Show goings may 17 1801 daily D dres ress parade mij and target practice are visible sign signoff of approaching f summer and the usual spring rumors of a move are rife our always welcome friend major creary has come and gone and its as a consequence iee many bad scores decorate the target records johnson and bave left for price utah where they will engage in the saloon business lubenstein benstein Eu was discharged dis charred from co A infantry nf antry dr A rose is on va a visit to his parents at this post A tan was born to the wife of hospital steward john swee ly mother and child doing well A person by the name of williams has been arrested for grand larceny committed at the residence of capt 0 apt E D 1 dimmick williams hay has been a servant in the family of ca capt p t dimmick for over eight years and it looks strange that after so many ye years rs faithful service a man would commit such a crime for so small a gain the evidence against him however is entirely circumstantial and very verv flimsy at that britt and henroid of vernal paid us a visit last week the boys ate are always happy to have thene theme gentlemen amongst them as they prove to be hail fellows well met by the way one of the greatest events of the year came off a few weeks ago but it passed off so quietly that I 1 had bad forgotten to mention it I 1 refer to the maidon maiden performance for forni mance ance of the fort duchesne athletic Athle tiie club which took place at the post hall may 7 1891 this grand event had supplied gossip for the post for many days previous ions on the evening of the above batea large andi audience ence assembled gt at tile the hall to witness as they thought one the greatest glove contests of modern tini when the doors were opened altisi a rusl was made for seats betting was on arl anai excitement ran high for be it known knownly I 1 that while publicly advertised its as strictly strict strictly lt t for scientific points point it was secretly whis s about hat there would be a foght for physical endurance and either eitha r man carried from the ring the performance opened with several minor acts aels shiell v were very good especially the bout be ln 11 oween the two Washing which was waal exceedingly good at precisely 9 the master of ceremonies mr peter snook stepped into t the lie ring 0 and made the following announcement gentlemen no soldiers present the last act of the ove aings performance will be a boxing contest with six ounce gloves between fred gulliver Gul liper of new york and jack reynolds of philadelphia for the chaniel championship i 0 of blowtown Blow town duchesne DuChes nc ty and the kitchen police belt gulliver Gul liper will be seconded by Suni summers and martin co A chas burus of Bo boston timekeeper reynolds will be seconded by D dills ills a and nd washington on co H jack bumbel of hoboken timekeeper ton ten rounds three minutes each rules for scientific points referee wm riley who will render the decision honestly and without partiality ire I 1 request the audience audi euce in behalf of the principals to refrain from all loud betting yelling ete I 1 assure you gentlemen that every thing will be done on the square find and may the best man inan win avin at 9 10 time was called aud the battle was begun round gulliver Gul liper led off with a swinging left but missed liis his adversary reynolds gained it a point prolonged liged applause rounds 2 3 4 same as 1st ast round 5 both men came up quickly and struck out viciously but missed round 6 same as ath round 7 both men wary wid a id sparring for time in this round seconds seen shouting craps for a quarter ath round all brome promenade nade around the set awful silence reigns several in audience heard to snore round 9 referee woke up timekeepers time keepers and asked what time it was 10 round grand walk around here bure the principals pahi told the referee that the round had ended some ehno ago then another great talk was ivas held and it was decided that they play another round for th alie benefit of the victims it in front round 11 tile the same as the master af aster of ceremonies carrie do down from the stage and woke up each individual in the audience and told him bim that the contest was ivas ended and decided in favor of gulliver Gul liper of new york loud and prolonged yawning thus one of the greatest long distan e glove love contests in the annals a anal of the modern prize ring rin swipes |