Show hosna doings sings fort ducho bejune esth 1891 the most interesting avent of the week was the production of the drama draina alady lady audleye Aud leys secret performed 1 by y the dramatic club june 3rd ard the muttie during 0 the performance was fur furnished nihed by the uintah orchestra whiz c efforts well deserved des appreciation mis Melli tyre who possesses poses cs 11 voice of great sweetness and power for enot emotional ional acting was seemingly 0 1111 unable alile to satisfy S y her ciff liti jimale admirers ho frequently was she obliged to repeat her role miss ethel al waugh haugli made a very handsome maid miss chara E waugh was exceedingly cee pretty in the character of alicia audley mr match hatch aduke tai 11 atil e N 1 t rl s the drunkard drunk card give 0 etva a 1 impersonation son lation of tile the character mr R waugh acquitted hin himself admirably in aa character of robert audley a did alo mr samuelson as geo tallboys Tall boys Sa Hat evening the owl club gave their first hop the attendance e was ve very w ry small owl owing i ng 6 to a mistake of tile the indita in vita tion committee we are sorry the committee made this mistake ini stake ay as we expected till all the owl people in the post to turn out some brilliant skirmishing was done last week by IF co A few of the members making as high as 22 24 2 and 32 hits out of a possible 20 some soine wonderful shots in P company ou june ath the canteen declared ita second dividend the smallest company receiving and the largest company W re ceiling now we do not complain of the amount received but we do object to the present mode of making the division for instance co fantry Iii Iti having the smallest number of men present receives the smallest dividend IBI B troop ath cavalry having h the greatest grea iest number of men present receives the larg est eat dividend by the laws governing the canteen enlisted man is allowed to draw from his company rom pany credit it chooks checks to the amount of one ode fifth of his pay per month these checks lie he pays for and redeems the following pay day ca company almost to a man since the establishment of the canteen have drawn and spent their full allowance of credit cheeks checks independent of cash during pay this thio 44 alao true bf the other two infantry company troup since its arrival at this post october 1890 have littee about I 1 50 dollars to ta x r rc count of 1 ei edit ebo choc chocka KM redeemed led ahio If flo IVY 0 O company oo leany 1 bave igwe nine hundred dollars in the same length of time this of course la call caused by the of IV troop who will not permit his hia anif men n to draw the checks allowed them by law whereas fc C and ifa F coin I 1 pal banys lAlys captains captai 1 ils do not interfere and tile the men are allowed allol ved to draw as many checks a etli they think they elan can pay for since the establishment 0 of the cantlen dec deat 2501 1889 kcf C co have paid to the canteen 1700 in checks leeks el redeemed redee nied and IBI B troop about 45 and now when a dividend i is made troop abl B receives 11 1 more than IC company it ai 4 been so in the past and it will be so in i n the future f u ture if i f the present mode of divider g is not ilot changed and auy any reasonable person penion from the facts fact given dabove above would declare this method of dividing b by the number of men present to be unfair where the organizations at a post are of the bame branch of the service the present is all right but whore cavalry mid and infantry are arc stationed is as it at talis p post ost i the infantry will inevitably gl get it tile worst of it if the canteen con consul stil would divide the funds for elich organization by the amount 1 bulit of credit cheeky drawn and redeemed IB B troop would receive about abou t 15 45 and IC kcf company about of course it will be said that this method would encourage intemperance rance but bot we fail to see it in that light it is doneal done at and we have helard heard at several othor other posts P it would be no more than just and right that it be done at this post where one half spends I 1 alie lie money the other half spending little or nothing comparatively yet reee receiving iving tile the largest bhare of the profits just the same the canteen consul surely cannot blame the infantis for objecting acting to be played for suckers which by the present system of dividing the receipts receipt cei pt by the number gumbl er of men present they certainly erta are swipes |