Show THE JEWS AND AD AMERIA AMERICA rile File grout of oC tile Jewish people to lo America Cram northern Europe Is tue Iho ot of thinking mon mall smut Women SpeakIng ot of this hot D Di G 0 11 in ni ami 01 Jowl h Charities n a tow few dl dilys H no ago that Tile Jh United States chimer to u uon tion on It Of tim Iho Tet In ill or expect subject lt lit the tho czar to 10 seek I refuge In iii tills this country Ile Ilio of nl III to 10 Limo Iho throne of at accordIng I to nl the Iho of oC I a lo per which about timo tho tro Iro to time Ihn tates hI WIl was tIm Iho Iral first tidal wave ue ot of misery that ever rOIl aloe tl to the these I It time tho I bud tuno would lot not have rohel the present appalling nut lint pun l 1 a dl dise to the tho tiit Jews ot at JI In IU ot If tue or of ll I 0 which In th tile I hl have o 11 0 1 I it lii W Ii or of iii ul till f lug lugI I I I I lt it I U 1101 t In an en enI I I I I I 11 ii IN IK I ted tedI I 1111 I I I I ig ii tid IInO S ii t tI I I 1181 1 a lol g Nu a York YorkI La I I iLL 1111 t It itS I flu I CIlI Ninety Jw Jewe eve lue hll h 0 Ne s fork amid we hl 0 mno more 01 um I it II is rite United R a year ond I It KIwI gives the Iho LOOI JIW Jew I Ii 1110 little mouney until he ao zet en t lt II mitt ii tn Ii i tf Of limo Iho I hitS go tl lt ut Ih I lIe or nr In ho It luu mire Noll ot II ell work II in 00 Cl 0 hI 1 ii lii 0 St 1 a Il YI I U wi vi ii lie be II I II at th I hi ni is se lie tho i II 1011 hII url mini In i 1111 t I tuSh Ut itt hoh I r at phI 1 s N it itI ul thy I ur U I al ii d nm ri i i flu 1 1 alII I Y peOPle Thuy OWl cu e I 1 c I s I ill uller chiller Q QI I d tI p or r ome IUt little lu nn and i as nen o of ly Ibe they hi be conservative ol cil elti Zeus Mr It himself J it Hebr lv tile the tl url at 01 hI ills In thIs country nd the Au rISS that line has ut lit theme lii In tile the muter of at property asks nod Iw answers crl Ilter J uter the Iho hat ha hs llode the tho Jew so II In business HI lie las says th the animal which Is tile rc of mall an tOni other ut ad just to Lu rind and budS Its help Mlp lIe t ra sons In Iii tiIe wise The Is 10 as brown ns as lie tho leaves in which It hides The squirrel ell jump from Crom ono tree to 10 flom band tim n tile the JeW tb other things II lie to I I ld therefore to work worl lut hut there there nr are InbOrn tue tho JOWl JeWS The ho JO Jew takes I a profound In III tile ho Mi has to lo do Ito He glos gives hl business ni cli at of his tIme and morl moral man mall he loves loes his homr ont II Is there wHen hon he be Is not at athil athis hil his store bank or other place ot of em cm Another characteristic of at the tho Jew ono one that thi lh Lt la Is Me set forth I by Mr 1 maCli lii In 1 article 11 In the New Yol lie He says tram from Abraham down don the tho Jew 18 vener 1011 Zulu obeyed ills hiS There II is a head to every Jew Jow JowIsh Ishi Ish ond among Parents chi dren there Is mora mure than Ihan tho usual ot of I affection C 10 1 loyalty mUlti lie He that there thero arc ery tow few divorces Inong his peone amid that the tho family ut of time tho Jew Is the center ot of othis ills his love lovo Ind rind interest Ind and that ni all the Iho or Of his le life are woven about his hOle hut ho hal has 11 I hard ant and Mr gives this us as the tho cause HII Ills and hil his appearance 11 lie Is not nOl so at against hll Ie lt us as the tho od Swede who ho fillY como come In Inthe the tho sumo ship shIl lie Ho wok work In the thIC streets like limo and negro be because Iko cause couso ho he Is physically inferior to holi both Taught aught b by lie he ICIlY go Into business tOl or himself If It Ithe he bo no more t a rag hl ls pushcart Ild time the Jewish law hue have made him what ho he Is There Thero haC have beell great reat J Jewish musicIans but tew artists Here wo We thud and no agnin the repressIon ot of tile tho 11 law which says Thou shul not mlle make unto any graven ImaI image or ulY any ot of army any anything thing that Is In heaven above or I is 11 iii th the erth earth beneath or that Is In In the wilter under the earth |