Show i OY OVERLAND R 11 M STAGE LINE in our last isalia appear edthe following 0 but without the remarks with which we designed to 1 IT IF T t n ii t ace accompany lit it rr j i A rumor is in ci at loin is tile til faire I 1 p af arn or of ae overland id stag S tag liae ea to carry the mail in si A short time in a two herse which if adopted will of course stop all through travel between and by frage R J R revede i x 4 ad in rumor is ik a r busy I 1 da m cabout austin or somebody has been egregiously ii so selling ailing 11 our neighbor of the JU if the rumor is as G a 14 boak it is all rag right ht but the efte fact ha happens p pens to be wit thattie ke batern divis division lon isba is coining inin i g more afi money from om the pa pase enger menger travel which this year uis has been rose than from the compensation compensate on given by gover government for carrying carr jig ake tb mail I 1 had the M R evjue ev beille suggested that the overland mail Gena pany contemplated throwing up lip t their heir mail W bakel mcie room for paes engery w wy e ww mm ampt eck a 9 sell 11 half so much oswe do now A two etli rs r 7 1 foiw buggy ll 11 I 1 indeed why alvin not R e its it ul 4 one ene borse 71 concern at once and cheal ihen n laugh a ugh at yo your ur own awn joke |