Show A historical OWL A very ver distinguished occupant of the fortress of arundel arrindel castle has lately expired it was a very old 0 owl Man blany years years ago some very ery fine specimens of the horned owl were introduced into the keep by the then eirl earl E irl of arundel and their descendants iw have e continued continued to occupy py a place in this ancient building up to the present period there are now seven birds bird S in all the oldest of eight having just passed away at the patriarchal age of about two att 0 hundred years ears this bird mut must have been hatched in in the he reign reign of george 11 II she as supposed mohave to hae been the famous lord thurlow of the keep in in connection connection with which a ludicrous anecdote is us told which we n e will I 1 repeat it was formerly the custom of the ca stelian ici to give each of these birds a name and from their singularly INI ic i so a appearance ppe arance they were in in i aebly ari bly named after some ce celebrated lebrage le brale A dignitary of the law one vv as called lord eldon and the subject of this notice was as dubbed lord thurlow we ve presume in total ignorance of the i sex of the bird v which was in in reality that of the feminine gender it hap bened at one time that the famous chancellor loi lord d thurlow was ill and much political anxiety was as felt K lt at tie the I 1 circumstance circum tance sance the duke dalie of not folk was nas desirous of learning the latest intelligence respecting C ting tue the L learned man and as he xv as rid nd n ng one day into the gateway oft of the he cast castle le the attendant ran up to h him im ow out t of breath exclaiming I 1 please your our grace race lord thurlow 11 1 well said the dule duke sharp sharply ply 1 y wh whit news newa is he better or oh please your our grace replied the ha man just laid an egg As may be supposed it is is quite an event for an egg to be deposited by these aristocratic buds birds they do not 0 er ige among them one a year i and it is is seldom that they are productive thomast 1 ho list bird however is on 0 of f the finest of the collection this was hatched about abou years ago the the keep is now koiv 63 yea the famous lord thurl has just expired has b 25 years london dis |