Show from tac general news now new york feb the heralds army of the potomac dispatches state that all is quite eleven deserters camo came into our lines yesterday morning they had seen the amnesty proclamation and had come in to take tho the oath of allegiance the heralds washington dispatch reports gen mcada in town and that lie he will resume command minand co of the aimy almly today to day the convention to amend the state constitution of virinia virginia vir 0 inia meets at alexandria a today to day little will be done before the middle of next week the proposition to amend the constitution ution as reported by tho senate judiciary committee is as follows resolved by congress z two thirds of both houses concurring that the following article be proposed to the alic legislatures of the several states as an all amendment to the constitution of the united states which when ratified latifi lati fied cd by abree fourths of the said legislatures shall hall be valid as a part of the constitution section that neither slavery or involuntary servitude servi except as punishment for ci irli s abol cof the pal baity ty shall diax hac c been duly convicted shall exist within the united states or any place subject to their jurisdiction section ad congress con ress shall have the power to enforce this article by ap P iop legislation |