Show FOUND DEAD IN A WELL A miner of tintic gintic who was missing n for rive five weeks EUREKA utah march 30 special to Tn TRIBUNE muNE I 1 five weeks ngo patrick patrich E fitzgeral fetzger Fitz ger goral al 1 a miner loft mammoth mamrick mamrich for eureka explaining to his brother that ho he would be hack back in two f days ho he was in eureka but suddenly disappeared and his friends could find no trace of hirn him today to day however postmaster driscoll in taking water from a well near the postoffice Post office fico made the horrible discovery that a dead body was at the bottom bottomland bott and on summoning assin tanco the remains remain s of patrick fitzgerald wore brought to the surface the well is about eighteen feet deep and has some ton feet of water in it it As soon as po possible a coloner coio coroners ners 1 f jury composed of 1 sultan mcmurphy and tono tone wore 6 summoned nud aud them the cause of death investigated before judge piko iko an examination of the body showed allowed it X had boon in the water some omo S ti time in e the base of the skull was fractured a as 9 if by a blow or a fall but how caused could not bo be determined by tho evidence dence brought out this afternoon witnesses who saw the deceased last testified that he bo was depressed and had boon drinking when ho he loft mammoth he had but only 25 21 cents was found on the boda to day tho coroners Cor onera jury adjourned until un fil 10 tomorrow to morrow morning fitzgerald was a member of the I 1 miners union and will bo be buried by this organization he was 27 years of ago and besides a brother living hero here leaves relatives at bingham salt lulo tribune |