Show y rom udho idaho I 1 4 r Yeste yesterday day w we a hid 14 the pleasure of meeting sir mr I 1 K D 0 oc Cent ervil e idaho who represents his bis district in the territorial assembly 11 he e r port that they wave have passed through a very tory elci biag canvass in I tabo but he be believes pl brook the ilie democratic candi dat dalp wr for dc delegate to congress in on aoa da county the peoples ticket ja ia elected by an average majority of abot it 50 by the success of this ticket hon 51 A carter is elected councilman col henry oble As assembly mw man geo ward sheriff capt J CA C mortill morrill and capt white re R corder tant bondred iii iner are about leaving leafing idaho idabo to ap spend end the winter in ia bakx lake the U ate arp loocin S into the Terr tte r ry from rom every quarter er and tb the yive ave alrea already abbit abo it three thousand of UK the du dusley sacy within vit bill tho halts of idaho 0 |