Show READING ln nothing says dugald stewart has such a tep tendency dency to weaken benj not only the powers of invention but the intellectual powers in geri genral eral as a habit of extensive reading without reflect tiou tion for the proper storing of the in anund ind and to meet the various events of 0 life it is important that we should not confine our selves eelie stoa to a particular class of subjects unwilling ling as we should be to counsel a in our readi ngwe should equally object to an entire adli adherence erenee to any one class of studies it is is not only a necessary ces sary to prevent one sidedness in our views but likewise to the proper proper exercise and nd full development of our mental energies that our range of reading should be extensive A proper mixture of the scientific and the literary should be our aim the course of science and liter literature is is onward dissatisfied with aho past we should gather ds as we can the new discoveries which are cc occurring and enrich our minds with the latest intelligence in the domain of truth |