Show TITE THE semiweekly SEMI WEEKLY HERALD B H I 1 L roberts ed ORGAN OF vie THE WESTERN DEMOCRACY TERMS tenus one year 3 six months R 0 CAMP local agent BOOTS B 0 0 T S SHOES s1 sa 11 1 1 0 E S MADE and repaired giving all satisfaction 1 JOHN WILSON t still f oa bondock at ta old stand 4 li EXCHANGE IA N GE wa always lias on liand hand a largo stock of s f a S I 1 wo CZ AND C czar gr Z S af M BROWN proprietor THE ANTLER 0 C a 0 complete stock of cigars ila t tro 0 the public can iila always expect fair treatment and clean roods s r T HENRIOD proprietor alx lx zoll zo 0 LL 0 1337 COLTON wilsonn walso WlL SO A always lias has on hand a fine stock of WINES 7 LIQUORS AND when you want any tiling thing in tile the alape h ipe of wet vet goods ive t them eni 1 call vhf C K GENERAL blacksmithing t AND wa wagon oil Repair repairing mr T HORSE e eki lop a T n sp tp ip JL J L ha satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded 0 E CARE OLL 7 1 all tra 1 1 f fw PI ILIN having r a liro large stock of borc c flioy I 1 ind and will always leep keep a stood stock on hand urn pie prepared pared to to do our ioie iole shoeing for 00 SPAN CASH olt OK STORE PAY vi v n r mw SON AND POPE POP manufacturers of paddles f CILar amosso noss saddle TREES ARE NOW 0 0 0 we have filst received a full stock of NEW GOODS and ean can furnish anything you w want to lit fit up a horse araw aR ww LIVERY AND SALE t aima CHARLES croush j aa |