Show X bocal matters if t j 0 ON saturday I 1 last at sunrise the bai sad news was conveyed to 0 alir tir camp of thi the assassination in cold blood of abraham Abrahan lincoln the chief magistrate of thi the american nation the flag was at gnep hoisted at half mast and drap draped ed in mour ing and all avoidable duties were foi fo the day abandoned tho the news over everyone with grief 0 tears wen shed by those who never before knew knevi what it wa was s to lo she d the liki bilte e every one seemed afflicted with an unusual aadnes s and a deep melancholy was de plated upon the countenance of all yesterday a gun was fired every hall ball fai 0 r through the day the officers officer iare an wearing the he badge of mourning upon the left arm the merchants bankers sal saloon oon keep ors ers and all business men of salt lake city closed their places of business at al 10 A M on saturday the flags on all the p public ab lie buildings brigham residence stores etc were displayed at al half mast with crape drooping ovel them wany many of the principal stores and private residences were in mour ing brigham youngs carriage was wal 1 driven through town covered with crape the theater was closed for saturday evening the usual night nigh t of performance and every respect was shown for the death of our honored president on sunday the TAber tabernacle naele pulpit S L city was covered with crape and every one throughout the city that is of the right winded minded class manifested the deepest sorrow sorrow at the hor horrible rille news conveyed by the telegraph |