Show k FIRE ESCAPE ly mcdina of lt it a man deacie twenty stories A correspondent of tho american architect dea describes ribes the successful working of a novel fire escape 1 if tho mention is what it appears to bo it is vey very ingenious a and likely to provo prove of great benefit to mankind r A public trial of it was made from the top of the near M masonic monic temple at chicago I 1 alie thc pocket fire escape consi consists tits of a 6 metallic tape one quarter of an inch wide and a thirty of thick running run ningon on ta steel reel wh ai h VL ia fastened to a web belt passing about the waist alic reel is provided provida d with a brake by means of the person peron can control the speed of liis his descent thero i is alers ill an automatic brake to koca a required require I tension on the tape and d thus thua prevent a sudden drop the end of df tha tho tip taps is provided with a thumb TOW G row which cn can bo a fast fastener nea to the vinO law or op any object in ia tho the room in c tit 0 is liko p a in ms 3 reel and is about twice tivice the size of a spool of 0 thread the beginning ot of tho the seemed perlous perilous in in the extreme extrema tho 4 elj I 1 ho thud 1 l llo 00 u ob belt almut about hi 1 lt ami in d stepped olf aiato iato hp ace from tho the twentieth atory d at first he bt de slowly illen then faster and faser fast tr till it t 1 cf nied lie must have hac lot lost control over tho the little machine tho slender 4 ader tape 0 of which could sely bo be been ani an at any time fible looked no larger than card at the tenth clr lie he sf pla I 1 ly and thon des ca U led antin nin rabidly d adiv and slowly by turns turn un until t he alcaino ama to the oldin where birc dvork workman mun thure there lie took cl men on tho escape cape with nhun and hua arI dropped ped to the ground i |