Show mo corri ilio nd exits I 1 eha ve received during the past w eeli celt several well ell xv written ritten communication batio a ol 01 n diff lerent subjects 11 vich lie h do not ap appear in our paper the leroth of th these ese cani cnn in ik some instances instance a and the subject of them la in others p rev rit their among the tec elved Is n quite lengthy length yand aal able article in regard 10 lo the courts orthis territory written partly in reply to a communication on the same subject which appeared in in a recent number odthe it if the r of the article addressed to us will wili look in in the valley tan of october fth he will find the same subject discussed in arguments very similar to those hose t used by I 1 tim linn me jurisdiction c of the llie different courts lere here has also alco passed under the able review of chief justice eckles and he has as mide made a decision in regard to the anaf ui ater e r winch which renders the afe I 1 whole subject ct one lor for acquiescence rith rath er that discussion mother communication on the subject sit hect of korm mormon on treason and re rebellion bellion by venta 11 is is also omitted bt lieving be subject ins has been already il already ready quite difior thoroughly ough ly ventilated li how however ever much it kiy inai aade e been ne and passed aver by bt those whose duty it is 19 to maintain the honor and dignity af p the courtly country |