Show I 1 COHN ck CO 0 heir sip tb sect f 11 II tic c lh moved i 0 it 7 GOODS 0 aj C 0 r V x az gr from their lato into stand i eit tl la t tho ito rachle arde graph to ill III STORE STOR NEARLY or OITO itTE THE E SAKE LAIKE HOUSE the of town find and connary cort 14 ihal odid ld to bill admi nt alir re new ambil bridat and ami exall ine our ot of fashionable goods wn anve e are arc conEt constantly antly ing latcia sla lea of T TRIMMINGS R 1 N GS i A AI GETS furnishing GOODS aiom I 1 bonx tile san larte etl ann ma attention wood haulers vv toa ca 3 cords wood 11 aro now j rc to and receive at IN our r calp on the th bench Thon thousand sand cords of wood vo bior inquire of mr THOS A JAN VEY BY nt t cap camp wilile woodville Wood Tille sons n ni 30 it if BAKERY utah bakery r faist i I 1 s t cla class s S B bi I 1 ca cad 1 Cl clackery clackers ackers and pastry always on liand hand at the UTAH BAKERY at S T J LEES glodery and pro I 1 ision stoic east temple street if isea in A 21 I 1 1 1 jewelry stor staret I 1 10 ill tit rubies pearls cold awl silver american mid european av 77 et fc c 0 0 S also gold cold and alid silver chains anil and an all hating assortment of things in this line suitable for ORNAMENT MENT AND F USE SE AMO gold and silver specs and eyeglass eye glasses for far and near sight all warranted just opened and for sale by 1 watters walters 9 in wilkinson Wil kinton on A rentis renna Who lemile careb use east cast temple street one door south of new york store IV 0 III OLnY lately from froin the states will ray particular attention to the lb watch ana end C cl 1 ick lart at all nork rk merited da tf if PIONEER JE JEWELRY ivelith STORE RAVING HAVING just jost returned return eJ from son san I 1 would call the attention of the kiib publia iio to my new of goodr consisting of everything in the abai e line J MEEKS pioneer jewelry store james 31 barlow watch maker all IN vork ork guaranteed fuai locks 1 aca k s 0 Warrant etl timo time hee deepers pers pioneer jewelry store JOHN MEEKS R late jj er ff Passel tJ HAIR DRESSERS its HAVING formed n 0 oo tilde 1 servi Hs H coa s to mo of still salt lae city mr r antly front from ann francisco alifi li knon justinn aann o TONSORIAL ARTIST our icik i ill he bo do in ill the tu mott most API T add d il nr ballo riner particular attention lention at enid to tle tile hair ciati rg of ladles and ji one door south sauth of raft drift s gunsmith gun smith G h lake lah oty in 28 if if you want to buy GO 00 TO of bashion Zas ras hion ua u sect I 1 it GILBERT SONS STOCK of GOODS composing g their own late ini importations porta t and the splendid assortment received hy by bit buying y ing out bal banow I 1 0 IV C co 0 ire arc now on exhibition and for sale at their new quarters IN N next to the overland stage office 4 edif t templo I 1 it AV 1 ak t 4 t ditl 4 ff SALT LAM LAKE CITY general merchandise dry goods groceries 1 11 n 11 11 ca TJ hardware 1 le ic Glas SWAM Queens ivare stationer stationery y 4 aj r 7 notions ji j i daucy articles Artic ls at ri cultural implements 1 r ak ifill 11 I 1 ife hanics tools Tool sj and nd in bricf ALL KINDS OF GOODS coons WT SESS AND por sale 40 ML tp 46 3 aban any house in town F por or cash or all kinds of produce AT WHOLESALE RETAIL immense supplies or HATS AND CAPS goods CIO jat ailt together with a splendid assortment of GLASS CLASS AND BOOTS 0 ca SHOES A t ara offer the largest and finest stock of all styles and qualities of boots shoes gaiters a i n ita por or mens and childrens wear fai fo sigid ot oi i SF r t to ci he be biad in town ani and at th 01 LOWEST rhioe ron I 1 I 1 country Fr produce ADduce tf HUBBUB KAHNS COLUMN SECOND TO NONE IN MIS T TERRITORY R T 0 R ril IMMENSE im REDUCTION REDUCTIO 14 IN ae X 27 JL 1 0 C 0 sa closing out ont of stock call at amm ROD ID AND MIMS east templo street A fow few doors below the telegraph office having an immense large and we welt tk selected stock of general on hand horn flom 1 t california AND TES aaa with a GENERAL assortment or OF fall dress goods staple dry goods and various othir other articles necessary for UTAH TRADE 0 we havo have mado made a great reduction R in bricea feic ex to close our present stock and malco mako room for more inore L ell ay wo to are now offering cring to the ali pallia plis f t 4 th boat w 7 LARGEST A chaffa CH AFSa stock of ef I 1 in Ts e QUALITY AND PRICE 14 ii by any 0 other 0 i met cantile house in this territory 0 SELLING AT COST mac 4 iti 0 wo we direct particular a our large stock of a ii BOOTS and which we aro are now selling AT A T COST wishing to go out of that brazie 11 of bu business bubines sines and aff eriq tacal AW AND RETAKE AT JL I groat r 0 a S a cri ri C i I 1 I 1 t our stock of DRY GOODS 1 l vla a ud 11 t cLor iriNe 11 FW Is complete col part and of ofa a itkind prica which need ue no t UA U A C mccomm r 1 M X we also have on en hand I 1 r 7 S 0 cookin cooking g st ovea carpenters tools to farming fanning implement yankee notions H stationery 4 tobacco X seara i etc etall ctol I 1 nd a variety ol el other goods toa te r 11 11 numerous to men mention tion we invite one and all i faffa BODENBURG |