tit the opposition eive i vc lull full and com complete comp plute lule onic forget thit so farke e as to lop mont curbing eitl ilent I 1 to decide 4 licence to ved aoa 1 te of 0 possible win cooper and ami 1 w m if be fought ar V dillward rill ward this week N ng its patti iiii i 1 1 l 1 1 T tw 1 i rr I 1 t J i loan ad f f r the etab prom associate aeao ciati j ling clr for ahelf meet bunal ing yes C pat party t Y in aalt L anle rile city birg go j rry Z r T ex I 1 1 g it e it C Z which 1 s supposed to 4 1 exist dinong adiong members of 0 the same nc po pi lotical earnil tile little legislation that bits haban hab beta cn attempted tempted nt has haa that there will be plenty of the other oilier side aide and but it will be within the ranjit of one party on an appo 1 mote vicious and more to lie be feared than if 1 the fight were the th c usual par tipa on one L choc chose who a short lacause lc ILc ause nuie there would ile be so BO little tittle time taken up in par partisan lissin tie lc bates baten are likely to have their calculi aloi dupret the second ILgis lattio of the he state of utah will end when its blon la Is by legal limitation that there Is 1 plenty of work icat over tor for the next legislature to deal with while but little real work hits has beatri done don elthe the past week wan wait masked marked by malferd of importance chief among which aps wn the governor message the document Is in regarded na as an able one tree free front from partisan mae blaa anti and already it ft lit in manifest to comply with A ith KB its recommendation only when the subject abject of A bounty on oil cocoons cocoon sand anti the 4 encourage tm rit nl of tile the silk bilk industry nrc are 41 mentioned do the lite legislators anilla morl 11 in a spirit of irony givant of merriment liel lesing thit th it lite governor let lils his h theory of extending state aid gf rit t lite hie better ut lit hini 1 ilia I lie cocoon industry 11 will tut ile fly by aboualy law not till thin ear M it 11 I 1 the most fill ekit bill intro gilld IS IB one changing the present law regarding lr it hail been ld t 4 in tile the senate by cattle calne and in the house by kimball of cache UK its object Is to genable tile the oregon bhart line to re in corporate lit in utah and have un its head quarters quarter here ilia mil bill likewise pro robea A blight loii in fit fees cover nor wells in his message nies Bage called altet ulon tion to abil th for home tuch such tie nc ion it linn ling pas atoll second reading mid anti wilt will early consideration and 15 es k with little opposition and few changes chang ca two other bills were introduced which it if they become laws would amount amount almost to innovate i e B one unc Is 1 i in ta by senator It harbour arbour cyms P and tile abc other la Is an Inc income onit tax lax introduced by Te representative harbourt harbours Har Illar bours bill provides that 1 1 lite idoo 1000 shall be paid on loll lug lit in amount from 5 lio an to and increasing tle lite rate above that figure Kt imers bill will be further notley below kenner lias has introduced adoth r measure which m will III make lint him it a prominent nic member tuber of the house it II Is 1 it hill 1111 to abolish capitol punishment for murder lit in the first arid and second tl iU jire tres anti and tor for treason imprisonment for life to 1 proscribed provided the trial judge ma ilia I 1 upon recommendation tit e loll 1011 of 0 the jury exl reduce tile the aLti sentence tence to not less than ten years anti and call only be exercised upon the discover dI discovery sLover of new evidence in case a pardon Is IB granted the prisoner shall receive pr r per day clay for or every my d ay iy of imprisonment tile hie hotd not to exceed 1000 abr matter Is in fl a live issue IT in tile capital city as a result of recent agitation the ministerial of slit lake 4 approved and find published a pap paper prepared by rev 4 elhard N which aich approved capitol ment anti and instated tile the legislature the law the reason they advanced van that it lit Is hw div I 1 to moses by god fud and had nevor I 1 een repeated repealed therefore ther clore it 11 was still lit in force 4 41 and being beloff a p ift ut of tile the bible it should not ho be abrogated by enact ro lille paper lion warren rob fob gerthe editor and orator replied in a lecture sit at tile the grand opera houe 0 in silt lake sunday night lait lafit lie ile cres create much public pAthy in ta ir r rt rc C hum allty and a rational nieth od of dealtry de dealing altri A ith criminals it Is 1 be 11 th v will III be become a law Tor sLa LR aalthe belongs belonga the honor nor of brIng the arit office sex to MIJ ahe I 1 S k IR NAT on oil antt anti high att hi 1 hie lie fight is in at preben ir irant t au i turbine a great dial of in arid ald out of lo ilia 10 lag I 1 1 hatcher Is conc tiled 0 to o be in the lead leads but it IB hj no erport r will not he be 11 ll fri friends ends lire are making insi kIng st a barong stron figh ind and let confident J Is it to ile be beconi tit 11 the race mid and third all interested partite CI catin lint there wilt will be a general shifting of strength ht aar aft lr the firby fc fen votes ard all by it chere IS ib little talk of dark horbelt hor belf and it I 1 Is no probable pro bible any will vt lit develop into familiar competitor compeli tore for the senatorial toga tog ahe fight wilt will be confined it Is thought to fo the three above named with the senatorial question settled Bettl cd it to Is probst proba ble the legislature will get down to sub nub bu it liau has made a stir air start as it is committee have been made and tile the real mal dorkof work of begun A flood uc of billi la Is pouring lit in and there will be no ino lack of 0 frit crest front from now on IDAIL orING FOR I 1 hot ho mitat vote vole tor for he ie taken at 4 p in tile ro silted in giving moso thatcher if lo 10 rawlins 18 and Il lender 16 some home changes will III occur on tile the next ballot ilia vote vole faai follow in the Senate For I 1 J hatcher alon son ion aqulla aquila W G rideout robison Ro bihon 6 for rawlins calne chambers Chani bere kv ev ari smoot sinott wright 6 TOT for henderson allred illanich shurtleff lff 3 I 1 or lawrence harbour for mrs cannon absent senator snow lit in the 1 I ora hatcher cook ot of rich checri lorsh Le gibson afro la barthe Al murdock price ray ra y roylance Royla sloan tsen of sanpete San pete 13 for mrs mra anderson ken ben alon ion luflin duffin hardy hopkins kenner cimball ol of aih maxfield mckay ohram Ove oventon nhon taylor 13 I 1 or rawlins cook conkol of box boil oil greenwood Lein lemmon titan lund martin parra shepherd SorL 0 of grand stewart wart wilbon 12 i 2 for lawrence drubber margin adlaug tit and 1 I ho bonmon illson 3 for brown blannon alanson ll annon kimball of 0 carbon rollon robison I 1 I 1 or rn callis the dab da I 1 balloting for or st rebutted in a gain for 1 I of two kwoi a lose to comins of four while lien derson gained one judge goodwin goodwill rt re cleved lour four votes ahe result wee it ai 11 ld soll 17 rawlins goodwill it lawrence 4 ahe I 1 lie changes front from the pirt din vote were cal Rs litt lift chambora Chamb tra and stitt to Rawlin st while dotson and I 1 martin left and went to 1 hatch tr ir aa A I 1 left rawlins anti and voted for henderson lit in the lahl cahl his vote tor for lie ile la Is a brother brolli cr lit in hw to able interest was cuil cl it te red ered lit in tits ote Is as all bartles clai nied it lie ile was at one leml a radical thatcher nian man it Is in claimed tits abt clice on oil the daht tiny was due to a to avoid fhe report la Is current th tint thit it woodruff sald said to snow show I 1 it would be like sticking a pin in tit heart lit art to hive I 1 hatcher R scat nt to tile the when tits hid name naine was called cal leil snow voted for aquilla As A le ike had been a atau rich I 1 hatcher hatchic r nn ills cou couche abe created general comment aas A ItAI Lur alit day clay of con coir ight Jant january iary 2 21 1 was marita 1 I by greater Intire sl linn any other oilier popular sym bym pamily g batum to trow in III I 1 catchers hatchers hat tiers chers ft fl vori vor if 1 tle tile lobb lobaj Is in till an indication an all in chich tills whitt sinator sanator snow now broth Lir lit hi law who tho it Is charged tas becat la lorid wilh liy by high again bafit his alc ote for or r there m waa as a very list front from the lite lobby its tr held his own lion lien derson tso lo 10 anti and rawlins hobt making the rt tilt blind t at ali Ilin derbon 19 raw ling 14 4 n S faltot 1 1 lie antt r ru ault malt lt ol of the fourth dab da h billot lul wits way a gain ot of three tor for 1 I 1 hatcher ont oni tor for hinderson Hin derBon 0 while rawlins loil bonc three harbour drebber and rhO voted tor for harbour lit in explaining tits ills vote ote said alases 1 1 I hatcher wati at nil aboglle ot of civil and religious libert bert ll ordal arda iud hittl by the people anti and no chuch thuri h could kulil depose him A ald old den ration re bulled bulted and half a doen were on their feet feel to demand that tile the galleries ies be cleared A point of order was s taillet alst lilba tile the motion only one billot ballot was wag taken which 20 rawlins ns 13 representative monton of cathe lit in produced trod a bill for tile the relief of school cli oot has bem Adim advanced iced anti and will probable piss early rile decision of the lite supreme court nullity ing the law 1 i by the list legislature made home early action desirable representative thompson introduced a hill bill embodying the initiative anti and referendum idea for voters voter it alg ling in fix cities akl A abill was wa also introduced exempting to each householder fisca iso fiani taxation the foregoing are the mure more important ol 01 f the bills introduced Intro duped ye loVI tie be annd 11 L record tec oril I 1 mow q 4 1403 ata I 1 I 1 i W n A fly by kenner ro io provide provid alV additional d onal foche state VA W I 1 the lie bil I 1 provides for a graduated in collie ts x ni all follow i e ay 40 iy 0 11 Iii tonie frow from boo 2000 0 to 0 3 per centt buo ouo to per perc percent rocoo Jr oooo anti anil oller 0 er 4 per cent V AV A false or misleading statement by it a taxpayer its as to income will subject illin him to for perjury perl ry ali A inheritance tax lit in also provided for or at K follows E estate state of 1000 to a 2 per cent to 3 percent per cent over sow 4 per percent cent otte one fourth of the revenue of culis and counties front liquor licenses hall be paid quarterly into tile the state slate treasury ily hy mrs afro la barthe 10 lo io compel tile the removal of high hate hat arid and headgear at theaters opera houses and indoor places of bc i ilott 1 I lilt all partle 8 at attending opera houses hoimes and indoor of hhall be required to remove all kinds kind of headgear that tends to obstruct tile the view of others sec 3 ahat managers of opera houses and places of amusement shall provide suitable for the pl placing acing of such wearing appa apparel rel sec 3 that managers of theaters theat cr opera houses and places of aniu senit nt shall be responsible for the enforcement enforce in ent of title this law and in cabe of failure to do 10 so BO they shall be subject to a fine 0 of not lot less than to nor more inore than for each offense senate bill no jo 0 o by whitaker lo 10 establish a state of of labor and agriculture and making an all appropriation the statistics are to over tover t agriculture mechanical and manufacturing industries in mining ining transportation skilled and unskilled labor the amount of capital Invest Lol lit in land buildings machinery material and means of production arid and distribution the nuin number age sex and condition of persons employ ed edthe the ture lure of their extent to which the apprenticeship system prevails the number and condit condition I 1 on of t hit III unemployed their age sex and nationality together lorether with the causes ot of their idleness the sanitary condition of lands workshops dwellings the in number 11 illbeg and of rooms occupied by the poor the abt of rent fuel food cl and water wat r lit in tach cach locality locally loc allt of the state the t and condition of tile the chincie chani hc in tile hie satte imitate their social and hab its number of married and elthe 0 of thern them employed and the nature of their kruplo anent their aver age wages per day and tile the gross grobs amount yearly the amount expended L by them thein tit in rent food and clothing arid and in what proportion such ani amounts are expended tor for foreign and home hoine r reductions and to what extent their employment comes in competition with the hie white industrial of the sta state teethe the number conoll condl alon and nature of the lite of the inmates Innia tes of tile the st ite prison county falls all and reformatory and to what extent their employment comes in competition with tile the labor of inechen iab artisans arti bang and laborers outside of thebe institutions ily by kenner to tile the poll tax the bill provides that th estate county or municipality whichever Is 13 properly proper ly filially kiy tile expenses of opening m and tin proving tile the roads and that no poll tax shall hell forth bt bo levied NO I 1 HS I 1 ive lv hundred copan of tile the att attorney oraey generals genc rals anti and constructions of doubtful points of law will ve uc printed anti and to county olli cers and lekis legislators latort I 1 lie he line has voted stanish for the burp purpose ohe of moiling mailing to therefore do not alb RAIL halt to for topics copies of bills lit in which aou may be it lins ling be bein it chinked thit tatt present boil bod Is tilt tho test bit ot of men rile chir congregated lother toLt ther ke ite publicans publIc Ans will rind find no lit in bt lining this slip kent Kenn kennegh erh anti anil poll tax bill Is i 1 tep til lit alit tit of good raids it if an it amount abou tit in it equal to tile the amount annually expended in labor were devoted to roid building there would be a vast difference iler der the I 1 tw w Is poorly render rend erLd td awl grudgingly nt at that lite fisli and gime game bill wis lias made its appearance people should tile appropriate commit tee leu and see ire a cop the chronic eLO line lias narendj made tits ills appearance with legislative tittle time worth about a dollar a minute nil nute it does tot not take many economical pane g rice to become a source of ex pense some borne are li 1 III l by appeals appe alt for lit in binell affairs judiciary Judi clary liau benoot banow and arl lit ways anti and mann sno ch colne harbour ivans W G nelker pub lit it linds shurtliff anon IV G mon sort son allred arid and wright state tate affairs allred chaniot rs cattle calne shurtliff HI Edua education tion allred harbour robison Rob lson ila ha iner irrigation and agriculture burtu Sur tUll tU chairman i allred robison Rob lson snow wright johndon elections wright lan fini mantion S smoer ont i y y w fi N ih u M te ay iy appropriation arid and clainie calne chairman I 1 adeoul Rde smoot momon blon wright hamer ll W G I 1 tj 1 chairman wi G AIL Mui ir roii ol 01 I 1 C calbie a I 1 11 e snow |