Show T ta THEA R 1 GREAT SALT LAKE CITY 1 dinager Mi I nager 11 II 13 stage manager JOUN T CAI performances EVERY ethry WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY EVENINGS th alic i ex artl ti MR and ami MRS S M IRWIN appear every Uv evening ening WEDNESDAY EVENING MAWR MARCH 1864 S second ond night odthe of the greatest Greate zt sanction pidy netho age tiie TH ANGEL OF 01 MIDNIGHT angol angel of justice aist 1 1 ingel ot T t it i ace k igel of ve Ms MRS S 11 IRWIN ingel of li light J paul bernarr M MRs st 31 IRWI with a run full cast or of the company the performance w ill conclude with A loarce ITar cc for full fall particulars seo see bills of day A SO doors open at six sit curtain riss rises at soan so en box ollice open v ery cry day for sale of tickets ee r A U S T I 1 S LIVERY SALE AND FEED STABLES 3 SECOND SOUTH TEMPLE STREET GREAT SALT LAKE CITY 0 0 BUGGIES AND SADDLE HORSES LET C CARRIAGES on moil tiute terms horse and cattle Marl market zet auction saturday morn morning ing at 10 P irti cular attention gai given en to s mules and stok stock of all kinds Pir cli rs and rs will each i insull thir their interest by calling oil oa me CORRAL accommodations 0 oa a liberal scale at ray my premises farmers u mil ill find here convenient stabling at atonable n rates B C 11 horses homes or mules fanchea by tho the month or year tf if 11 J FAUST PAXTON thornburgh 1 E WHEATON vi Viro r i inn ii i t f austin PAXTON CO 13 A NT SS 14 1 ae 4 ar a S AUSTIN N T draw on oil virginia 0 and S saji F rai bay drifts C ot D posit county warrants and other 11 billion and advance on the same for corn coin ago g oat at i alie lie hint 1 f f 7 A 71 ka k A r e cei e io D p points ts m malie ake collections and tan transect transi c ct ta a gene encel r a 1 banking bisbines bk bi sines tt tf 11 IV ama thrall TH hALL f PAXTON 3 anor co virginia t A alstru ASSAY OFFICE or VZ S biej ca 00 AUSTIN nevada territory gold gild and sifter sill billion and ores of every description M cited ant and assayed it R turns mide in D birs irs or coin wo the of our achis alt business bentru ruled ted to our will ill be promptly and a accurately attended to I 1 CO GREAT SALT LAKE AND EAST CAST BANNACK EXPRESS LINE ml camence running regular trips with good W WILL thorough thorough bracel l wagons april 1st ast 1864 THROUGH IN SEVEN DAYS lav Lave e greit gre it silt like lake city every wednesday N ila la annack B and nada and arrive at virginia city en ery ry itao virginia city every T tiesha vii nevada and B bunack city and arra arm 0 at great salt like city e cv cry uon sion lay hy passengers and express matter convey conveyed od A J OLIVER CO taos D pi M un st G S L city ma td id NOTICE OF REMOVAL KIDGELL begs lei 0 to inform his friends friend sand and the C public at hi go gc that lie his removed his jev jewelry elry to a morn more suitable store on at ample T amplo street near E C ith borts blach blacksmithing shop hop and opposite op mr J cli CI i sous sons loo ice cream saloon and at the same time returns thanks for past and solicits a contini muco or of their pat patronage ronne both in making ald repairing jewelry watches at ches etc as ho he his a first lato watch natch etker and by strict attea ton to business and good workmanship he ha bops kopisto to give gameral satisfaction call and see him as he be ex accia a largo large stock of now new goods to arrive arriol soon 2 am WANTED AY and wood at camp dougas bv br H jant FOR SALE fat WE chires of stock in the ho jordan silver jiuing co at per share sharai ar apply ply to f F giai terin asters Wirch oiso so isaf si t uko lake C ty lor l OR A GOOD CHANCE THC Tt HE on irs for rilo r ilo cheap a first elas pla traveling raveling or freight wagon chicago with sound new oil cloth coca tho the is lu met flit rato rate order cill and it apply on the premi es G 3 L city lat near ihm to intz tf I 1 yi 8 it IRWIN I 1 ATTENTION ATTENTION I 1 wo we have just opened at our new store stora A LARGE AND WELL SELECTED stock steel of GENERAL merchandise from tho the eastern market which wo we wish to dispose or of us as soon as possible on terms ti cill ind examine ota at the tho xea new store tho the if L fa S subsistence u storehouse nt west st side of main street in ma tf CONRAD NEW GOODS 0 we have just received from california a LARGE AND WELL SELECTED STOCK OP OF GENERAL merchandise consisting of dry diry gr groceries 0 cerias Ilard hardware vare e 4 ClOtA clothing kling tobacco cigars cigars dye and a I 1 thousand other a articles tales too num rious to mention town clock store opposite godbold drug store call and examine our new marlo mario aw F D CLIFT NEW GOODS NEW GOODSH I 1 have hato just received and have to I 1 ARRIVE IN A FEW DAYS A large anil and arli SELECT rb OF 0 F GENERAL merchandise which I 1 nish ish to dispose of as as soon as possible C ill and examine ci amino and note the prices no trouble to show goods WM WIVI JENNINGS staines Need hams old store am ain st tho the highest prices paid for gold coin and gold dost dast F harv 1964 tr if W SALT SALT A no ono one article of fina boiled A 13 T 3 r 4 S SALT ar jc put up in b hicks icks ot ol all sills in goo I 1 st astle ae and at tho shortest notice also a superior quality without s furDis furnished bcd in auy quantity on to fehl Sliu il 11 J S oil aih 1 buhrl I r 9 L cov NEW GOODS I 1 NEW GOODS arrived this day at SEB ii A full stock of DRY GOODS AND GROCERIES ETC ETC to arrivo arvi vo I 1 on oa the first day or of april a magnificent STOCK 1 if or OF FANCY DRESS AND DRY GOODS I 1 selected ted expressly for S EiTy gr ALSO boods B BOOTS 0 0 TS SHOES ah HATS I 1 TS 1 etc ETC el 0 7 marls arri as |