Show LOCAL ITEMS ITE A LS ac til 1 cox I ne has returned fi an fn xii at denver deliver ho 60 ets f tor r v heat on account at coop co op side saddles for 10 at john pupos popes escorts free 90 ets per bushel for wheat on accounts at T E dillemans Dill Dil lilians mans oats wanted at L johnson cos at one dollar per hundred the extra rope for the artesian well anchine inae bine is here and the drill will start up today to day just received at coop co op now new goods Just just what you want call and see them A C hatch arrived in ill vernal last week friday and went on over to blue mountain to look after his bis stock interest there the flume and milling C co will hold a meeting at the school house in ath ward monday next at 2 0 clock everybody invited there will be a grand weigh ball at workmans Work mans hall monday oct ath everybody cordially invited to attend john me dougall was in town t saturday last from blue mountain and reports stock looking well and the feed much improved by the late rains winter is coming and no bread in the house and a large family to feed wheat taken on subscriptions silver taken at face value no isto discount new trees for side saddles will soon be in at john popes if you want a saddle cart harness or double harness or any thin thing 9 to fit up TIP a horse give him a call take time by the forelock and dont let the cold blasts of winter whistle through that light summer suit but go to the coop co op and add get you a good warm all wool suit of clothes and keep warm the Poly pol y society met last friday at tho the stake academy anil and the program was quito quite a treat to the audience there mere will be an other meeting ine eting of the society or on t in inq 1 au fth of oct 00 ja 0 o quitt quite it a number her of if avit witnesses llos kemt le e for prove to to attend court this beok v eek times are dull but the IM h mill continues continue ri to grind rind out its M ual I 1 orist and it takes money to 01 oil 1 tho the machine chino and keep it i in i n run uini order the gionest granger raner is now iii his grain anin and piling 11 up q ili hi suni summers work with some soine of them wo we ar arc 4 sorry to state their stack will be small owing owin to tho the backward spring and the scarcity of water ill mr r powell of vernal utah mall was waa in ill town this week with a waon barall load of honey ho he sold the remainder of his load over pounds to fo Roin hardt and will leave for homo hoine saturday in morning orning intermountain for fear there will bo be a kick coming from sonio some of the readers of the alie EXPRESS expel qs because it did not hay have fill all of the news we will inform them that ali at mrs grover G rover cleveland has a baby and poor old gravor is boycotted once more it is is a girl hl boo hoo that s too bad L johnson mot with a very painful accident the other day tit at his roller flour mill one of the carriers carriers got clogged and mr johnson endeavored to clear the obstruction with his finger and got the finger caught with the carrier screw and in extricating it lacerated the finger very badly 0 B atwood has just returned from the big horn country and aid says the parties who went from here bore are doing well and satisfied with the country ellison murray also came back with him bringing john murray who had his leg td amputated at lander the price telegraph makes the stated statement bont that the IL lease amse for the mineral lands on the reservations has been approved and the bonds filed thatis that is goodness goodnews good news for the opening up to settlement of the surplus farming lands will soon follow and then this section of utah will bo the richest portion of the territory the Y 31 31 1 I A of vernal met at the stake house sunday evening for the purpose of organizing for the fall and winter campaign the meet meeting ing was not very well ivell attended on account of not many knowing there was to be a ine meeting eting held for that purpose they will meet again next sunday evening to complete their organization the people of ath ward and some of the other wards in the valloy valley have of late been annoyed every sunday evening at their socials by fertan inan who would amid ride around their places of f worship yelling and ami larein oil it their six shooters thus disturbing lip the meeting ts and anace of ortho the pouolo generally two of thia the boyi boya wore pulled up before justice bills and lined filled 5 and cost which may have a tendency to make them ill 0 11 I 1 more careful in iii the future remember boys that it is looked upon in ill any 1001 community wi as a very low and disgraceful act in ill any ally one to disturb or try to break up any relie ous ine meeting eting or imy othor ncr M where it is conducted decorously |