Show OF THE WEEKS BUSINESS Merchants Facing tho ti of Freight Delays bern From Fron the East EastON REMAIN FIRM FIRMI RATES ON Y for fot Iu Of 01 l 1 I c In Iii JIl tho Iho State I I II I II IThe The eka mer week an alla t and he findIng ue from frome bat hatt In In Ia this hils In fact the wI vinca e ns as to con uch ch depend that nn tern and Olt en c on O bOrne productions Industries be bet fernent of ef home liS as time and more Jr t ue COU u Ui is on oa T except material directors st II the tt ele of bank the tho true tru t tM th U h fullY fum sd ct forth was u of whIch News Ioney last Int nd rates tu III con Colt tight In a little of O u gell dnn on 00 In en 3 call for lor the thC banka hao flOt 80 that on Oil In dIn iry e east t hall hail been dropped EI r IO time and loan toane oven 1 per cen cent t of 1 cent from G Gr Doston have cent There Thero 6 5 per r cent tt to t and scarcity ot oC to be MY anks ns this th cIty lib hb the alt e house of ti 11 long great gnat clearIng Md and wIthin I a corn Lut Of 01 country money short time natural order oder of returns in the tho thou t I luwe Lake ThO IM Salt Sail substantial ng Ig toast most of 01 u the STEADY hEAT market c he rear real estate with U i steadY Y splurge mado erl nt WeSt et side close by the old odd buy bU on O the lIt he Is to ct tracks where Several oal oO yard ard anti on Oil fabe residence buya Vt South Temple eek but 1 MatH detters do this 1011 t In some cales the O vur pur In fri that street It MS has been beell U If on 00 2 from II stano to In Ine drawing any ally owners 10 O sell seft On e C propertY OnlY OS OSay I like r a dealer term holed the Iho sr ay a prominent tram from U n Chicago own a telegram who att atUr r ha LaM Lato of cf Salt Sail to fell I a piC of at property fd concluded hn b UtO iaCO had h had some ono st t OO ered cred hull him after r II he hint had for A to r I I e d recently It a at It remarked IW IurI t W f feet teet of property tO In tOh I h maIM he e to et It II J tell Beal estate dealers arc BCe ageo booming the ton paper have been It IL ILs s not 13 pay fOI 01 It gives ghe uch SD 00 exaggerated l idea of at 18 r goWn getting I hem do an from the Ilia ac e ot Im Is task RE rs SOARING 0 nether ot of complaint I f the Iho 3 00 ot of special ce ade In Iho nm 1 r s itil III ment Is Ic duo due aleo a 10 en ted Iol I f Valuation until f burden hUren 10 bear n QI the E at I pi the be other dU t that t tI t ml were rig g pea pI away I Salt Lako t good dl ls atlon It d II s 1 the e or of per month f for or a k a t FIn t or Ii 6 per pel t on no O Oh B valuation which r 1 would ao Id clu cIas tie tic ne Realty It U ii ethers are to to may ina hI be fl I good 1 en Cn generic but when It i down dOln to 10 tite a tito tho con COIl weIl II there ar are ROme come to READ BEADY TO nl LD re weather cathe somo and to mako tIny huy 1 I b uro with cub all an 1111 nl r 0 of uncertainty n balmy lit phero e o is III out of th of f ev event g with hr for II Ir ad e Iding rp apartment ho I Ic b being c I II nl 1111 nD dell Liela e Clearing caring I II the I I t r r the Ino G Gould o I Ien tT be bC In full rotc lIa ILS I en U n the 1 LIght rl Company Ii I GilliG rebuild estem out 13 vt d TE IE IEH J LINE LINC LINEck H I ck men bt I tIny upon th ell ro no that by the middle of March they will ho bo ready tot Cot lillY uny demands upon them The mIlking hero ot of terra cotta for front fronti l and building l hll been but the th UBe ue of con crele Is mulLing such liuCh that for tile 1110 time terra cotta colla appears to lO bit be tak takIng tOg Ing EL 11 bock WHOLESALE DRY GOODS The ho local dr dry goode trade reports n tn ill staple cot cottons tons In III fact the they appear to be InS double width ii lIngl a thre c In three Thero III Ic a 11 big and tie de with In lubor so that tile l Full HI River are arc not producing l over Ver half of heir I 1 II lIh l lb wages lit ii t the ho I highest notch prefer to 10 work nork on reduce time or tire alo drifting of 01 In Into into to other lines of activity where the they Und there Is mora noro money lint Etre very elor Blankets are aro higher The trade re cc porte prIces back east nt at that obtained durinS the Civil war var how much higher the thoy will go 10 without cur tho 1110 demand III beginning to he consIdered Then the Inability to get front from th 1111 enet under titter ordering Is causIng mental vear and tear One fIrm reports a car con taming 1114 1111 goode laid UP on a In III for 25 23 days The Tho explanation glon that there thel were no Lives UNI to the freight offered and andon andon on hand Iland Jobber report the tho for fIle fabrIc wen oven at this carl early date hide fair to of value The advance fronI da dato day to in da dal naturally brIng hous profits up Ul to a high limit and January woe t f record breaker In that direction bide fair to exceed It RA as are anti and art ale taking goode on sIght eight Fancy shirting anti fancy colored otton drean good gooda II for the spring or of 1908 nrc beIng offered AI Aft these goods foods are rare rarely ly Iy shown In thia anticipation tion b liy from Crom three thren to tn six weeks the regular dOle date or of opening the new season lines I Ia attracting attention All or of cotton dices gooda anti have cold readIly for th patti past three or four months for the coat coni coniIng coatIng Ing sprIng nod heavy orders ers for fall have been hooked Silk are aro closIng out spring picc good goodu lii In plain and fancy atlea at nd ad advantageous price Curtailment In In III nit nil AmerIcan mills anti strIct holding down to order on Import Imported Id ed lines have Put the market In demand domond The linen season continues strong with and stock being steadilY dImInished despite efforts to them RETAIL IL TRADE rho retaIl d dry goo goods s trade reports the situation practically tho Iho as last week but with new dress goods arrivIng log Ing and women calling for fOl now for theIr boys as well as ne new suits tot tOI and r suitable blo for la late t twin win winter tel early spring There Is also l a colt call for millinery good an and nil ne arc new houses and refurnishing old oneil oies there Is a demand for to carpets curtains etc The demand for tor gloves seems seem to hay have been so the tho dear deRl ladles ladle arc aro aroon arcon on l Easy street now In that respect Tilt clothing reports report II It a lIllet with the demand I ly getting ort off onto Into spring tI II Hats hate ond hea wen wear tue still selling Well wel The Tho eoa men also report ii 11 hut tut fair the tho mild nl l mR the tho donand ratter rather light Jut tho th leather hathor markot very C stilt tin anti there Itt 11 no ot of any decline DU DUEl The Tho hardware reports th tie te mand front the mining its 18 11 II ot at present ont n account of e the cOndItIon of the roads naIl the In of the season but that spring opens theo wilt will be It a dOlls Impetus to Dealers rl re vort a belief among evada that the tho een Is ta rl tot for the tho heavy precipitation throughout tills winter The Tho lumber local yard stocka ni diminIshing account of f thu Iho In Oregon which have Prevented Il freight for II a number of days Tilts This has hAil cut oft arc to thie city hut but with tho 1110 ot of trap lb there thele will vIll be a I or of the tho Shingles are up 25 cents vor vorM M 1 The ear car Is till still tho th cause ot of remark romark In tho th trade with speculation IS as to when relief will come The Tho Implement deni deab deniers ers report that In ill view ot of the Un tIll certaInty tilling of and ond In It hI 10 wol tOI fol the tho farmr to scott in III their or ordon tiers don without else cillo they n may to walt nIt n goul goot lonG while get getting ting their goods when theY Ill need thom them th |