Show M i 1 I 1 aloy d feat at camp tj ti We lit while at camp bloyd a il k that the office office 0 oe r capt I 1 I 1 ja abl abst quarter master at ji on saturday night I 1 r i lit hundred indred dollars ingold in gold J lati f a safe in in the room the IT I 1 Ivi vide dently nUy perpetrated by t 1 f etly acquainted with the tl aita yot letb the situation of nothings oth things ings il me key which lich A locked the ill cc 6 in a place where no one ili t bere abere it was would have F gnp ai kins king forit for it then the key L i a ia ia which the money was waa is lii bcd beneath a bund bundle leof of I 1 bied in a desk the thief is ia V iqs k ais must have known where 11 tila Is were ivere as he be first unlock 9 arthe it th office e e an and d replaced the 1 11 fall 1 place lace I 1 he e then obtained I 1 leafe by breaking open the 1 D 6 leavin lea 1 all the papers in ail batur li en arll 0 leoce afore leaving I 1 camp 1 brer I 1 employed employ ed in the office i tb tot of having committed the ahat hat be had been arrested but as we have heard no 0 ir ony against baroy or of rp 4 1 N examination which we q i I 1 tans j ia before this ibis undergone uner gone we 1 iid I at rs 1 er ahing nothing concerning bis a i vence I 1 any farther than that ii afore it in the office fo bof A 4 employed a reputation for ire I 1 I 1 t I 1 1 t citing cpin general order from the E le I 1 officer to the troops at 4 x 01 t has been published publiA ed I 1 in I 1 P both oth abill ibi journals of this ibis elty city not ory e behind hemin hem them in the tbt conkli consid ele erle which they show chow to E r ei etti ki roana abating ana ting from the source I 1 nobu I 1 ath proceeds proceed sp we also give 1 tion ln in pur columns I 1 andin and in 10 merely add that while it I 1 lis right to coin gold or to SIEW ly adape ape that they please so I 1 i aio bo y f made lp J imitation epy pi vit iddo become ory ci r vic antly ax aly peaking aUng at beast it ais is ad f aider a abul ull it laj Is really w worth orth 1 jayn Y inder alua otibe gold t that atta 1 it t rf ft wj aar sea rel el beg ir fr fr 1 I more mores they take it for more than its value some of the tbt coin yer erred to in this ordell think bears bea rs unmistakable evidence of baang hv g gie been n stamped ance 1848 or 9 from its brightness we should jud judge a that it was vaa i cry recently made CAMP FLOYD FLO X U T january 10 S ORDERS no 4 5 the commanding com maDding officer has been in formed that there is a large amount of of gold coin several thousands ot of dollars doli I 1 lars purporting to be worth five dollars cenimo ly called A mormon lormon coin about to be put in circulation in bairfield neld field As this coin is understood to le he worth only about four and one halt dollars he recommends to the soldiers no to receive it tor for more mere than that sum and better still not to take it at all by order of dr col C F smith signed C E BENNETT 2nd and L infant post adjutant i we understand that young irwin soli sold yesterday their entire stock of goods OT on hand band here to woodman seea bee bro the gentile merchants are one after another selling out and there are now but hi five e or six left in the trade here another ball will come ot off at the to wn send house next thursday evening prepare 3 yourselves ourselves gentlemen with thea the and with a ladal |