Show california minors traveling Tra velinir itt in a special I 1 HOUSTON TEX oct 10 the southern pacific officials are excited oter news received roce ived from points along tho the line concerning tho the capture of ono one of their freight trains at del rio bio by a band of sixty five armed men mau who claim to bo be men from california and now new mexico tito th men say they brero ff cro driven to desperation b by y tho the delay of the senate in settling bottling the silver quest question ion so that busi business may inay be resumed in the silver prodoc ing and they tho propose going to alabama to tako take tho the place of striking miners miners as it is ia now work or tion lion with them thoy they are running the train on oa their own dudlo and tho the dispatches are in order to avoid collision with the th regular traina they stop at differ different ant towns and lievy levy tri tribute tute of bf provisions but so iso far have committed no other depredations they are well armed and the officers dare not attack them unless thoy ican can muster a largo large posse which cannot nt be dona done except in tho largo large cities it if is dot expected that they will abandon tho the train noar the end of the division go around the city and by c capturing other trains proceed on their journey the headquarters of the southern hero here have just received a telegram from san antonio stating that w when bon the train pulled in thero there forty of df the tramps were naught caught while twenty five escaped but are being bei pg pursued salt lake lak tribune |