Show dincov discovery e r y ot a abw pass over lof t the 1 i e S sierra nevada peter rice employed to survey a new road from downieville Downie ville to the western line of sierra county publishes a report in in the marysville marksville Marys ville democrat describing the route he went to survey he says he commenced at downieville Downie ville going by way of goodyears Good years bar and campt campins ns ville to garden valley with tt a branch from the head of woodruff creel creek abou one mile above the mountain house to freds ranch on the main main road between forest city and alleghany allegheny Alleg hany town to touching uch at or near forest city freds ranch is is a point between galloways Gallo ways where scotts survey of the emigrant load leav es that ridge to decena to forest city this will ill give marysville marksville Marys ville a road on the nearest and best aronte to all those thosa most 1 important mining localities and will also be that much of the great emi emigrant gra n t road completed on the henness pass route the surveys of the different routes show the altitude at the head of woodruff creek to be between fourteen and fifteen hundred feet lowed low er than the summit above galloways Gallo ways on the downieville Downie ville road he then adds this is a very important item hut but there is is another which is is vastly more important to Manes Maries ville and thatis the discovery of a new route on almost a direct line from downieville Downie dow meville ville to sierra valley follow ms the south or east branch of the north fork of the yuba and passing near the foot of downieville Downie ville buttes and from thence over a low divide to sierra valley and not encountering in in an ordinary nar y winter nore than three miles cf snow and being practicable eble for a first rate turnpike road or a railroad and being feet lower than any other pass pas leading into california noble s pass not excepted this has been de by accurate survey I 1 have the authority of the best men in in downie ville for this I 1 also conversed with a man to day dauw abo bo says he has been be en fam fain elia r with the route this season and has passed over it on foot foote in one day from sierra valley to downieville Downie ville between sun and sun and ban can do it any day and that quite a considerable portion of it would only require brushing out to make a good road of it and the balance is is comparatively ively easy except some blasting between and the foot of the buttes |