Show from the X siw w york I 1 THE MARRIAGE OF till SEASON rae xv J of don doa esica sf aljan an simla cruz crux de oveido aej xing W antelia 7 tt bailleu BaT Barf lell or OF mrs imis brownin bronning gs ii fanta fantastic stid maisti in aurora leigh of the meeting of st sl giles anase arid st wedding was vas in in a mariner realized yesterday morning at the roman catholic cathedral m in mott street in this city for hibst practical purposes mott molt street i ia just ebon as is far from r path alli avenue and fourteenth street as the coast of africa and the african Afric ali clement cleme me at so comple tel rates in the streel street as to make the image imag e sill singularly gu barly a accurate acu rate the artistic mind will w ill therefore recognize at al once the admirable fitness ot of tuch such a locality for bringing out in the blithest lithest and most brilliant contrasts the fabulous fabulo ui splendors of a bridal ceremony strictly itly Cauca Caucasian ian not to say Cir casman in m character and conducted with a sumptuous disregard of conventional corn antion rules only to be paraded in n such creations reat ions ot oriental oll genius as aa the tale of Nou reddin und and ahe ilir pei he bought for an incredible price and loved without a any DY assignable punit I 1 the the nuptials of senior banest don estiban a Salata bojil edo nh fth M frances 1 sauces amelia bertlett daughter of that distinguished ex ev officer ot of the american navy mr wash bartlett Uan lett mark indeed ant air eeoc epoch I 1 in ia our social lastoly hestor hl stor the premonitory sym symptoms of this memorable occurrence have hae enlivened for months pt past the dull current of leous affairs we need hardly 71 ye r c call to our dealers re alers the pal tit ulars of the anany arm armand and vehement tit con which have been waged i 4 the lie columns of dai adners erg leading jg 19 js nals nala ovar over thi the lp conal that tH QT the te ti cs of the w viido 0 O c abou amou r bride the rill ILL 11 r all and qualey bf lie her r robes ahde th beyt value of lier her je jewels ranging enthus tie mag g 1 te e of to the disdainful 11 triviality of a t and depreciatory jieh beggarly diamonds and pearls doubted whether he ill uell be I in fact c it may day boll of a comprehensive I 1 system of matrimonial engagements aich x should unite all the I 1 bachelors of new ew york on oil one day to at all tit the e spinsters spin of new J jersey er would pi evoke more general dent attention from tile the or more ai enlightened public and the e enlightening twilight been excited excited by has that ill press ess n the w widely ig r ly disseminated run rumors I 1 ors of I 1 the betrothal of senor estaban S santa ballta cruz de oveido millionaire in parti bus bui to miss frances arne amelia bartlett belle at ai washington saratoga Sara togo and other lands and fo localities cities all things must culminate at last and h high agh noon con of thur thursday aay the of october was eventus eventually ily desiena pl 1 for ilip ilie ripening rio enins of this notable patricius ils cathedral C selected matter ni at r st Patric I 1 it for or the scene of the ceremony an and A th the e most reverend the roman catholic ic archbishop of new york nominated d to the august duty of per dormi faiming n the iho solemn rites of the occasion there remained however problem to bo be solved popularity a grave his has its penalties as I 1 v ell as its pleasures and the e interest e st taken by se s everal eral hundred thousand persons of both sexes in in the wel ure fire of senor perlor oveido ind and his fored nate bride made it it xie necessary cesarY to ue vise some means mean of 0 conciliating comfort with glory edth a day the at in IL lott street et is hardly st peters at roine so large as molt street j itself I 1 is s less ample oina deihan than Bro Br adva and as fourteenth street biily the avenue was of course couise to llie summoned to thee the fele something must le done to secure them a way to the macrea eau ii anu unu room within its when t there I 1 ley q 7 rille of the police force were I 1 pat in in requisition and th the supera G general eai mr pillsbury con daen jor while the functions benting t to u usurp sa rp for a of of ta die le ini perishable imperishable brown GC grace church h ut ell combined a planos lan of gafis ta e excellence xcell enco of the tn fil was ty ly result 1 tile the cathedral inmon nas of course a vestry which ch vestry coi corn n felicitously by a dc door or muni cates roost most of the buld building dirl 1 with way in there the tear ar mulberry ry street i T the invited guests of oe the oil we were re acco accordingly dt di I 1 aided vided into into two sections to one of which tickets of a celestial blu blue ead ad witt d the bearer from mulberry street t through the vestry were distributed tr tri j bated buted wiiilie while to the other cards of a noncommittal non committal white were ore issued passing thern them into the church by the mott molt skeet doors the significance j I 1 given gl en to the blue cards was no doubt meant as it a graceful compliment to toa 1 the nationality of the bridegroom the blue blood of spain as is welt el cnown marking tile the more aristocratic ig or orders aers of the ancient gothic monarchy ar I 1 1 y the pews i in i n frant of the cat cathedral 1 i edral aisles to the depth of some twenty or thirty feet word cre partitioned 1 off for the reception gf tile the azure malti multitude tude as it were in in the manner of the orchestra stalls the condl condi dail or white card bearing guests thronged thron ged behind this p partition in ewh buchl numbers tit it aver a very earl early lio giouras bouras uras from time to time seriously to me menace tiace by 1 their surging impatience the st abili t pethe frail barrier which huh alone stood beti between veen the nuptial ties a and nd a scene of promiscuous promis scoda I 1 amalgamation from the thought of aich which every well re regulated mind roust recoil lit horror mott street ands and the region region thereabouts swarmed at tile the top of thy the inor morning ning with ith excited crowds of parti arti col ored citizens of loth both see sand alie ordinary occupations of tho the people w were ere neglected negel t e d in in their resolute determination to 10 lose loe rib no glimpse of the th e ele gant report of whose aa advent had penetrated penelia ted the remotest corner shops and disturbed the mot most mo t placid cellars in that v I 1 a A t aa t s pecia Y A of chic in hearal portion sin the cathedral cat der erath the e it romin ito lobe be secured by pre emp em p t 1 cl pc a and n athe the principle fat squatter ll 11 rl r gujt aliu J before 11 the body hod of t the e C cathedral dihedral presented a scene of siram fidram blinci esho vinz ng clamor crinoline anna u r i 1 rt htwe sarp K ill liatsis tine chap chapel e 1 where Al allegria Alleg legris ns cren e eeris r i but is ahda alais s t to 0 lo ie sung long before that time too were vela ethe the narrow roadways of this thin remarkable le r legion ebion blocked like the lanes ines leading all to a battlefield battle field ith I 1 horbes ose vehicles to and angry officers the clash of coal carts with ith cariag ariates ari ages CS of beer ans with brou broughams brough ghai ans ams is 1 in I these perilous de denies files was bait a u uni n i versal and appalling it is is really III highly to la no serious accident should have occurred curr to blacken the iho brightness of tile the day da nor dor is is it less cr creditable evitable edi table to the g good 00 society of new york that tha t we have a heard of no arrests made f for profane swearing to hicha per p letual series of te temptation was as offer atre rid red As the on the dial notrea the eventful stroke of welve twelve t a perceptible cep tible agitation pervaded the dense masses mases ot of the audience several aimable and corpulent priests ambled hurriedly hurn edly in and out the little acors on either side i dc of the he altar a mysterious bell be ell I 1 or to t twinkled avi iii in the distance glasses came into requisition pera opera ill iu all parts arts odthe of the house and a few fe ampa persons per ons in in the aisles got themselves sei se erly aly snubbed by their intimate friends frie nd and nd other invited small stampedes for guests ill U ts towards the front I 1 bich was as kept with mas erly discipline ine by half a dozen good looking stars posted po ted on the ite steps of the chancel the noon 11 hail ad hardly clanged from all the steeples and tick azia ad a on a thousand watches va aches in iii the boik tile the respectable company hen essof eis of the shop hop of new york fol foi lowed by his religious suite entered d th the chandel to tile the pealing of tho organ orth ga ii and subi himself to the ceremony erenio ny of his portly form forin inthe in the splendid habich habiliments dents ri ae to his rank in the twinkling wink lill of an eye lid ho flashed from ioka anio W white hitland and gold old his person rustling abl satin anu on his head thi the e towering golden archiepiscopal nodding sublimely he also wore a pair of gold sl spectacles and supported arted like moses mose 3 of old oldan on either handboy handby a goodly aaron ry and huri one cof wh whom om bore h his col lassial gilded crozier 11 while the other aspersion florl or r sprinkling i carried a golden asper inkpot pot of holy water adai advanced ance d to the As chancel railing raila chere to 10 nice meet athe the bridal mariy which had bad entered um im mediately aften him bimi j aud and for s pro fa fane ne eyes ees had som somewhat ebbat ej the brief ceremonial within the chancel the bridegroom led the way his lad addy y mother in law elect leaning downward with dignity upon his cl legated abed arm aim senor oviedo onedo walked with kiiha a firm step and composed walked coun countenance and his 1 li s hair was vas N most accurately arranged g e his wai waistcoat wp we believe was made of white satin and his hi s cravat of lace his pantaloons and coat wd e are sure were ere of a rich jet jet black in in color and probable probably made of biola cloth the lady mothe in la in w but why detain our readers from the ii bride ri de nho floated on behind upon the arm obber of her father this lo 10 ely cynosure of all eyes evidently did not t fl fear ar the public gaze nor needed to fearlo fear ifer her dazzling c complexion mp lexion was toned down by the delicate shadow of a splendid splenda d veil eil of brussels point 1 haec aee caught up about her oval oral head by a wreath of orange blossoms almost most bursting into flower flounces of brussels Bi point tn to ci in m number beri deep its as first love loe myric alic and wonderful adorned adorn edher her white silk robe born of the genius genin about 1 att dec c itself a pearl she ille wore four rows of shapely orient orien t pearls I 1 looped into a festoon by one slight rib j of gleaming gleat ning diamonds gathered into int 0 thin the likeness of a knot of love from aroi n this knot depended a single pear shaped belr pearl lipped dipped in diamonds of surpassing lustre I 1 u and beauty cirei disregarding ar d ing the good old english song sang which tells us U s that the ille tip no jewell ii ii hiir lain na solitaires aires of great rill or 0 supporting atly porting pear shaped pearls of proportionate t bonat value capped with brilliantz brilliants brilli ants A brooch one liv 1 ing Kohin Cohin mountain of light reposed lall d upon tie the quiet of a satisfied sat isfried cart this lv vr ent was vas all diamonds aw and 1 pea i Is the ria le diamond which forms its pendant beine regarded by tiffany A tb S ill created as t the ae most uni ulli able sagle stone in roi bea nd price the workmanship 1 p of all these decorations decoration is truly poetic assuming the diamonds to represent the manly constancy of the groom and the pearls tile the modest loveliness lov cliness of the bride the cunning 0 artificer has so contrived his work that throughout all the jarnae garnre dia alia monds support pearls all and pearls confine diamonds no obtrusive glean gleam 1 of gold or s silver 1 lver appearing in tile the oi ornaments 0 of f the bride as n none one of course appears in the union n aich binds bind her sher to another loving heart after these chief actors in the scene a cloud of va vague tle perfumes pervading all the asure space u ushered s I 1 ie r 1 edin in six beauteous maids as t many n a n gallant men the attend attendants ants of clait the e happy pair the beamut beauteous eu mauls all translucent tarla tar latane tane and tender truth floated to the left the gallant men chiefly cubans and occasionally more extra extravagant in in their alten lions to iho t I 1 ae audience an diance than in in their reverence rever euco of the altar ranged themselves on the right tho the bride and bridegroom bride room wert ivar t forward to the presence of the prelate the father and mother took their places imme immediately behind the fa father ther manifesting so much emotion as compe compelled lied him to hide his face in in a fine white hue handi kerchief the mother with a more nir calmness se su supporting her daughter in in the tr ying trying ordeal by her I 1 OW a example and the ceremony er emony be g gan the spectator spec pt tutors tato rs and especially I 1 ill abo e great geat hive chiv hiv e of white ants in in ill the e rested luckea much ea real fear pow now mani manifested so gerness deniis to catch whal v vas as going on as made the service clr ice alil almost lost as much a lumb dumb show how to the great in majority of those thoe present as it must have been to the bride ride groom aho vho is is under unde r iohd not taba fobe a per perfect fact in master astere of the langli ii fo tongue ligue nevertheless t he a service was delv pet formed the he r I 1 te N er ere dul luly dc done nii the holy water viter inkler the happy pair 0 08 8 duly cpr on and they twain were ere made one this beng being accomplished the archbishop bisho tool 0 ol 01 uli up his crozier and his p parable ar abbet together 0 r 4 t I 1 er settled ill iaia a spectacles I 1 and availing a availing himself odthe op ty a ly by the mhd numerous and 4 Nare gated assembly before him addressed the wedding bedour ding g party and the world for half an hour ajl on the tb doctrine of discipline and divorce and other his usual subjects with apar appropriate felic felicity i opria ty 11 td forca iha spoke apol ce to edthe the newly married fair paira jbf the rela t t 0 i is i into nto which they 1 aid their coni consequences t unction linc tion between marria marciai iced and approved by church and marri marriage ae without religious religions sanctis lo 10 I 1 ly y as h a constitutional or ora tract of the origin of instituted by god and fa by our first parents pr fall of the race lie ile sa this institution was vas that had survived the ballf all the calamities which ty had brought upon chiq hin ence to the importance marriaga marriage e in its relation he said the church wl wf did not refuse to covenant between two were vere free to enter into in in the human or civil orti on i ing contract considered 1 legal ea light g t never thele covenant cov anant to be also a d r as a human ahiman contract god was the author t ii that ile he was avas the prot prof rights that ile he was nasen iff tN its violations in short tl god on oil earth bad rif raif nally dally divine institution tr 1 i a sac sacrament which wat wa i awful and mighty than i i v vil it contract contract could be ment merit it had been adf app means calls to communicate r parties for a faithful s v discharge of the obliga il involved involved involve a the and matech 46 r jr ma marriage ariage the chura churry ma d that no po could dissolve a christi christie con contracted tract cd s she be ha had d resit resisted ted kings aj n a and d p |