Show kalg UG TOGETHER T tao boric e a on auguet iq over the ri i chit 01 phil kaadt r bokou and his hi s ite iy 11 kloton 1 but it impressive ai 1 ressi v e I 1 H i row can or OL t d with the I 1 terr of f kit death uth it k ts 5 in ill t abia 1 is instance ij stance mont h a io e ro when mr ke coston waa Colli pal lively veli v ell and his bilea wab looted for hourly lie he remarked ed to avei al of the family A ny 1110 mother thur eleyet die yet 3 grolnic itai nic bcd d when we wie married that vu nye live together und anvill avalt fr fir nic 11 ilia ut wab prophetic aid we vu felt coli convinced vinced that the lesener lese ncr bot 0 luil fail to them thein tog lur As we ve looked oil oa their peaceful faces we I 1 falt alt there wib was no for regret that the lui ha add 1 est vv wish ish of their hearth grai li iltz adl after a well rounded life teady ready to lo trie tire the lacot of f inacy pil pilgrim ra rini t ies 0 ea t ZD g lier they 1 iliavi 11 1 1 livid than the allotted ta time score eo eds and ten tell had seen grow grow to ill and nna estate a large family Is 01 ol elli lu 1 11 aud and had around then thein to the last land anil C dr arrn n nhjose devotion was unquestioned an n I 1 friends who lid did gladly any ervice ol oi for lor kortem tem the f linand wis held in th tasi war 1 house bouse in mill ward sunday J corning T tt bouhe wib crowded over 3 8 ja 0 people being bem 1 ples iese elit ut to to pay their parting L of respect to thi the dead the coiling nuie eie borne bome in 1 b the pall pallbearers bearers and rested aide b side hl the Sur survives servi vices ees were conducted 1 I 1 lie I 1 ie e dered the hymn alneater my hy gokl god to thee which was followed by prayer by judge 0 glines G lines patriarch II hatch algell D I 1 bingha binghan 0 n 11 and alli it S 8 collett each spoke avoid of consolation to the livin living r touched lovingly on oil the lives and characters of the departed and in fervid words pictured thu the joys they believe awaited all who died itt in tile the faith bishop shaffer spoke of the covenant made in their happy youth that they would li live vc aud and die 31 1 e to together ether mr thos caldwell Cald vell who knew mr colton when they both young 0 aud and belonged to the celebrated mor mun mon Bai Blai allioD allion paio paid a merited e d tribute to 3 mr ir colcone coltons Col Cons tons cour courage aure enterprise and devo devotion tiou lo io ahat hat he conee conceived ived to be his duty at t ic close of the services orvices st the remains were nvere foli inked wed to the cerne cemetery tery where they yere were p cl cd d aids by ide do in one grave the f funeral uner was ivus the hargert ever been in the valley 01 61 ra 1 u 4 vu vehicles and loo people being at the aeme t ry 4 t phil anle r colto ar aws wis born orlain in no new w york october 19 1811 yI Colf coh his wife v coborn was wo born jn inthe pain jf e state fajt it oct 1 1816 in july 1833 33 and early in ill that jol joined i tie di thu tha cormons mormons and AA X eary arry in J M aled tl ie cormons mormons Mor mons tand and moved veil to ista uvon i n its itsu infancy Y ali i er tan eliy prospered erad imd and at u t tho time of if thu the forn sulin 60 luft lets a co I 1 home and f amo 0 xa W gw r tag d t to 0 iowa mr colton was ow on to to cilli fei in the mormon monnon Ba tallion ill 1 ag al HIR L oldest al 11 son ed then it a boy 0 ef 1 it d him and when the batta batt 4 I 1 ta 14 was lv is disband californi ali forni 1 mr I 1 CJ lt allowed 1 0 his hi bul L i i ka p r 1 0 sev W antor F mi TOr U bidun 1 I tac cle first 1 av V e r i 1 aj flent it 0 F astl fab t ite alter waking making t ba I 1 cirit IM wo r k t ana I 1 I 1 conly it a goo 00 oo 1 stake lie ho sal delit vent bae back ic to I 1 quart Quarter aib 61 to ills his fall famila aily I 1 ift ft of liis his effects only three old oxen au ana a bokou wagon on with these gliebe li started for 1 or utah n 7 and settled in provo following liis his trade ot oi brick making lie ile and his wife remained alicie until whee ahei they remold to ashley where they had civill living g at that time folli sous solis buth mr culton colton ind and ins his wife v 0 f 1 I comparatively well until last hist spring when they were nvere attach J with ichi la 0 grippe 11 mr mi I 1 colton 17 rallied but ilk wife lived months MIS ill in ex extreme trellio misery bwy praying billy that 1111 might ht die dic and end lier her slice suffering 1 arill within tile the lit itt six weeks mr ar colton failed ll and for ome daab before his d C ith he wab unconscious ari alton tied died thursday 1 aug t 13 it 40 4 0 1 p in and 36 6 hours later hater at 4 30 a in saturday mr colton breathed liis his last the they Y vall he be greatly missed mr colton col ton was a most entertaining convere con verb va dion alist and ninny a pleasant half hour have we spent in his coul company pany ars colton was a woman to depend Ie on wid and always apolo her own mind milid without fear or favor |