Show BY PACIFIC TELEGRAPH TELEGRAM SPECIAL TO THE DAILY UNION narry J new york decembri december Decem Dec embel bei 13 tho last wen leeh of the yachts they were off island the vesta leading henrietta next half hal famile n mile astern and alid tile he still further behind tile herald s city of 31 mexico exico writes write under date of that max mai was last reported at puebla and u ans as I 1 expected at the capital every day general dix has been confirmed by the senate as 15 minister ter to france the bermuda gazette says that atom eight con to twenty persons lie die daily nt fit st thomas from cholera chalem southampton december 13 the bremen from new york december at 1st arrived alrh oil this morning orning in paris december 13 eugenio has finally deci ded to lo visit the pope at rome borne london december 13 it is elearly proved that the steamship bolhar i ar seized in bedni ny m was h not fenian tibe she belongs and will bo be delivered to the lie colombian goern government ment A terrible explosion occurred in the barnsley colliery york county 0 over er three hundred bodies ila hav 0 been taken from tho the mine ani and many others nio missing berlin december 13 tho the conference of the german states will meet saturday london december 11 I 1 consol for money ex dividend chicago Decon december ber 13 the of war in answer to a resolution of the house pawed last session reports the aggregate regate receipts of the atu btu call duang cunti the twenty W enty one months ending sept september ember last 1 including from sales sale of confederate property fil fines leol donations etc from rent of lands from sale halo of farm crops 1 1 00 froni from rent of buildings and tile the ci balance n c 0 from froin other sources hour ces the expenditures during the sime saine tune time v M ore ere including including inc ludin g 1 I to 6 M for labor for schools for clothing for rent of buildings etc aggregate rations furnished freedmen freedm cn hii hi millions ditto furnished refugee ceN two millions it i aid that sei end republican not t ie ic to the he next congress alpeat to be couil courting ing presidential Is fa or tire tho senators valo ho on oil 3 esterday esterd ty toted noted for co ans amendment extending huf buil rage to females les in the district of Columb columbia iq were an blown fonfer fost er wade patterson Pat tenon nesmith li cowan riddle and buckalew Buc kalow the first arst four named are I 1 leally eally in ill fu flior or of female nIc suffrage tho the others aboto ayo to burlesque extension 0 o I 1 of buffi age to biacsi A cfall canaii aw ass of senators sho show H s that more than t o nie in fanor of tho the admission of alio house rejected an ail amendment out to tile bill regulating the he presidents appointing 1 i ti ig pov 0 11 or intended to prevent there tho re mon bomil momil ill of cabinet abinet officers without the consent of tl the senate ayes 72 nays days 81 Go GoN einor An andrew dreir of massachusetts hai been appointed by secretary mcculloch to go to england to look after the pecuniary ili in teresta of tile united states 1 in 11 england in legain to theiu eckof of tho the reb rebel L 1 confederacy eroc the go government ila has disappio disapproved ed of the het clement made iliad p by bv our consul at london with Tien Ti enholm hilin A co of tho the claims upon confederate property the suits commenced by tho the consul nt at liverpool lively ool ill eb e be continued it is blie believed cd that the Quie tsee state astete school rund runa amounting to is lost beyond reco recover er N tile legislature has ak appointed pointed a committee to investigate the action of the state treasurer Ti in loaning it to the lie memphis bank Nit without hout authority |