Show resident president to the senate message llesis oe from froin tho the washington match 11 th tile The president sl sent ill a message massago to the senate today to day as follows in c compliance with tile the senates le solution le 10 tile the points of commencement of tile P pacific acidic railroad on oil the hundredth de degree ace of west vest lon longitude atud and ofia ofa branch ro road ad from the western boundary of 0 f iowa to said hund hundredth reath degree of longitude 11 I 1 t transmit tile the accompanying in report of the secretary of alp interior con vey inthe 0 the information called for I 1 aleem it proper to ad add d that on the of november ozember ov ember an executive order orde r was made on this subject and delivered to tile the president of the union pacific railroad Edil road which fixed a point on the 11 western boundary of the state of iowa from which point the company should construct their branch road to the hundredth hun dreth degree of longitude 0 and declared it to be within tile limits of townships of iowa opposite omalia omaha since then ailon tile alic colli company pally have ciepie canted to die me that upon actual surveys made determined upon the precise arc point of depar of its said branch road from the missouri ri i river river I 1 and have located the same as described juthe h ic accompanying report of the secretary of the which point is W within the limits designated in in my order of november and inasmuch as t that order is not on record in in any of the departments and tile the ca company 3 desiring ia WWI ona I hav C made an oi older der of which a copy is is herewith transmitted and I 1 have caused tile the same to be filed in ill the department of the Int interior brior signed b the order referred to is a follows in pursuance of provisions of section nineteen I 1 n the act of Cou Coti giess entitled an act to aid the construction of the railroad and telegraph 0 from the missouri river to the pacific etc and authorizing 0 the president to fix a point on the western boundary of the state of iowa from which the pacific railroad company is ia auchoi iced to construct upon the most direct practicable route subject to the approval of the president of the united states so as to form a connection with the line of said company at some point within the hundredth meridian of ion longitude etude I 1 abraham lincoln president of the united states upon application of said company do designate and establish such first above named point on the Nv western estern boundary of iowa east cast of arid and opposite Or omaha nalia done at the city of washington this seventh day of march ALar cb 1864 LINCOLN |