Show A terrible revenge c from once a week of our pleasant party parly at the elms last christmas kate ohara was the beauty far away I 1 remember our silence of admiration as she bhe came into the drawing room just before dinner was announced for your prima dona does not care to enter until the house is full and the great sensation her arrival made though she could not have approached dij more re quietly or meekly it il she had been the f cat at half a dozen young ladies who before her advent looked pretty enough suddenly became quite uninteresting to a corresponding number of bachelors and even we married gentlemen paused a while in our talk of short horns to steal a an n admiring glance we had resumed our bovine conversation and were diverging if I 1 remember aright in the direction of the prince consorts pi pigs gs when my wife came up to me and whispered little kate ohara why did my cheek glow glov and my heart throb why did the name of one whom I 1 had not seen since she was a little child recall at once the crowning happiness and chief confusion of my life it shall be told terribly anon the six bachelors entered themselves 7 immediately for the ohara i stakes as one of them was s subsequently pleased to designate the dreaming re alinn of loves young dream and two of f them a middy acdan and an undergraduate under graduate got amt the start and made the running at the most reckless pace I 1 ever saw indeed the sailor proposed on the third even evening mg i and was declined with such good na aured cheerfulness that he seemed rather rathe to be pleased than otherwise whereas the collegians collegian who was of a poetical poetical turn took his refusal the Noe day ay following very seriously to heart hear Is and passed the remaining part of hi his s visit in in sorrow and the shrubberies shrub eries berie s two other competitors unattached una attached except to kate were disposed of at an archery ball and the race then lay between charley northcote captain of hussars hussary hus sars and phiip lee curate it was a grand setto set to hands up 1 I 1 can tell you if charley had bad fie the handsomest face and playing with a bullet pendent from his watch chain but whit h had bad previously resided in his legs leg could talk of the time when I 1 was in alit the crimea philip had the more intellectual expression adv bad won at oxford the undergraduates blue ribbon the newgate prize for english verse charley it i is tt ue when we ive were skating on the tb lake produced upon the ice ice such wondrous eagles I 1 as audubon never dreamed of but he was on the other hand band the first to own when the frost broke up that in in a really good thing with hounds there was not lot one of of them could catch the parson for philip tho he did not hunt in in his own parish could go like a bird out of it it whenever lie he could get a mount on the night before our party separated we ild had a grand performance of charades charales cha rades and in in the last of these the rev mr lee had won immense applause ause 2 as a ferocious captain of b PI d iti acting with the greatest enthusiasm thusia sm and having composed for himself with checo theco the operation cooperation co of a cork a pair of mustaches which rivaled charleys Cliar leys we V e were to appear at supper in our charade costumes and were waiting the announcement no of that refection when I 1 noticed an extraordinary phenomenon which caused me instantly and earnestly to whisper to ali miss ss ohara 1 I have something to say to you come at once we passed unnoticed from the crowded drawing drafting room into the library still littered with our theatrical properties seizing a lagger dagger and assum assuming ing a characteristic scowl 1 I was attired as a brigands brigande bri gands assistant I 1 bade her listen A and nd she 1 I see sec her now in in her pretty hat and cloak for she had bad represented in in our last scene the young english countess stopp stopped A by the robbers robbe rs ever ready for burles burlesque lue and mirth as she supposed p ased all this to be made answer solemnly isay is ly on twelve years ago catherine 01 0 H hara a ra I 1 wooed and won in in the ho home me of your childhood the lady who is is now my wife on a sweet summers ners eve I 1 told my love sitting sitting under an acacia and upon a garden seat the property of your respected sire sire hard hy you theria then a little child 1 were swinging in a swing those same aine long silken irish lashes drooped over those deep blue eyes ees and va never dreamed that you too took note of us sealing in in the u ual manner our vows of mutual love loie judge then how intense our agony how complete and awful our abasement when as we rejoined tle the festive throng for coffi coffee ec you cried q oud joud for all to hear oh manima mamma those two did so kiss each other when I 1 was swinging in in the elm for twelve years kate ohara the memory of that humiliation has troubled my indignant soul but at last I 1 am a avenged look here I 1 held b before e f 0 re her one of the hand look edg glasses which lay on the table near 12 and d she was wa preparing to sa say y something in in the dramatic style as she snatched it from me with the proud air air of a tragedy queen when her eye caught the reflection 0 of f her face and in in a moment that fair countenance teri ance was blanched and pale and she stood with her head drooping speechless for upon her lip reader she saw as I 1 had bad seen the certain sin sign and trace that in m some obscure carrier corner behind the scenes the race had been decided for th the e 0 hara stakes T and that the brigand lee had w won kate I 1 said you can cannot not be vexed with me for I 1 congratulate you ou with all my heart may alay yo you ube be as happy dear girl with our oar friend the robber as those two have been b happy a appy as you saw sav so kissing one another from beneath those silken lashes as you sat swinging in in the elm H |