Show mra frnk moore vi IH very sick mr glentz IR youngest child has been quite ill tins this week but we are glad to state is much li better etter the leap year lance dance at Work workman mans hall was a great sue success cess A large crowd was present and ove everyone enjoyed themselves the music was away up A young man from fort duchesse DuCh esme recently had the good fortune co get a bill of sale of one of our most popular young ladies in emelian exchange ge for a horse people of ordinary looks cabi cani get 25 worth of property for a two bit cayuse youcan you can save money anoney by subscribing for your newspapers and magazines with J J haight the oula authorized and ie li liable ible agent for any publication in the world in the valley prices given ou on application on friday our sanctum was illuminated by the presence of four young ladles ladies frow from the flie school who desired to see the mysteries of the art preservative which our genial devil was only too glad to exhibit A man mail came in the other day it quiring 0 for a fanning mill it is the first time we ever heard of newspaper wind heing being used for cleaning knain grain auction a at t the old stand blythe mease mercantile co goods to go for what they will bring A few dollars will supply 11 you for a year dont fail to be there I 1 tit at 10 saturday feb 13 tribune the asphaltum un mines i nes at brush creek and the gil gilsonite 0 onite mims arc aile bel being ur 0 worked lor for a I 1 that is in 1 1 the copper mines north of ashley sire are being steadily worked six eight mulo mule tearris teams ore enga engaged gred in hauling ore to carter station station on the union Paci pacific eighty i 1 laty i ni fles distant 01 this ore a averages GO 60 per f r f ft cent copper and frow from 15 to 25 ounces es of silver to abe tonk i we copy the above to show liow how little is of tue the f r our mines and aud the working of them thein the Gilso gilsonite nhe mines i were nvere running pretty lively before tile the 11 holidays but are arc almost ili entirely shut down at pre present tient athe salia 1 mines are not worl working zing nt at all nothing having ht doue done on them but asea kneut work the they are arc situated on the donth sonth idlof I 1 j arf V vaclev about six miles froin vernal 1 lie 1 ar A 44 r S j S fl ho hc coal are arc tho the 6 ansy atily f f jhc ou I 1 brua vr eriar eri tei 1 kr brush creek lies about 18 12 mik to the thelast thee east ait of ashiley r Y ya alley llev tin wie 4 ohve oal only 7 worked corked two mn i fw aduf r ay f t 1 oil t bonu god A lf of r irin dollars do clarg worth orth of orv b biu bam am in in T ir h tha arf avak rt nl lov gri adt in celoso aa proximity to to the bitle chich which could be to advento gr if then own i was a st smelter nelter to nd n reduce d tive t lie ow to bill bullion I 1 ion uintah county hay has more ini tural ri resources sour than an any other county I 1 in ia utah I 1 and no way to get et our productions from them to market but by freir freight 3 rbt tea teams while the salt lake papers are agitating 0 ti i ng the railroad schemes ache acs to deep creek they mayas may as avul H I 1 put plit in m a word for county and A shley difley ag well alit 4 fail to a attend i tend the auction blythe mease mercantile co old stand SaW saturday rilay I 1 feb 13 Every everyone oie will aind something need and will lauve tile opportunity of bettl getting i ng it at next to to louing noU ing s 11 |