Show GA X M AN rf ff 7 TRY 0 STANDARD SOAP WS washing powder hill SOAP Is ft to al ose bc sitt 0 cw com T bunds for WASHING AND CLEANING t ia I 1 md mado of pure material and con taina nothing that will injure the finest fabric equally at good for using in u hard as soft water yo no soap boar ever required to be juiia with this poplar ro pounds ich sate nake three ice aun OJ beautiful Beauf fal SOFT it atia h put up in wrapper 3 of one pound po ond each and a in bomea of ten pounds bulk arith m ith directions SOLD BY ALL GROCERS manufactured at sacramento street St is an francisco I 1 STAN STANDARD DARD SOAP CO mann manufacture facture Califor california wo S superior lu enor pale file chemical Ch emica olive and Deter alve equal to easten easte a manufacture saua d sul BELL TO THE TRIBE AIX IT AT ITE LOWEST ST MARKET KATES sep adept T duffly y VULCAN IRON WOR WORKS ka CO 00 established ab F FIRST I 1 I 1 AND i SJ sis n r ron eran Fo anders item avlue and am Boi bacr ers era in sheet iron brass brah and theao borks have irakly ba abse U bt fsr kl 2 dalon of cf now t si hopa aop on 02 fremont sliest Sf crt dou doub balbir the th lirE capacity of the on al ats for turning out Aa machinery ini chinery grumpily promptly ar 7 ar cor or in the state st grom T tha he Coia are prelL tea to foitl soi tl orders for 1 tu 11 claue classes oil f machinery aud m boner wor K oh as mining rio iring lim inne qua artz ti mills saki SaK arKIlls aid irons and manufacture they har bays acsai lift a large ito of for and bd hoisting ho apall VP all water mal irons screw R teria furnaces Fur acM paces grate grat bars horob hona fronts or jamsE al 41 fe zea Potti Post And puina SOT eta Etri yn rj aiho shoes and dios efird ron art quarts sorna of rula lion iron ta W cordi faals ly ara or UTAH MUNI maho LID MADI I 1 L B co IMPORTERS or OF AMERICAN AND FO HARDWARE WA W A R E I 1 san ban francisco california gsg let leavo to call the tn attention of dexler a jit ia 1 Agnic alture bad and house t to 1 I 1 larf and complete stoat sto of goods goodli the thy yate u lly raati tang direct diree from tom the th thy they ifor clr the lh trade at t wac rt all orar for goods CM will liar bayo prompt and eastal emstal attentions ios we TT by beg itata to kefor to latiin sirs nia anoa s and nd bif J Qs esq salt ak lybia AMERICAS AMERICAN EXCHANGE corner cerner of 9 sansome anshine ana SAN branc isdo Q holau frow u HM ha c r ii won Vanh lato ltd and aa almly 0 o the moat comfortable aad homelike home like hotel ileta la in the ih state aher aery trant b aad letb ta salt the tha most masv economical air R ifil will kiwy be b la in te to dontay to th hotel ten TIMOTHY ry x honetor JAMES linart ORTH 0 commission Oom 0 amis mission si 0 n ira iter re chant ha n t xe to 3 front street near laret corx axce cl for the parchie lad and shipment of tu all d on of ma and ou a coma coin moulon u for uth idaho iash sud nd montana tsi onita jia it if QUARTZ CO A T WA I 1 ifton RA WD WOK 94 Kt 1 1 E S Etor E xer fremont aia teka cl sie is sin big eprim kunii ici for ten cold tai UTI lucy luca j oy hymes so soap allo ka in I 1 addition to ru tha iba GUAR LUTEr TIM BOA M in inart an ra the qualitz 13 aquai to iny any we hata ater bud ad W we hata axy nl ana rea ye our OM tory to erml at rt r t between uh ana dij 7 18 19 lyl gan 0 caudll 1867 7 SPRING STYLES PHILADEL PHU WALE HOWELL 4 BOURKE cor re rath arth ata pha op OF paper hangings hannings Hang ings it window adow IN cart Cari ain jin pa pors pars linel imen shades shade ma ind holland Ho panda soud soled green tua and abiff chocol chocolate grounds eligar sd and to which we VB indita the attention of mar chanta to eaje GREAT SALE BAIE AND EXCHANGE STABLES horses and wagons daily bought bo feht and gold 66 ad dou sya sy ladt he atra ws to Y pirt of 0 the th cap c pa l eboni n far hacks lef i X L t th aj hots brit ait 0 E ek k be or at the will cadei lu to 0 aply baclit arz to lot let 4 on the 11 PAK aca apRa pg a SAN AN 4 TO TAYLOR lot DEL co casoia TO I 1 zab oo 00 DEALERS IN EN WJ nad AND LIQUORS 1 1 b chiy street san francieco Franc iEko ofil 00 I 1 cola mi 0 dr hulsla adla swiss stomach bitten the world renowned deputa uan uttam with the tb est enri and nd iaac tw lor dr raella swiss siri womb h bitter vw vill tt cam them to the fiTo duft 0 of all ali coB oliaM ltd bovate of a 6 good and health tal borlo and aaa purita of the th mood blood acting suell yet bently beauy cai ca the of liver na aud ide idd nw ays eys they w ra taa a as kiwo dak v C for sale at all tho the wholesale ana rotain stores on the pacific cout at the depot of TAYLOR TAYLOE ans 16 clay nl fatta and san baa Francl la tM 0 buforo CU colff foro orals mrle am JACOB flIT ABIS M B X HUG strahle HUGHES 67 gr BY opposite 6 ST OLE AGENTS FOE r on PATENT I 1 COMB mATiON TION C CUSHIONS we W desire to inform our hiir friends ltd the publio public that na hays onna a to carry on at the bota monaca I 1 tam at alm nEsSe wa nhill ahl COZ OU on hind au ali go glod OU n nth mth the nich anch u balls cloth baes cue leathers cheaks card boxes etc etc wa call st to ow ur new deiv model G grecian r e c i a n style billiard tables with the patented aft solicit aurit a a share isidre ot of the its of an a public HUGHES felt r tm sm Fran francico cuco california STATION stationery ERVy BLANK BOOKS BOOK AND PAPER WAREHOUSE WK B COOKE co Pnat tars era pincers sia oars and d 31 an ithac le ALSO OP kaib rew and lt affa ai ganju B S 3 corner comer sansome Sa neocia and my clay tits eta SAW SAK ATA hy 02 ako tko A coast dauab iaU aB 1 wt l 61 oa UC wah icho livada and AW mi loois promptly prom by ex x pm raa or r ut the or wier TB sr fatge aci aad a ra WIL wm 13 COOKE CO leoy ayo WHOLESALE stationery JOHN G HODGE CO AND wn ra 11 1 stationery BLANK BL ANK BOOKS bloks SCHOOL BOOKS CHEAP publications PUBLICATION 9 WRAPPING PATER PAPER PAPER BAGS ac calaty tors Compan loi r end nd bask ba ks t to nirl tk th CO supplied at tho lov og ml asta M gVarA tL and clay street SAN ly PAPER WAREHOUSE SEI What Mans alln drawing dr ng papers arbeta rials mathematical inston agush Arnold 1 ink etc etc yok SALZ BY GEO GE 0 33 HITCHco oy 0 CO 0 intact and hansome street US oa application 4 on t wins JM im DELY UNION I 1 4 1 it bui tires t bait laha k A established 1863 r t Tm tor T 01 7 y ia r THE DAILY VEDETTE has a larger circulation in the terri griea of leluti montana a ideh 0 colorado and arizona than any other paper published in utah making it zhe the best medium for the merchants of naw nsw I 1 y y york philadelphia boston baltimore st louis louie chicago and all the eastern cities to advertise in the merchants of california california and nevada will findt greatly to their advantage to advertise in in the the merchants of utah know the advantage to beabe I 1 at 1 dived by advertising in this paper therefore they advertise 1 ssi fe aux xee WEEKLY a W E EKLY VEDETTE tr Is published every every Shir saturday day morning it is the beat family paper pu published ba dished in utah territory everybody should subscribe for it ft jr F asi i or THE t A Z defies competition in utah I 1 we are prepared io to execl execute with th 1 I tan dispatch of job work and guarantee to give satisfaction in all cases orders from the distance dia tanco promptly attended to ORDERS 1 ri T t A ft S sc A M y go 0 y p PLAIN P L I 1 N t CY in I 1 bmw W tl mw VL ac X mc nm I 1 3 may be seen oen at ai the VEDETTE fryler aa south street ethe severe 11 rous hoose 0 silt a biar a A 11 LU L SUFFER no MO when by the nea of DIL coa caa afo b cured permanently and at M tha aba astonishing success which tm hu ataw tu tk Able medicine for ph deal and kcf AC I 1 4 genaria debility and prost prostration ratio ra lo 10 toy ef c atus S key fown impotency Impo toncy or any of the cotino co tiKo 1 fus it the rafort ino aou ever it aill remove all ferrous to y or val memory thoughts of iff fein of insanity kc ilow it will r renew the health of those who hare aln tle edeus or evil M young men bo be humbugger humbugged hum bugged Ced no IB 1 ltd ea ignorant ba t h delay for the istir and be at once I 1 ta an acad d hap 5 ifor A perfect cure 1 iiii rem f ts in price pric a 1 oc four boti bo lesto eeck 3 1 ono bottle la Is to effect effert i a ara en L I 1 liry cabe iz aj ALSO DR DK JOIN n PILLS for the eledy and SA penna of gono nhea eli urethe diah 14 14 4 tad au oam of jhb th kib is tx der caro carea effected in from ona to ave aro sro ro prep prepared Lrea from vegetable eab U 3 L leu less on the system and never u tat viii or impregnate the breath 1 no 0 o cb cowf gs a of the S caury using them nor doea ahr S i n or Itter fero with th bazin as j pul ny acl hl per par box pvn 1 Elt it berof 0 f tho the abobo mentioned artl dis i tf address zd dress closely belled and VZ or ti on heipt of price AgalI mc by t ang Bf iRGER COW Q 04 byj va nayer stry x THE WORLD AT T TBS VION dzib 2 1 MADE BY THE GREAT ASTRO madame H A PERRI Gf she rovean secrete no aortal ortal ever arkyl tn y stores to happiness those who from n d va cristea in love lots loa of 41 friends friend loss loia of money ac have become duc 4 she br ariaga ingo together those long separated gatna uon stion concerning absent friends or lover loveren lo venta sN lost or stolen property tells you the businga boat beat to pursue parano and la in what you amig causes speedy marriages and teva tean tery aty yo you ariu marry gives elvee you the kamtai and d acty ac cs of the person sho she reel tery ve to thoughts g 1 t and by 1 her e a almost oat orf era t the h dark and 1 hidden 0 ture the stars we see abo in tho the ar stars that overcome or from the aspectia and p muneto islets aud the fixed stars stara in the heaven at a of birth she abe deduces the future destiny of nm i not inot to consult the greatest greatest test Astr astrologist on w acosta bat and wrea you may ne er gin again g b IUT K an opportunity consultation p d all al desired information 1 barbes at 73 can consult the 11 madame 6 by n equal ual baety and satisfaction to artt em ej av reaf 9 peron A fail and explicit ch chart britven is ril ilu inquiries answered and ilk en pall on receipt of ax price above mentioned mention itt oat at r hill be maintained and all correri corr ewi or destroyed dea troyed Refer enece of lh tho nig der furnished thota desiring them write p ay of the month boath and year la in which you iou tra ta I 1 a small lock of hair add address as MAD A MC sarh H A PEi tRIGO V apis lyl P 0 DRAWES 93 BU azok I 1 oh obi I 1 the she wa beautiful find and fair with starry eyes and radiant hair whose whoa curling tendrils soft entwined entwine 4 Mich lined the very heart and mind CRISPER COMA for curling the hair of either ia wavy and glossy ringlets kinglets King lets or heavy massive curls burls by using this trade article ladles and Gen tImea themselves a thousand fold it Is cc artices la the tha world thit that rall curl straight bil cit the ana ume time give I 1 it a beautiful g glossy the cruhm coma C 1 not 0 only curla tha hair aa oraf trat beu UfiM M and a 1 1 12 it Is 15 highl w 11 arf ed and Is ie the most moat complete ski 01 t the kind ever offered to the american et coma will be sent cent to any address tsze e postpaid fox 1 address all ordra to W L CLUX CO IVIC yo no 3 west nett fayette st syracuse Syra cuM 3 t II 11 cometh glad tidings of joy to all to young and aid to old to great and to small th the 0 bu for a y ad which w so eo precious andra Is ii f fres rae for tu tad all may be fair by the we use of W WHITE H I 1 T E L liol I 1 ufa rAMEL EIS thal ot pt vj and t the a comp m aia th most aln able and perfect gerfe t re for or elhag the skin a beautiful 71 l hae a til sit 0 only lound found nd in youth it qu icely demota ma IE I 1 haplea plead blotcher blotches Blot ches thes moth motti patches Pat chei sip ness amit eruptions and all impurities of the saint h g the iha eune leaving tho the slon white ad dai AU tU buter tm its use can not be detected by the te crumay scrutiny cru aay and being a 3 vegetable preparation eption pr ipa is ly hirm less it la is the tha only article of the by tb tha and is considered by the tha Ms in betle p to a perfect tollet upwards of bottled w were told during the tha past t year a isasi of its ita efficacy prica conly only 75 5 exta tl st by rall post on receipt of an order by BERGER CO chemists river street troy at T EXCELSIOR EXCELSIOR STELLARS CHA HAIR exterminator exterminatory 1 for removing superfluous hair to tho the ladies ese especially clany this invaluable 1 7 recommends itself as being an almost to female beauty is ia easily applied bouzi b bora I 1 or I 1 injure junth the s aun ki but acts directly oa the rah 1 it t I 1 til to remove superfluous hair fron ks forehead or irom from any put part of tho the body compit totally and radically ea extirpating tho same ww IN oft fk 5 smooth and d natural this the ais Is tho the only arlda rt by tho french I 1 and Is a the 0 0 only y rea real e effect ou 0 P tory in existence price oe 75 cents centa per an at to any address on roe if bof sno GE CO chemists Chemis Ls spa selmy lyl river street troy N at Y W WHISKERS hisa and MUS ATUS 15 forced to grow 17 U upon the f baca faca A L in arora thre to alva 82 weeks by dr SEV IGNES tero tha most wonderful dikeov discovery ta in modem aden ecle acting ti t upon pon the beard and mir hair in en an almost I 1 IOB manner it has bm been wed used by bytho the elite of as and london veth the most flattering flat success NA 1 of all purchaser wll bo be registered and ana if enelma ent entire lMa 1 faction is ia not given in every instance the money n w be b tearfully refunded dol price by mail N ci and free address BEAGER M C Cand gi no 1 2 elver ver st SL troy IT Y sole agea for taa united stat auburn a golden flaxen and bilk enc deduced educed by the nse of prof DE LE LB CHEVEUX one ona aepli cation warranted to curl T y the th mort bLand vve kisir of either sex BOX into wavy wary nn gleta gleto oram oralo 1 a curls been used by the london with tho the most grada s aasal rasal dot no to tha hair price by byr mau nail se teala L circulars mailed frea dress r SHUM CO chemists so no river street troy tron y N T Y sole sola agents for th the uri selmy BENEDICT HALL CO IH BOOTS SHOES nom no M and Bro broadman adwaN arous e A aln cwb rk city |