Show go TO boring for water DONT forgot tho the ARTESIAN WE WELL LL DB HOLD ON I 1 we have just rece received iveA A nc on ea ut t a ne 39 line lia of ciot jea dribs dress dri BS goods gooda genta furnishing goods No notion tiona boots and shoes staw hats groceries hardi hardware are in fact anything you ni nf sd A DIRECT FROM THE EAST AT EASTERN PRICES abw mata my THE semiweekly SEMI WEEKLY E EXCHANGE HERALD A always has on liand hand a large stock of abl s W it nosy lOS quoc B IL roberts ed az or za SS ORGAN OF THE WESTE WESTERN RN DEMOCRACY nf BROWN proprietor TEP TERMS bis one year 3 six months THE ANTLER A N R C CAMP local agent SALOON 1 0 C ac jr AND POPE manufacturers of a complete stock stacks of arness boy w n a 3 Z tr broo oo DL aigars 0 m sad dj e clean the goods public can always expect fair treatment and TREES ARE TOW NOW S J HENRIOD proprietor ao 7 0 COLTON WILSON walso I 1 we leave just received a full stock of always has bas on hand a firestock fin fine stock estock of NEW GOODS and can furnish anything you want to fit up tip it a horse WINES LIQUORS BOOTS SHOES S AND MADE OT JL X JL A az J L u to CA and repaired giving AU all satisfaction when you want any tiling thing in JOHN WILSON ILSON the shape of wet goods give them a call still on deck at the old stand STA E lill II I 11 I BURGESS PI proprietor carries TI S mail passengers and express fare round trip leaves vernul 8 a m leaves ft Duch duchesne esile 7 a in five hours on the road THE VERNAL CURTIS HADLOCK R E A ST fw 11 R ts A 1 P E T GENERAL everything in our tine line of the freshest and best BLACK blacksmithing ir T G mcnaughton BROS AND AD 0 E CARROLL wagon repairing HORSE G efm CUI U B per satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded having received a large stock of horse owe and will always keep a stock on liand hand am pye prepared pared to do your LIVERY AND SALE korac 8 hoeing for ar 0 0 1 1 11 t t atno AJ 0 I 1 1 amud v SPAN CASH oil STORE P PAY A CHARLES clou fv fr yi m n j y |