Show 1 abut 3 or ocic wo h hive ive been shown two or of rock brought from claims lately discovered in the neighborhood or of rul valley by members of co L 2nd and caa C iv C V the assays essays wel wei a carefully made by 11 W kearsing who is 13 fully posted in hi this business tile specimens were nvere ii n both instances out cropping lock hom tile ledge and in the one cage there wai wag silver to the amount of 81 50 per ton while in the other tile hie elli ver er averaged 97 50 per ton in both instances antimony and leid were found in tile the rock roch as 11 well is as the silver but tho the prospectors hiving no nd interest irl in anything but the sil v e r did not cause an anaf analysis ysis for any other metal to be made these are facts facts that wo ire know kno and can vouch for and though we ire have known richer rock yet N M hen it 0 lik into account th aliu it tile the specimens analyzed nealy V were wt bot from the main bedbug bed but medely manifestations run it will readily bo bd believed th eliat at it ft mine commencing thu favorably favOT ably will prove prore immense immensely y lich ilch in the end |