Show milt ward arzi imps the ball gline game ga me for foi the championship champion of aunt y hoti between veen the mill ward and 1 lj t chelle Chone nines ib et to come satur day may alay on the diamond diani ond near the old school hoibo in thin thi ward strang 0 ali alib 0 threatened to kill labrana labrums La brani boyo boym was bound over the peace by justice colton in the sum of the farmers ay aay the rain that fell during bale past week will s one oie irrigation mr air bird says lie ire thinks wheat that covers tile the ground well will need bleed but one move more watering 11 1 A copl co pl of small boys of this ward got prairie dog scalps last week through the drowning out ot process the county paid for them save your P D scalps boys boyi and talce take them to the county clerks offie office e the mill fill Ak ward club went dollic katurd saturday ty afternoon and played tw the glines ward boys tile the playing t on both sides way was lather weak especially that 0 of f glines ward showing in an excessive lack of pre preparation 1 an i tion the nine innings played were simply i a walk over 1 py for the mill ward score 61 to 14 W M rylan byan W G reynolds and three oti others liers started about tree weeks ago on a tour through gli tile the uintah range of mountains at the head of whito white rooks and U I 1 antall creeks 1 the 8 c representative had a short interview with mr reynolds about their trip lie he said iid of all the godforsaken god forsaken countries he ever was waa in that was the worst broken up shaken and thrown about of course they discovered the inevitable lible mine this time its china car and ruly ruby silver or something else lots of i it ete etal et etc C mr rylan ryan said A satisfied ch chuckle lickle that thal it W was undoubtedly gool as lie he had sold old out his share for fifty f if ty dollars last wook week at duchesne brid bridge py we met inet mr simpson on oil his way outsider p to bring in so lie he 4 a ber of gen elemon who tire are into interested rested with him iu in a prospect near the way up or of course mr r S is much elated over 11 camp and his own in ill bartic particular ula javid Bing bangham liani who has boen hL borill as a missionary in tho the south for two year has returned and thursday evening reception ion to col celebrate abrate 4 ills his homo gr was given hini him in the ward ine meeting eting ciomek houfe tile the machine agent got a lette fron fro home mid and the tears of joy springing t be hes eyes lie he read my imy dear hope you stay ivell bill remarked yoi yo 0 ii dont put the 6 accent on the right word in your answer it bo be out c N the way to state that that you are ered oil one of the toughest t er struck this country J |