Show ATTENTION ON I 1 ATTENTION AT CITIZENS OF UTAH bring brill in your produce A next door to the salt lake house calls s special atten alien i tiou to his large and well selected STOCK OF DRY GOODS consisting Consist ng of COTTON WOOLEN AND F I 1 MIXED FABRICS u CALICOES SIL SILKS KS bRILLING 4 FLAXA as f i and other i 8 sTA T AP PLESy L E S 0 o selected selecta te d expressly for this market A r I 1 i also offers on oil roas mable terms i I 1 A 1 i y fr r T e 1 1 7 7 y 4 GB 0 CERI PS jf L aff zo COFFEE rray L ES SOAP SUGARS etc etc etc IIA R D I 1 VAR E C I 1 i 0 Y ti jwj HOUA f i E ti t r 1 D etc dc etc j J ju d vat 8 7 antyn ra t it r i 11 vi w i f on terms to suit i i I 1 I 1 5 i i ut A i 11 i t OUR TRY OUR oun PRICES arices paid id for grain J i J I 1 i A fi ILBERT I 1 i CO 0 STREET GREAT SALT LAKE CITY CITE UTAH TERRI territory TORl now offus to the cubile ono one of the best assorted Assort 1 edmnd ill largest stock or of t ti J i i i i dry goods Cro groceries cerles fancy and alid staple articles EVER brought TO THIS TERRITORY i j 1 SELECTED ESPECIAL ns ECIAL VIEW I 1 I 1 TO THIS MARKET eap t r i I 1 il at RD kates tes to suit the times I 1 IL fc a k nr t 1 L sl 1 VI U till ell I 1 I 1 I 1 A full assortment of t i i 1 I mi 2 0 43 it y C 0 aa 23 ca a 1 0 act if 11 a 7 r ii i i a 1 Inc including ludin r 1 0 j fancy A dress coob graneri P S ardward n ana crockery in ill fact everything ever thing delsi desirable rable bercs necessary sary an and useful from needles Ned les up to cooking stoves from finest laces and a bill silks to calicos calicas Ca licos collars and boze 40 4 0 1 J 1 IN 0 03 op s L 1 1 11 1 1 1 I 1 r ja gibe ua A CILL CALL AND amoes ps A i cn w lOFF 1 CO TELEGRAPH COAL 4 per to ton can bo be supplied with ith P coal at hi tile tho above rate this lils taint coln at orders left at the telegraph office or r at a nt n the will bo be promptly attended to r me gea W to S great salt like lake city CAY april fth 1861 1864 SALT I 1 SALT A no ono article of alno boiled r A 13 T I 1 saly pat in of all 11 up silesia siz esia esin rood good savi shortest notice also and at a sup artor rutht qu flacks furnished in au an quantity quan quail titi till I 1 on api ib 1 I lul M X J to vill vait G 3 9 4 aly 1 an W 3 33 W n aro now ired to supply bank wr wn to parties desiring them haying receive ams di dt n s supply of paper we e can 1 fill any order gitil may be ba favored for all the necessary blanks tie othy or foru required by mining companies or others ers ARMY cammi commissary sary department U s jl PROPOSALS FOR subsistence SUPPLIES domce 1 G C S L city mar ast 1st S SEALED PROPOSALS will bo be received at a t alte arts dimce 1 tho the U S Comini sary of Subsist subsistence elice for of ot utah in this city until the aty diy of mi isu ISM fr far furnishing tile the following s subsistence alons ali beer rr three li hundred undred and six thousand yf pounds anoro nr ir less of fresh beef killed mid and ard in fix the usual ai lip mattner lipsiner maTt Tiner ncr necks flecks shanks and kid t fer the my troops Stat stationed jono at camp cama douglas to bo be di trad at that place at sich timed mud and in such bach quantities as tho comman commanding duag officer may HUT direct tue the delivery to com on the first day lay of july 1864 and end on tho the soth day of june 1865 FLOUR an fn ane e dundr hundred c d and tiny thousand gouni mo more re or lesa or of A no I 1 flour la in good and 3 s sacks acks containing lbs ibs caca cich and subject to lion I 1 to be delivered in such at bucl times as bo be the ho dili may try ry to commence comai Bce on a tho the day of july 1864 and tho the hale to be jel ered on or before tile tho aa day of january aises provided that not less thin lifty pounds shall bo be dell delivered ered during each or af this thi mouths laou iha from july to december iseji bild potatoes lwon S two thousand 2 00 0 bt bustil ls 19 0 of r pot potatoes tos tt tic dlf ery to ca r mence on t tho 1 at it day and tatt th M s ha hole t to b ba del on oil or buiwe becore chu th day of november va aber the delivery to bo be in nic ide at tiie tae cm m emissary sa war house in great salt like L ike ikc city oral camp douglas as till the Comini sary may direct bm SALT two hundred and fifty bushels or of I 1 0 9 I 1 BM boiled salt in aks delivered on or becore th 14 day ot no amber 1864 at tho the comi commier ll 11 i ir that at least twenty tive live 25 huehls niilo Is be 1 delivered during eich of tho months ot juli aud 8 pember 1864 bait and potatoes will be estimated and bid forat font tle tl ralo to or of sixty 60 pounds to tho the bushel mint will be anade in such funds ais the govern client iny ila hao 0 on oil hand hana fur for good and sufficient bonds i will ill bo be required for tin clio fu of tho the contract or contracts con trails anil and the thona names mci of sure sureties tits mut accompany each cadi bid id contractors Cont factors and U will ill be bo required to tile lilo tin the with of allegiance in all cass except that or of fresh beef bids will lin be entertained for rui fui lushing tile u biolo or a pirt pirl or of chi ali above abon 0 named art anticis icis provided pro videe such part shall lot bot be 0 less thin thousand pounds hour flour 00 hundred and fifty buchels potatoes WS bushels of salt and eath bid must state H articles and amount proposed posca to bo be price the government reserves to itself the right to reject any or all bidi bid bidders are invited to bo be present at the opening of 01 the tha proposals propos als at the office of the undersigned undersigner under signed at 1 r ri af i on friday the loth day ot may 1864 bids bifi will bo be office or other ilmer wise to capt chas II 11 G C S greit sal A lake city U T and endorsed proposals for be flour potatoes 11 or IS S lit as the cie inay ma be CHASH H HEMPSTEAD capt and commissary of subsistence I 1 district of cal quartermasters department US USA A p proposals rapos ts for F bucl atiel and r foras orae es assonant Assi nANT great balt bait lake 1111 city U T r march alt SEALED PROPOSALS aill w ill be received ift at ws this ac OH V nest next door to theros the post tonice until VS y e w day of may 1864 for furnishing the foI following loing supplies of Q stores to bo be delivered at ai v camp douglas asU U T to in such sach quantities as required ra required that no Q thirds of tho the whole amount ot ol each artiff er ciul red shall be delivered by tho the fet day of D and nil all to po bo dahn delivered cred prior to june diw ISA iw cooil four thousand A 4 cords i to ta thousand Thou tons oats oafs one hundred thousand dubbell BusS riS S b all the articles must bo be of tho the bat qua lIY and bid dars wall so specify in their bids bida also good na it bonds will aill be rewired for tho the faithful re r the contracts and names ies or of sureties sue oust must accoti each hu bid aiu lids bids will bo be received for f the M bib amount of each article required in one bid and A of also will be received for not less than to jo bushels wl 01 in otts oats or ZOO SOO tons tells of hay or 1000 cords of one ilay payment bid ment will be made in such funds as the As ofle goter u mont ment may furnish take ke ft contractors and sureties will voll b be required to 10 ina aatu ill 0 of f allegiance radt the go gov ern ment reserves t to 0 itself self ahn tho the right ricci to r any or all bids ft 0 f alth at tao oPen 1 l bidders aro are reider requested led to bep of 0 apropo proposals als at my at 12 M the aoth day cay 1864 boffl V rot pt will be addressed through the tl lerm tc othar otherwise ise to capt D B stover er ast A st seq fa great silt liko lalo city U T and be 11 wood 11 jtb 11 as the case may my or pov D B STOVE as dietr district t of cob tt capt oad and aist quartermaster |