Show DAVIS SENTENCED AGAIN judge 0 blackburn Black lurn sheds te tears while doing it exception taken the leading leadin cr feature in the district cow t 1 at clovo 3 yesterday rest erday was the sentence of enoch davia the wife murderer murdorf mur dorc ile he was W a taken down horn the penitentiary it in the morning and came up bior forsOn sentence tence at 2 in the afternoon filled to overflowing ill 1 the chui coui was 0 hen it became known the noted crim nal was to be sentenced nearly dearly half of the spectators atols ivelo women Wol liell enoch divis davis was sonie somewhat what paler than when lic he app appeared oared the court last fall and alicie appear to be traces on his hh face of agonizing of sonie some kind there N was vas la a non nonchalant clial int air about the prisoner oner as lie stopped stepped f forwald d to receive recel vC sentence ile he learned caie lessly on th clerks desband looked deliberately at the judge judge blackburn you haye have heretofore hereto fort been sentenced forthe for the of f mulder and chose as tile the method of your execution to be shot did you not datis dabis T would lather bather be shot than hung hang M of course judge blackburn it now becomes the duty of the cobit chui t to fix a day for your execution ec ution have you any leason why the day should not be fixed da davis r ia no sir fair jl AT yarner prisoners attorney if your honor please I 1 desire to savo save a point by taking takina 0 an exception to scat sentence ence being passed for 4 the 1 be acason that a petition has been made to the supreme court for an appeal judge that is no idason why the date of execution should not be set attorney warner very well wo we except inquiry was ii as then made by the court as to the length of the time being allowed allowA pending 0 the execution and pros eluting acu ecu ting ZD attorney banc said sixty days 6 acir ell it will be within that time s said aid his lionor honor ile he then illen continued in a tremulous voice 1 I lia have ve now the painful ul auty to berf oi of sentencing you f for or the crin crime ic of inui der the sentence of the court is that you he be in ill charge of the officers until the oth day of june 1893 1891 0 and on that day that you be taken from froin your place of confinement finelli ent aud and on that day friday junu juno ath beewen the hours of 10 a and 11 1 sunset you be shot until dead clead aud may god have mercy on oil your soul then big tear di dimps aps ops canic came to judge blackburnn blackburns Black burns eyes the scenes was quite pat pathetic betic enoch davis WAS then taken from the room and shortly brought back and informed that the judge had omitted to state the execution would take place in the courtyard at provo enoch davis was born in pottawatomie co county la ia in 1819 and has lived in utah since 1853 1852 lu 1871 he married a utah girl the one ho he murdered murder cd I 1 in L went to uintah county and ed cd f for or the agency arre 0 ncy and fort up to the time lie he was arrested for the murder of his wife bif c salt lake tribune bunc bune |