Show FARMER satui satu i day we attea attended ded the graal cr aad eam ilece tion by the farmers of ashley valley F for or some time has been ine invest felt in a movement towards an all alliance lance or oe farmers mutual benefit association and sai sa meeting was the result mr lr L S lIol holdaway daway was the mover in the affair ail air and has with the aid of collier win aiu hullinger and geo organized 8 associations in in the valley beginning 0 0 with tai 5 members and showing on the rolls at present this in time shows that the organ organizers aizers have worked with a will and 1 E have met with unusual success we listened with great great interest saturday to the proceedings and found from the speeches made that the farmers in the valley are in iii a deplorable condition 0 in debt and no visible trail out of the 11 slough of despond the idea of the organizers sers Is 18 that the members of the association wll will airree M to cc operate to keep prices up a and id in every way possible to aid one ano another iller whether v the C gentlemen were not ready to let their light shine or whether we were too blind to see sec it certain it is we got only a very hazy idea of how the amello amelioration ratton of the farmer was to be ba accomplished we heard more inore than a score of times in unity is strength t 4 and we will admit that it is sometimes ant as one of the fa farmers who know what debt i we have come to the conclusion that will ditl the plain dianer we must work ork o out our own si s il we sincerely hope the association may be a benefit and we are going to study into the matter ani and aid it all we can in in our small way the association has sonic some of our bading n men interested in it mr R S col left was elected president J alma holdaway yav secretary john N davis vice jent lel it and judge treasurer A committee was appointed to draft a constitution and byla bylaws by la laws vs to be presented to a cow corn cittee of officers and afterward erward ait to a gendral 11 on ferance of the association A monday there wits was a called session of the county court for forthe 4 the lie districting redistricting re fe of the county it 1 liere here has been some difficulty Ji heretofore in ill determining tho th boundaries cf some soine of if the school dig triet the court R alo izo I zo lepied ce pied tile the survey of the new road kopul and l jr A job oh i al n h tn ia i i r u 1 v V 14 1 i 4 |