Show the lo le bafumo process MI midilla dilly of icky mr bar i informs us its th that Mr ch cans is LB ila lini elit succeeded ceded in fit getting ins his kiln till and ru I 1 ning it binl till ins imi N oi lila oner tuell lot jor rock by his new plo c ci nuth most last flUt flitt emig eling ho dauie nim J ellov till to ill thousand pounds all ill 1 out ioni tle alladi all il 11 mole and one thousand thou ind pounds obtain loin somal oilier lol dolges in ili all tin till co cc runds bunds of 1 I din try I 1 ock lock fielded mr ir dilly dill v si ili clr tile p cocoi is part ich jib unfred s sil it lavor in ili that county it ildas i as N ith inich th aliu it ml MI 1 flit could oli lilii a few feu pounds or of lock or tile s thiro epan which to a ci erit at fiat ni bt lut but now nonn atter alter the lie first it tal I 1 it liy lie iris his nit all tl ti e c I 1 ock lock offered tint thit lie vin cin work such E ii the at ia rile ini isail c of a little success cc sa beings 1 a I man inan ilia rock expert upon la as not picked but erdl kiy loell lock file uch a ai alom riom m bich etc tile inels bould talc lako about fifty dollars per ton we lile have laivo not licit lalI lie ho Col Cotoia do ani and feradi inicis ly by publishing oi 01 lour four colainni coln Cola inn inns a lieck ack abbit this thia nel brocca pr but li ti nc e quietly gi agnen ell tile fact 3 publicity as aa they c cilc inic to out oni knon leago and mr hm hai lieen kon as quietly though nt aorl orl putting put lin tlc alc POL pi bocc to a i pi lotical test 10 0 think thiril its utility ull 1 11 nigh h 1 I 1 lie facts beati d abona c acci t linly y alti indicate indi lette cite its success we lve haie never in indulged duld I 1 ii any lal n about tile thu reat I 1 it of ili but idt ns ilk thad this occa occasion bion to say tint ir if cecii prove prore 13 as ebur hill one OIK lizo ito other pros not ct heird ic ird ot begins to compare with arith it in ind ill blindt to the uniting inter interest interi it bv be fure fore many dias me e sh shill 01 lay facto it in le lation to lie hu subject b croe the public idaho t lath I 1 t L 1 |