Show AN AIT ADDRESS TO TRE THE PEOPLE UY KT JL A or OF i 10 be no doubt in the minds of those who have bavo cArr carefully fully read this series or of artic articles lei lies at of and la Is the grand incentive t to 0 action in all made by ahe b 0 6 Brig amite hierarchy it was seldom ties dean too that pr adu ed the inordinate 1 lut ol 01 which the baud band cart was born nod and abat formed the basis of the dire so go disastrous to the woe emigration of i often ISTO hato I 1 in the cenes of 0 boath that then occurred attempt to describe abir lh ir tuffet fe betings tings ings and tho the sufferings of 0 their corn om rides rades nod and fellow travelers rn many any ol of aiom a 7 merciful ful Provid providence enco cal called led to while en bonte lif lefther ther i andas ond as often heard their attempted recital close clofe with the alo sym confession but chaie I 1 b a 1 I not lan language to tell you mere lanqua ga could not tell you ou nobody y CP CN adl ell me lie scenes we uc passed pas sed through I 1 I 1 therefore deir readers cannot lope hope to convey to your minds a anything ny thing moro more sharks than a general imbres a on of their real it 1 16 sonie of the de balls I 1 may amny give but youir hiir all auit t bu be exercised to tn supply may many de rind and furnish touch that ll it will be ba impo impossible to relate A few dacut concerning conc ernine the I 1 list ot of that persona beason pea Fe ason sona e emigration 1 will mill aid your ri elections compelled for want avant of transportation to leave their bedding and aed clothing behind blinded wilh the iho snow by day and hiving having little more than the mountains brer overcoat coat of d vapor for their couch at night their every macle rind and libre I 1 to its ita utmost tension in the unnatural iral emart to perform the labor jabor for or which tb ho brute beast alone is by nature designed now sinking in tile the welding snow sno bt at every tep step its they seek to drag their handcart hand cart through li it and anon their bure bare and blistered feet fee bleeding front from contact elih its icy pari particles leles their rations reduce reduced to four ounces per diem which was all V rb ey then had to lo daily sustain them in the midst of th their ar toil ind 7 idt idys ati 1 a ol of diall dealt a death the hie most horrible to contemplate pl ate though lec IMS pa infill than others of more con common occurrence death by stat lar valion reminded minded ri hourly oc pro bable near mar e by the fearful bowlan U of the coyotes or prairie vi olves alio I 1 with an apparent api arent instinctive prescience ca that a leant liall was preparing for followed toll owed t leir victims tn in prospective dall daily dallain yin in their snow beaten trad track to t ter ar open the following day the fhe new nen made graves 0 of f tho the in morning oming acre all rema avd of what ik lew short weeks b be e fore tor were eMere filled with wilb animal acim life and a c cheerful flow ot of animal spirit and ravenously devour the skeleton elon korpits cor pits some soine with no discoverable trace ot of dis qa acte e upon them thein would fall backwards anti and expire tA pire ehile eiting eating their scanty meal some ali roli A cd d awl vid otil at tl e air haid curts others drugged then their caris along ull lilt night then to lay down dow some 10 sleep leep r th esteep that will known 0 awaken ing till abe moin ino ining ingol ot the resurrection ot olbers bers to wake in in A lw few l w hours frost bitten with some member ol of the body that if 1 not lo 10 t amputated would rot and fall fro from m its own ov DM weigh eight and tand blighted putrescence tho the author remen ibers gebing feeing one bright eyed little lellow fellow an orl orphan ban who bail bad been frost bitten billen 11 in ibis company pany v and whose hands had loth both rotted t og off Ilis patents vie or frozen rozen to lo death within a few days ol of the sama time that mat this terrible infliction happened to lim yet he bore nil 1111 ich wiil a grace and patience pt tience truly ti hi another orphaned girl was vi as adopted by the third wile ve of dr richards richard the poor little sufferer travelled on ler her hands a and n d knees ha ing been debri deprived ired i red of ct both h her e r feet by tile iho frost having h heard eard to so much tra belled riled so many thousand miles lost her best an and d dearest mends and bein been made I 1 a lifelong life long cripple in the alf kuempl empl to 16 VC reach ab huri here to pit fit under a prop prophet pet f 9 voice she could not restrain her cut cui iosty to pay it the 11 11 eiph et ct a viat vi it in phoui in ill the simplicity or of the her young youn and guileless s ul he expected to meet a father and a friend she crawled to the presidents dents abid made ber appearance in in tho the hall bull haibi Ws was not to byse lie ewt cn n but his childen child rn n gathered around her ruly mor mons say that hat children chil dien are aie better purer and po essed of mol e noble spirits than children of parents paren ls but the eb children ildren of the chrt great prototype of the pol system eastern who certainly should he be considered rather above than under the general standard ot of the class to which hichi abel the belong did not on t ahr he occasion of tins poor deformed ils listing ting their homp borne to see ce their renowned fattier manifest any ex gilted sent ament or extend e cien en thu corns cornmon mon courtesy couette y that chrit tho well weil trained soil POH and of the poorest mechanic would hare bire extended to such a luckless COX of misfortune elsewhere T they ta ey nei never i r even aven offered hera her a seat peat or brea t ed a word of sympathy in her barj ear but bit on the contrary contrady to use the expression 1 ol 01 I a i pitying ove lines turned up tip their aos overs s in disgust and treated her as an ot of tc t c carn irn and ridi it e 2 but these two tw nrc are not the only cases caas of n nature nor re alie a re counted a of all that were mere ew tired somri some lind had blin r tots their fin geisa orla often wh n file di endel ire ie beille would beat a would awake and find her on once e loved offspring princ dead within her arid and before bt fure tile dreary march commenced mothers would lury licar children wives wha i w wiatt chil cli ildren drell their parents parents their U nr children their companions so seared too hild bad become the natures nature so excruciating the b bodily 6 dily torments of tile ur iriving iving ones that ec arcely 11 nril ri y sorrow r wis m 11 bi rested by some for their ihen loiis 1058 feeling of tit aly alend f fiigen zen 0 out t from wit 1 in then 1 lif genri dearst t ninth m ga e a parting g an e at the grave grae allt concealed lie iho remaina of what cince loved bf t ter alinn life and then ased on no na unconcernedly ns AS ill agh hid ad 1 to 4 disturb esturb the equa equanimity nimit T of if t leir 11 rents would put their children wearied a biri id exhausted to led bed and own cat the little 1401 wies oneo food individuals choat career hild never before ben been tinged with dishonesty would creep ike alon along g arid and steal the scanty morsel hofsom 13 icing in stiff brer ac ce their ethear bodies lowered in u lf the I 1 grave grac with tile alie c h arn e t ir MI on the livial id features ft so ns plainly ns though writ written with etli the mort indI ihle i ank f DIED starvation and yat f aftel fal no noi remorse emorse fro from T tile convi HOK that the cooil they stole atol e f from t the bf departed one might ir pr prepared and have saved their lives reflection seemed to be 7 abst irlich in borrow friend friendship slit 1 lost its sacred charms conscience was dead love appear d icebound ice bound all the fluer finer feelings ol of tile soul wire buried endure in dure care and alone predominated I 1 I 1 Tit onri I 1 Is IDAHO according to late military statements curry with a il a detachment of E oregon cavalry and B oregon try ry ire are stationed at camp reed idaho territory and meet Q C hobart obart II with a detachment of A AB B and C fiert oregon cavalry are at birdp lyon idaho |